Da je bila beta ja bi to napisao ali mislim da cemo do nje sacekati jos bar mesec ili dva. Zato sam i napisao novi build, dakle popravili neke stvari na njoj. Inace jedan od retkih koji prolazi ACID test sa 100. Ko bi da proveri evo i link:
Probajte sa ostalima pa kazite koliko ko postize. Znam da Firefox postize 70, tacnije nema boja na njemu. Elem, dobar put za sada.
Sad, jos malo dopune: da je nesto cudno jeste jer za skoro svaki link pri skidanju daje cudne stvari, jedna od konstantnijih je da mi da izbor da otvorim dati zip, rar, png ili sl fajl sa Firefoxom . E cudna stvar ide posle toga: kao da ukapira o cemu se radi pri sledecem kliku i da mi pravi izbor za snimanje tog fajla ili njegovo otvaranje sa def programom. I imam utisak da se na nekim linkovima za skidanje koji su malo komplikovaniji bas ne snalazi najbolje pa i dalje otvara kao text fajl. Iskreno, ovako nesto jos nisam video mada me dobro nasmejalo: kada neznam sta da radim ja to prebacim na Firefox pa neka se obn snalazi . Mada sve ovo je sad zakeranje sa moje strane, ipak je ovo alpha, dakle nesto sto je cak i daleko od finalne verzije mada mi se dopada brzina rada, ako odrade posao kako treba bice ovo dobar izbor za mnoge.
Sta mi fali najvise? Pa ona prilagodljivost Firefoxa, da mozes dodati gomilu stvari i prilagoditi ga onome sta ti hoces da imas i kako zelis da izgleda sve to. To bi najvise voleo da vidim, dakle sistem addona ko na firefoxu, da se integrise u browser i da ima svoje mesto na njemu a ne da trazim gde da ga smestim na ekranu da stoji. Ili neka naprave neki sistem gde bi to moglo da se integrise unutar samog browsera da ima stalno mesto, kao sto ima kod Firefoxa.
Dopuna: 10 Mar 2009 17:45
Opet mali dodatak ko voli da se igra sa operom:
Dakle novi build, oznaka je o100s_1345m, isto je alfa verzija. Ovo je sa sajta:
Citat:What's new?
This time around there are lots of fixes all over. Some things are work in progress, such as the spell checking feature (see the changelog).
Mail database corruption check
In this build, Opera will also check the mail database for corruption on startup. If one of the files is found to be not consistent, Opera will try to recover that file. You can find information about how the process went in the recovery.log file in the mail folder. At the moment, this consistency check happens on every startup, and will delay the startup a bit. This is going to be improved in future builds, and the consistency check will likely happen for every update or on a monthly schedule.
Known issues
* Sending private messages at Facebook doesn't work
* Comments at digg.com overlap
* Spelling checker isn't working (moving to the Hunspell API)
* Mail corruption recovery: The lexicon file will not be deleted and reindexed
* The names in the online feed dropdown are not showing correctly in the feed preview page
General changelog
* Core fixes (including fixes for getElementsByClassName, which should now work with multiple classes in className)
* Regex \b is now correctly not matching the point between a letter and underscore
* Several autoupdate fixes (disabling it should work now)
* Several stability fixes
* Fixed Facebook chat
* Some UI cleanup and polishing (moved "Remove From Toolbar" and other toolbar customization options into a submenu, added the ability to reset toolbar customization, and the mail spinner should look better)
* Fixed search field crash
* Added more online feed readers to the feed preview page
* Mails can now have horizontal scrollbars
* Fixes to mail compose - and adding links to HTML mails should now work fine
* Added a recovery mechanism for corrupt mail databases
* Fixed feed progress stuck on non-existent resources
* Attachments in multipart/mixed part of multipart/alternative mail are now correctly displayed
* Fixes for font fallback problems, particularly for those using Russian as their default language in Windows
* Fixed painting of windowless plugins
* Java now works again!
* Fixed position of plugin windows
* Fixed crash on startup in Mac OS X 10.4
* New Dock menu items
MOj utisak da je nesto sporija nego pre. Nemam sad stari build pa da uporedim, ali videcemo kako ovo cudo sada radi. Cisto da imate sa cime da se zanimate dok ne dodje beta .