Netscape Navigator


Netscape Navigator

  • Gile  Male
  • Ugledni građanin
  • Pridružio: 06 Jun 2006
  • Poruke: 428
  • Gde živiš: 44°44'27.56"N 20°29'51.01"E

rogi23 ::Mnogo je bre brate 18.3 mb za browser!
Trebaće mi dva sata da ga skinem! Mr. Green

Pa znam rogi23 ali ako ti se Netscape browser svidja isplati se Smile

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • ZoNi  Male
  • Free Your Mind!
  • Pridružio: 26 Feb 2005
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  • Gde živiš: Singidunum

hm... Netscape mi je nekada (davno) bio default browser (poslkednja takva verzija je bio 3.01 Gold)...

inace, kad je u pitanju velicina instalacionog fajla, mozda je ovo dodatno razjasnjenje:
Citat:Whats Included in the Download? Installation may include Netscape 8.1.2 Browser, Netscape ISP, McAfee, Rhapsody, Real Arcade and WeatherBug.

pogotovu mi se svidja sto "instalacija MOZDA ukljucuje..." Very Happy

  • m4rk0  Male
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  • Marko Vasić
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  • Pridružio: 14 Jan 2005
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Rofl, dobro nisu stavili photoshop i auto CAD u instalaciju Mr. Green

  • Gile  Male
  • Ugledni građanin
  • Pridružio: 06 Jun 2006
  • Poruke: 428
  • Gde živiš: 44°44'27.56"N 20°29'51.01"E

m4rk0 ::Rofl, dobro nisu stavili photoshop i auto CAD u instalaciju Mr. Green

+ AV i da bude kompletno LOL

  • helen1  Male
  • Anti Malware Fighter
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  • Pridružio: 27 Avg 2005
  • Poruke: 8620
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Skinuo sam tih 18MB preko modema, i nisam se pokajao.Browser sam bira ukoliko mi sami neodredimo kojim ce enginom da otvara sajtove.MC je otvorio FF.Dok neke druge sajtove koji vecinom cine slike i flash animacije otvara Explorerom.Inace za svaki sajt mozete da namestite nivo "poverenja".Kao i to da li ce se otvarati pop-up prozori.A najaca stvar je sto pamti lozinke i nudi opciju za popunjavanje lozinke na sajtovima.

  • Pridružio: 02 Apr 2005
  • Poruke: 1516
  • Gde živiš: # :(){ :|:& };:

dobro i shta je tu novo?

  • SSpin 
  • Saradnik foruma
  • Pridružio: 09 Dec 2004
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purple ::dobro i shta je tu novo?
nova verzija Twisted Evil


Kad ga poredis sa FF ili Operom, sto se tice brzine, kakav je?

  • helen1  Male
  • Anti Malware Fighter
    Rank 2
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  • Pridružio: 27 Avg 2005
  • Poruke: 8620
  • Gde živiš: Novi Beograd

Ucitava po brzini sa gecko(FF)enginom isto kao i FireFox,a stranice koje su namenjene za IE ucitava meni barem, brze.

  • Pridružio: 16 Jun 2005
  • Poruke: 1251
  • Gde živiš: Podgorica

Netscape Navigator 9.0 for Windows - Final

AOL has released a new of Netscape Navigator - Speed, Flexibility and More Security Choices Than Any Other Browser. Based on Firefox, the Netscape Browser options and interface are similar, but brought to a superior level of accessibilty by filling some of the Firefox gaps, such as tabbed browsing, context menus and menu bars. The new Netscape Browser test build runs on two different browsing engines: the Mozilla Foundation's Gecko engine, which powers up the Mozilla, Firefox and older Netscape browsers, and Microsoft's Internet Explorer engine.

Since Navigator 9 is based on the newest Mozilla ® technologies, there are additional features in Navigator 9 that were not available in Netscape Browser 8.x. You can read about those new features in these release notes from Mozilla.
Netscape Navigator 9.0 is a browser-only release. It does not contain an e-mail client, newsgroup reader, or HTML composer.

The following features are new and unique to Netscape Navigator 9:
• Visual Refresh. Netscape Navigator 9's theme has been updated to save screen-space and leave more room for the websites you visit.
• URL Correction. Navigator 9 will automatically correct common typos in URLs. For example, if you accidentally type googlecom, Navigator will fix it be to The browser will watch for nearly 30 different types of common mistakes and correct them for you (asking you to confirm, if you choose to enable confirmation). No more .cmo, .ogr, or [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici] !
• News Menu and Sidebar. The latest news is built right into the browser, under the News menu. Provided by, you can customize the menu to only contain the news sections you want to monitor. You can also open the News sidebar to always keep an eye on what's happening.
• Link Pad. The Link Pad is a new sidebar feature that allows you to save links/URLs that you want to visit later without cluttering your bookmarks. Just drag a link over the Link Pad status bar icon and drop it to save it in the Link Pad. By default, clicking on an item in the Link Pad will open it in the browser and remove it from the list, saving you the step of deleting it.
• News Tracker. The Netscape Tracker sidebar lets you monitor breaking news as it happens, via
• In-browser voting. Share your opinions with the world! The icons in the Navigator address bar let you share interesting stories you find and vote on stories shared by others.
• Extension Compatibility. Navigator 9 shares an architecture with the latest Mozilla technologies; as such, Navigator 9 will let you install extensions that are compatible with Firefox ® 2.
• Sidebar Mini Browser. You've always been able to have bookmarks open in the sidebar, but we've improved this functionality and extended it to all links, not just bookmarks. Additionally, we've added a navigation toolbar to the sidebar for even easier split-screened browsing. Just right-click on a link and select "Open Link in Sidebar" to get started!
• Restart Netcape. A smalll but oft-requested feature: you can now restart Navigator (and keep your current tabs intact) by selecting "Restart Navigator" from the File menu.
• Resizeable Textarea. Drag the bottom-right corners of text fields in forms to add more typing space.
• Tab History. Opening a link in a new tab will give the new tab the same history as the source tab for a more seamless tabbed browsing experience.
• OPML Support. Netscape Navigator supports importing and exporting your bookmarks in OPML, a popular format for sharing lists of newsfeeds.
• Throbber. By popular demand, the Netscape 7-style throbber is back. Click on it any time to visit
• Combined Stop/Reload button. To save space in your toolbar, we've combined the stop and reload buttons. Because you never need both at the same time, the toolbar will only show the relevant half of the pair.
• Friends' Activity Sidebar. If you are a member at, you can keep tabs on what your friends find interesting. This sidebar lets you view your friends latest votes, comments, and story submissions.
• Sitemail Notification. This icon will sport an exclamation point when you have new sitemail messages waiting for you.

Homepage - [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]

Size: 5.76 MB


  • Rogi  Male
  • Mod u pemziji
  • Najbolji košarkaš koji
  • je ikada igrao ovu igru
  • Pridružio: 31 Avg 2005
  • Poruke: 11687

Probao sam ga, mnogo je brate trom, i ako ima isti engine kao i FF!

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