Google Chrome (Final)


Google Chrome (Final)

  • den78  Male
  • Super građanin
  • Pridružio: 07 Jul 2005
  • Poruke: 1227
  • Gde živiš: Moe's Tavern

Google Chrome v1.0.154.36 Final

Google Chrome je preglednik koji povezuje minimalistički dizajn sa sofisticiranom tehnologijom za bržu, sigurniju i lakšu upotrebu weba.


Google Chrome is a browser that combines a minimal design with sophisticated technology to make the web faster, safer, and easier. It has one box for everything: Type in the address bar and get suggestions for both search and web pages. Will give you thumbnails of your top sites; Access your favorite pages instantly with lightning speed from any new tab.

Google Chrome is an open source web browser developed by Google. Its software architecture was engineered from scratch (using components from other open source software including WebKit and Mozilla Firefox) to cater for the changing needs of users and acknowledging that today most web sites aren't web pages but web applications. Design goals include stability, speed, security and a clean, simple and efficient user interface.

• Sandboxing
Every tab in Chrome is sandboxed, so that a tab can display contents of a web page and accept user input, but it will not be able to read the user's desktop or personal files. Google say they have "taken the existing process boundary- and made it into a jail". There is an exception to this rule; browser plugins such as Adobe Flash Player do not run within the boundaries of the tab jail, and so users will still be vulnerable to cross-browser exploits based on plugins, until plugins have been updated to work with the new Chrome security. Google has also developed a new phishing blacklist, which will be built into Chrome, as well as made available via a separate public API.
• Privacy
Google announces a so-called incognito mode claiming that it "lets you browse the web in complete privacy because it doesn’t record any of your activity". No features of this, and no implications of the default mode with respect to Google's database are given.
• Speed
Speed improvements are a primary design goal.

• Multiprocessing
The Gears team were considering a multithreaded browser (noting that a problem with existing web browser implementations was that they are inherently single-threaded) and Chrome implemented this concept with a multiprocessing architecture. A separate process is allocated to each task (eg tabs, plugins), as is the case with modern operating systems. This prevents tasks from interfering with each other which is good for both security and stability; an attacker successfully gaining access to one application does not give them access to all and failure in one application results in a "Sad Tab" screen of death. This strategy exacts a fixed per-process cost up front but results in less memory bloat overall as fragmentation is confined to each process and no longer results in further memory allocations. To complement this, Chrome will also feature a process manager which will allow the user to see how much memory and CPU each tab is using, as well as kill unresponsive tabs.

User interface
• Features
Chrome has added some commonly used plugin-specific features of other browsers into the default package, such as an Incognito tab mode, where no logs of the user activity are stored, and all cookies from the session are discarded. As a part of Chrome's V8 JavaScript virtual machine, pop-up JavaScript windows will not be shown by default, and will instead appear as a small bar at the bottom of the interface until the user wishes to display or hide the window. Chrome will include support for web applications running alongside other local applications on the computer. Tabs can be put in a web-app mode, where the omnibar and controls will be hidden with the goal of allowing the user to use the web-app without the browser "in the way".
• Rendering Engine
Chrome uses the WebKit rendering engine on advice from the Gears team because it is simple, memory efficient, useful on embedded devices and easy to learn for new developers.
• Tabs
While all of the major tabbed web browsers (e.g. Internet Explorer, Firefox) have been designed with the window as the primary container, Chrome will put tabs first (similar to Opera). The most immediate way this will show is in the user interface: tabs will be at the top of the window, instead of below the controls, as in the other major tabbed browsers. In Chrome, each tab will be an individual process, and each will have its own browser controls and address bar (dubbed omnibox), a design that adds stability to the browser. If one tab fails only one process dies; the browser can still be used as normal with the exception of the dead tab. Chrome will also implement a New Tab Page which shows the nine most visited pages in thumbnails, along with the most searched on sites, most recently bookmarked sites, and most recently closed tabs, upon opening a new tab, similar to Opera's "Speed Dial" page.

licenca: besplatan





Regarding to Google, "Google Chrome is a browser that combines a minimal design with sophisticated technology to make the web faster, safer, and easier". Unfortunately, each Google Chrome installation contains a unique ID that allowing identifying its user. Google doesn't make it an easy job to remove this ID.

UnChrome helps you with this task. It replaces your unique ID with Null values so that your browser cannot be identified any longer. The functionality of Google Chrome is not influenced by this. You only need to apply UnChrome once.

If Google Chrome is started now then please close it. Afterwards, please click on the link below to anonymize your Chrome installation.


Google Chrome Backup v1.1.0.22
Google Chrome (Web browser) has just hit the world. Google Chrome backup is a small tool to backup and restore Google Chrome profile. The profile holds personal data like history, bookmarks. Everything is done with one click.

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Dok  Male
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Super je i skroz praktican.
Nadam se da je isto tako i siguran.

  • diarno  Male
  • Anti Malware Fighter
    Rank 2
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Jel i dalje za svaki tab ima i po jedan proces?...Mrzi me da ga instaliram, pa ako moze informacija smešak

  • Pridružio: 04 Sep 2003
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diarno ::Jel i dalje za svaki tab ima i po jedan proces?...Mrzi me da ga instaliram, pa ako moze informacija smešak
To im je cilj.
Jedan tab = jedan proces = nema kocenja celog browsera zbog glupih problema koji obicno blokiraju ostale browsere kod ucitavanja sajtova ukoliko se recimo DNS server sporo odaziva. Blokira samo onaj tab koji ceka na odgovor servera.

  • Pridružio: 02 Sep 2003
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Ako ste kao ja navikli na mouse gestures u operi, i nedostaju vam u chrome-u, koristite program gmote, radi odlicno uz malo podesavanja.
[Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]

  • diarno  Male
  • Anti Malware Fighter
    Rank 2
  • Pridružio: 15 Jun 2007
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I dalje nema smooth scrolling Sad

  • oblak  Male
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diarno ::I dalje nema smooth scrolling Sad

GUZ - Glavom U Zid GUZ - Glavom U Zid GUZ - Glavom U Zid GUZ - Glavom U Zid GUZ - Glavom U Zid

zbog ovoga je na dnu liste kod mene....
al' popravice oni to

  • den78  Male
  • Super građanin
  • Pridružio: 07 Jul 2005
  • Poruke: 1227
  • Gde živiš: Moe's Tavern

Meni jedino smeta to sto ne mogu da ga thinstall-ujem Sad
enivej, odlican, brz i stabilan browser, pravi konkurent firefoxu i operi.
& mnogo mi se svidja sto ima ovaj backup program, bas kao mozbackup kod, kad bi i opera imala tako nesto.

  • Rogi  Male
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  • je ikada igrao ovu igru
  • Pridružio: 31 Avg 2005
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Sto jes' jes'. Brzo radi. I to mnogo brzo. Shocked
Samo jos da se naviknem na njega.

Ali pazite sad. Odem da proverim kako mi radi Java.
I saznam da imam extra brzi internet. Mr. Green

  • den78  Male
  • Super građanin
  • Pridružio: 07 Jul 2005
  • Poruke: 1227
  • Gde živiš: Moe's Tavern

znaci bag je u pitanju? Mr. Green
btw, meni trazi novu javu, a u FF-u ne.
a ima i bag sa ovim mycity "reply box-om" ...nekako guta slova, kada editujete...ima los odziv...znaci posle pisanja treba da se klikne misem na box, da bi sve bilo ok.
A i "paste" mi se ne svidja...jer kad hocu to da uradim u odredjenoj koloni putem misa, on se prebacuje u gornji red.

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