Outpost Firewall Pro


Outpost Firewall Pro

  • Ceva  Male
  • Super građanin
  • Pridružio: 10 Mar 2005
  • Poruke: 1313

Citat:Zamisli trazis razbijac za tu verziju i nadjes i pri razbijacovanju pise: Pogresna verzija, razbijac je za verziju 2.7.484.5330.411, a vi posedujete verziju 2.7.484.5330.412.

Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy desavalo mi se to sa drugim programima Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • RIA  Male
  • Prijatelj foruma
  • Pridružio: 20 Feb 2005
  • Poruke: 2841
  • Gde živiš: Around Belgrade

pa uglavnom ako pazis tesko da ce se to desiti. jer se ne izbacuju verzije redom,nego sa nekim preskakanjima tako da do zabune tesko moze doci.

  • Piksi  Male
  • Elitni građanin
  • Pridružio: 13 Nov 2003
  • Poruke: 2435

Ja imam Outpost Firewall Pro ver. 2.7.485.5401 (412) i prezadovolan sam Wink

  • oblak  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Glavni moderator foruma Mobilni telefoni
  • Pridružio: 14 Feb 2005
  • Poruke: 6355

sad sam instalirao ajmo pomagajte kako da izkonfigurisem?

  • Pridružio: 10 Feb 2005
  • Poruke: 3549

Probaj ovo:

Otcekuj "Destination Unreachable (3)" Out box.


"Stealth”-Ne preporucuju se nikakve promene

Options/System/Global Application and System Rules-ipconfig /all

Possible Trojan DNS (UDP): Protocol UDP, Remote Port 53, Deny/Block & Report
Possible Trojan DNS (TCP): Protocol TCP, Outbound, Remote Port 53, Deny/Block & Report

• Options/System/Global Application and System Rules/Settings/Global rules;
• Otcekuj "Allow Loopback" pravilo.

Neiskorisceni Protokoli
• Options/System/Global Application and System Rules/Settings;
• Kilk na "Add";
• Namesti protokol na IP,javlja se "entry tipe” sa nedefeinisanim podesavanjem
• Klik na "Undefined";
• Obelezi sve “State box”pored svakog bloka I klikni OK;
• Podesi na “Block & Report it”,upisi ime protokola.
Neznani Protokoli
• Options/System/Global Application and System Rules/Settings;
• Klik na "Add";
• Namesti protocol na “Unknown”, a zatim podesi na “Block&Report it”


Possible Trojan DNS (UDP): Protocol UDP, Remote Port 53, Deny/Block & Report
Possible Trojan DNS (TCP): Protocol TCP, Outbound, Remote Port 53, Deny/Block & Report

Block Incoming SSDP: Protocol UDP, Local Port 1900, Deny/Block
Block Outgoing SSDP: Protocol UDP, Remote Port 1900, Deny/Block

Block Incoming UPnP: Protocol TCP, Inbound, Local Port 5000, Deny/Block
Block Outgoing UPnP: Protocol TCP, Outbound, Remote Port 5000, Deny/Block

Block RPC (TCP): Protocol TCP, Inbound, Local Port 135, Deny/Block
Block RPC (UDP): Protocol UDP, Local Port 135, Deny/Block

Block Other TCP Traffic: Protocol TCP, Outbound, Deny/Block
Block Other TCP Traffic: Protocol TCP, Inbound, Deny/Block
Block Other UDP Traffic: Protocol UDP, Deny/Block

Web Browsers

Options/Plug-Ins/Active Content/Settings/Web Pages,ovde ne menjaj Cookies jer su potrebni da bi se neki sajtovi ucitali,ako koristis Mozillu slobodno iskljuci ActiveX a preporucljivo je I kod drugih browsera jer su ActiveX I Java scripte zasluzne za najveci broj trojanaca.Pop-up windows takodje iskljuci kao I VBScript-doduse one se mogu iskljuciti I iz windowsa”Explorer-Tools-Folder Options-File Types-VBScript.

Kako zatvoriti port u Outpoust-u?

1. Otvori glavni prozor Outpoust-a I izaberi View > Layout,pogledaj dali se tu nalazi port koji treba zatvoriti:
2. Izaberi View > Advanced I izaberi Number option u Display port as:
3. Rasiri Open Ports kategoriju da bi u levo panelu video izlistane aplikacije:
4. Prati Local Port kolonu I nadji port koji zelis zatvoriti;
5. Desni klik na liniju porta I odaberi Create Rule da bi odabrao pravilo za aplikaciju koja otvara taj port
6. U Rule description polju klik na Undefined rec do Where the direction is I odaberi Inbound
7. 7.U Select Actions with which the rule will respond polju,izaberi Block it
8. Na kraju imenuj novo pravilo.

Negativne strane: Sistem se izlaze Denial-of-Service napadima

• Cekuj "Echo Reply (0)" Out I "Echo Request (Cool" In polja
• Cekuj "Destination Unreachable (3)" Out I "Time Exceeded for a Datagram (11)" Out polja
Options/System/Global Application and System Rules
Ako imate fiksnu IP adresu (bilo zbog LAN-a ili ako koristite router koji daje dynamic addressonda ovo preskocite. Da bi proverili dali se DHCP koristi, otvorite command prompt I ukucajte ipconfig /all – ako je DHCP aktivan, videcete adresu IP na kraju.

• "Allow DNS Resolving" upisati IP adresu kao Remote Hosts.

  • Pridružio: 26 Jun 2004
  • Poruke: 732
  • Gde živiš: Altina, Zemun

Outpost Firewall Pro 3.0.543.431 is released!

Agnitum Outpost Firewall Pro 3.0

Agnitum's Outpost Firewall Pro 3.0 delivers even more protection against spyware and hacker attacks along with improved performance, control and usability.

The following features are introduced:
- Real-time spyware protection monitors and blocks every attempt by malware to harm your computer.
- Spyware On-Demand Scanner lets you check your system for spyware threats to identify and remove them from your computer.
- ID Block prevents specific personal data leaks from occurring on your computer.
- Attack Detection plug-in now detects and averts particular Ethernet attacks such as IP spoofing, ARP scanning, ARP flood and others, protecting your system from invasions on a local network and more Internet attacks providing even more solid protection against external threats.
- Improved Component Control monitors the more vulnerable locations and files to decrease the number of pop-up prompts that demand your attention.
- The Smart Advisor provides additional information on each Outpost Firewall Pro event and gives recommendations so users are more confident in their decisions.
- New Startup Wizard allows performing quick initial configuration of Outpost Firewall Pro after installation.
- Our feedback service lets you report Outpost Firewall Pro security issues to our support service directly from the program.

The following issues are fixed (only significant ones are listed):
- 'Allow/Block Once' commands logic was changed. All data from specified local ports to specified remote ports and addresses is allowed/blocked during a single communication.
- Subnet mask and wildcards ('*') can be correctly used in editing dialogs for IP address lists.
- Rules creation for FTP DATA is fixed. If your computer was set up as an Internet Connection Sharing gateway, access to FTP servers could have been blocked if using FTP active mode.

Besides, a lot of stability and usability improvements are performed.

[Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]

  • Pridružio: 19 Maj 2005
  • Poruke: 609
  • Gde živiš: Springfild

Sjajan fw velikih mogućnosti,samo šteta što je kod mene dosta bugovao

  • Pridružio: 16 Jun 2005
  • Poruke: 1251
  • Gde živiš: Podgorica

samo da kažem ak omogu da je isti serail kao i za prošle werzije ako sam prekršio brišite Razz

  • RIA  Male
  • Prijatelj foruma
  • Pridružio: 20 Feb 2005
  • Poruke: 2841
  • Gde živiš: Around Belgrade

Ne zaboravite da dodate pod ads kljucne reci kao sto su: reklama,baner,banner,razmena i sl.

I jedna stvar za one koji koriste outpost i kav.U nekim daily upadetovima,ukoliko ih skidate u zip formatu,postoji fajl koji se zove 'adblock'.promenite mu ekstenziju u .ad,stavite u outpost direktorijum i ....

imate jos manje reklama za vreme surfa.

  • Pridružio: 04 Avg 2005
  • Poruke: 227

[Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici] (download)

What's New in Outpost Firewall PRO 4.0
[Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]

Ne znam sta vise reci, javite utiske! Smile

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