Agere Systems AC'97 modem Drajveri


Agere Systems AC'97 modem Drajveri

  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 28 Apr 2003
  • Poruke: 5919
  • Gde živiš: Beograd

Obrati pažnju šta tačno izbaci kao info ..
Da li proverava 'potpis' drajvera ili samo pređe preko njih kao da ih nije ni našao ?

U prvom slučaju nastavi instalaciju bez obzira na upozorenje.

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • aloe  Male
  • Super građanin
  • Pridružio: 01 Nov 2004
  • Poruke: 1270
  • Gde živiš: Beograd

nene znam to kad te pita kao da drajveri nisu provereni,pa ako zelis da nastavis,nepita me to. nego samo izbaci finih i da nije uspeo da ih istalira to jeste da to nisu drajveri za njega. neznam kako i kad pokrenem rucno istalaciju drajvera on ih kao istalira ali ih neistalira sigurno samo proce ali ih neubaci zato sto to nisu ti drajveri,ali neznam kako to mozda zato sto je to modem za laptop,nije mi jasno shock

----------- Dopuna 29 Mar 2005 254

evo tekst pdf o modemu.

Integrated 56k modem
The integrated 56k modem supports data communication applications, such as
• Modem operation High-speed downloads at up to 56,000 bit/s (V.90). Downward-compatible to
V.34 modems.
• Fax mode Transmitting and receiving at up to 14,400 bit/s
• Simple country adaptation with programme
The modem complies with the EU Directive 91/263/EEC (Telecommunications terminal equipment
directive) and has been checked in agreement with the guideline TBR-21.
The modem can be operated in the following countries
Multifrequency (MFC) dialling
Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Finland, France, Greece, Great Britain, Holland, Ireland, Iceland,
Italy, Luxembourg, Norway, Austria, Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland and Spain.
Pulse dialling
Belgium, France, Holland and Italy.
Also in Poland, Slovenia, South Africa and Hungary.
Connecting notebook modem to telephone connection
► Connect the modem cable supplied to the country-specific telephone adapter.
► Connect the modem cable to the modem port of the notebook.
► Connect the modem cable to your telephone wall socket.
If you attach your modem on a TAE-N-connector the phone respectively data cable is
busy. The cable cannot be used for other communication devices at the same time. Pull
the modem plug out of the TAE-N-power socket after the data transfer, because also with
connected cable no other communication devices can be used.
Ethernet and LAN/DSL ready
The internal LAN module of your notebook supports Ethernet-LAN (10/100 Mbps).
► Connect the LAN cable to the notebook's LAN connector.
► Connect the network cable to your LAN network connector.

Dopuna: 29 Mar 2005 2:56

on se bas kaci kao da sam na fax 14.4 bit/s

Dopuna: 03 Apr 2005 10:28

Soft modem V.92 / 56K modem via MDC dali neko zna tacan link gde imaju drajveri za ovaj modem da se skinu?

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