Citat:Discovers networked devices and services that use the SSDP discovery protocol, such as UPnP devices. Also announces SSDP devices and services running on the local computer. If this service is stopped, SSDP-based devices will not be discovered. If this service is disabled, any services that explicitly depend on it will fail to start.
Pronalazi mrežne uređaje i servise koji korisite SSDP protokol za pronalaženje, kao što su UPnP uređaji. Takođe prijavljuje SSDP uređaje i servise prisutne na računaru.
UPnP uredjaji:
Citat:UPnP is a standard that many new devices support. A compliant device can talk to another UPnP device or to software. The reason you'd want one is that you can connect it to your home theater or TV and to your network, and then play the audio, video, and images that are stored on your PC. MC11 can handle the PC side now--nothing else is required on the PC.