Mozilla SeaMonkey


Mozilla SeaMonkey

  • Pridružio: 12 Okt 2010
  • Poruke: 10910

SeaMonkey se, bar kod mene, u poslednje vreme strašno muči sa Facebook-om i Youtube-om. Dosta koči na samo dva otvorena taba (Facebook & Youtube), pojavi se 'Program is not responding' na par minuta i ništa ne može da se radi. Onemogućava objavljivanje bilo čega na fejsbuku i generalno na ta dva sajta dosta baguje. Nadam se da će ovo uskoro rešiti. Jedan od glavnih razloga zbog kojeg mi se ne prelazi na nešto drugo su E-mail klijent i opširna istorija u ovom pregledaču koju ne mogu da prenesem u, recimo, Vivaldi...

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Rogi  Male
  • Mod u pemziji
  • Najbolji košarkaš koji
  • je ikada igrao ovu igru
  • Pridružio: 31 Avg 2005
  • Poruke: 11687

mpman ::SeaMonkey se, bar kod mene, u poslednje vreme strašno muči sa Facebook-om i Youtube-om. Dosta koči na samo dva otvorena taba (Facebook & Youtube), pojavi se 'Program is not responding' na par minuta i ništa ne može da se radi. Onemogućava objavljivanje bilo čega na fejsbuku i generalno na ta dva sajta dosta baguje. Nadam se da će ovo uskoro rešiti. Jedan od glavnih razloga zbog kojeg mi se ne prelazi na nešto drugo su E-mail klijent i opširna istorija u ovom pregledaču koju ne mogu da prenesem u, recimo, Vivaldi...

Ja sa druge strane, obožavam SeaMonkey. Ima mi nekako retro-šmek.
Nemam FB nalog a na YT mi ne pravi probleme. Mr. Green

  • Pridružio: 12 Okt 2010
  • Poruke: 10910

Napisano: 12 Maj 2018 16:28

Rogi ::Ja sa druge strane obožavam SeaMonkey. Ima mi nekako retro-šmek.
Nemam FB nalog a na YT mi ne pravi probleme. Mr. Green

Da, i ja ga zbog toga gotivim, al' kad u pet minuta zabode sedam puta Mr. Green
Mada, čini mi se da je update malo ispravio stvari.

Dopuna: 24 Avg 2018 14:14

Da li još neko ima problem sa AdBlocker-om od poslednjeg update-a?

  • Pridružio: 12 Okt 2010
  • Poruke: 10910

Citat:Hi Everyone,

tl;dr; I’ve messed up majorly and need to revamp the infrastructure; meaning further delaying any hopes of releasing ANYTHING. Blame lies solely on me as I had contracted the serious case of “Thomas the Steam Engine”-itis.

That said, things probably aren’t that bad; I’m just so deep into this hole that I’ve dug the project into, I certainly can’t see the light of day.

Call me, Mole… Mr. Mole.

— Long Missive —

I have taken up the mantle of the person who will bring bad news. (Could be good news, depending on your point of view, I guess).

But first, a confession.

I screwed up. I admit it. In the past, our old infrastructure’s CI was manageable; just had to fix up some code. But now, things have become untenable as the current build process is completely incompatible with the current CI code and changing the whole backend codebase is requires understanding the current build process (which has changed dramatically since Mozilla moved to using TaskCluster).
(NB: No.. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not blaming Mozilla. Just saying that *I* can’t keep up with their changes, which probably speaks volumes of my competencies and delusional thought process.) So what is needed is revamping the whole CI code to make it work.

That said, since time is of the essence, I’ve consulted with the rest of the guys and we’re moving to Jenkins, since revamping the old CI code would require some hacking at an already Frankenstein-like code, so the technical debt needs to be paid.

Is it the end of the world? No. I’m just particularly unhappy that we’re in this situation; but hindsight is always 20/20. So yes, this means any future releases will depend on getting the whole build process encoded into whatever way Jenkins requires.

Also note that SeaMonkey needs to completely stop relying on Mozilla’s infrastructure (*every single thing*, including this blog, bugzilla… you name it.. we need to be off it) by end of the year.

Anyway, I sincerely apologize for the mess; both to every single one of SeaMonkey’s users (both past and present) and to my fellow devs (again, both past and present). As part of my defense, last year, I thought (with the delusions of competencies) moving to Azure wouldn’t be that problematic and while I did get a ‘running’ (though not really building) infra, everything went crazy near the end of last year as I had realized the required builds and branches needed new tool chains; and building these toolchains required a lot of time and energy. At the end… a failed attempt at keeping up to date with the whole build process.

So… the project is at a standstill.

In any event, I would like to thank everyone for their support in the past and continual support and infinite patience as this project continues to climb this steep (or as Richie from “Bottom” would say, “f’ing” vertical) hill/mountain.

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