Problem sa Windows update - preduga provjera


Problem sa Windows update - preduga provjera


m4rk0 ::Identican problem nisam uspeo da resim - isto windows 7 je u pitanju. Na kraju sam se iznervirao kompletno stopirao windows update. Nasao sam alternativu

Kako funcioniše ovaj program za Win Update. Pokrenuo sam ga na Win 10 ali mi nije baš jasno šta je na kraju odradio. Nešto je smjestio u cmd folder i napravio je izvještaj ali nisam vidio da je instalirao neki update.

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 10 Okt 2005
  • Poruke: 13526
  • Gde živiš: Beograd

Na ovoj stranici: imaš sekciju "Tutorials (external)", a i na toj stranici je ukratko opisano kako program radi. Ukratko, pokreneš program, izabereš za koji OS da skida update, i gde (to je opciono). Kada sve skineš, odeš u folder gde je su sačuvani fajlovi za update i pokreneš Update installer, i instaliraš update offline, sa tvog hard diska ili USB-a ili eksternog hard diska.

  • Pridružio: 05 Mar 2016
  • Poruke: 88

И код мене траје читаву вечност, а није свеже инсталирана седмица. Стоји 0% око пола сата, а затим напрасно пише да је ажурирање успешно. Тако да без бриге, пусти да се ажурира колико треба.

П.С. Пробао сам разне варијанте са овог сајта:
и ништа није вредело.

  • Pridružio: 12 Jun 2005
  • Poruke: 54
  • Gde živiš: BiH

Na kraju sam pustio da uradi upgrade na Windows 10, na njemu glatko provjerava update za nekoliko sekundi.

  • Pridružio: 10 Okt 2005
  • Poruke: 13526
  • Gde živiš: Beograd

Jedno provereno rešenje za probleme sa Update na Windows 7 SP1:

*Note this has only been tested on freshly CLEAN installs of Win 7 Home Premium & Professional with Service Pack 1! If you don't have Service Pack 1 installed, do so before attempting this.

1) Go here: download the correct bit version, save it somewhere on the PC (I would create a folder on desktop).

2) Save this in the same folder:

3) Disconnect from the internet. If using WiFi, disconnect and make sure to uncheck the "automatically connect to network" box.

4) Reboot. Make sure windows is offline, and install the first file KB3135445. It may take a few minutes. After installation, reboot again.

5) After boot, install the second file. The SUR Tool is a large file and may take much longer than the first one. The progress bar won't show anything for some reason. Patience, Padawan.

6) After SUR install, reboot again. Upon boot, reconnect to the internets and manually check for updates just like you normally would. Your mileage may vary, but ours took a bit to get going. In a few minutes, you should see a notification of some kind down in the toolbar regarding installation of updates, then the Windows Update icon. Success!


  • Pridružio: 11 Jul 2015
  • Poruke: 1321
  • Gde živiš: Univerzum br.8

Napisano: 25 Mar 2016 22:10

@ SlobaBgd
još samo što ne treba odigrati i staro indijanski ples prizivanja Big Updade Manitu-a Very Happy
Inače hvala na ovome. Probaću ovo ovih dana da li funkcioniše.

Dopuna: 08 Jun 2016 10:24

SlobaBgd ::Jedno provereno rešenje za probleme sa Update na Windows 7 SP1:

*Note this has only been tested on freshly CLEAN installs of Win 7 Home Premium & Professional with Service Pack 1! If you don't have Service Pack 1 installed, do so before attempting this.

1) Go here: download the correct bit version, save it somewhere on the PC (I would create a folder on desktop).

2) Save this in the same folder:

3) Disconnect from the internet. If using WiFi, disconnect and make sure to uncheck the "automatically connect to network" box.

4) Reboot. Make sure windows is offline, and install the first file KB3135445. It may take a few minutes. After installation, reboot again.

5) After boot, install the second file. The SUR Tool is a large file and may take much longer than the first one. The progress bar won't show anything for some reason. Patience, Padawan.

6) After SUR install, reboot again. Upon boot, reconnect to the internets and manually check for updates just like you normally would. Your mileage may vary, but ours took a bit to get going. In a few minutes, you should see a notification of some kind down in the toolbar regarding installation of updates, then the Windows Update icon. Success!


Hajde da dodam da ovaj postupak definitivno "radi" i da je najbolja opcija koja postoji. dodao bih da svi ovi koraci, koji su opisani nisu potrebni. trebaju vam ova dva updejta, nije potrebno da budete diskonektovani sa neta.
znači skinete onaj prvi 3135445, pazite samo koju verziju skidate (32 ili 64)
instalirate ga, sačekate jedno sat,dva da pokupi to što treba. restarujete računar, instalirate updejtove, još par sati i to je to.
ovaj drugi mi nije bio ni potreban da ga instaliram (ili ga je sam Windows već našao, nebitno) nisam se bavio time, samo da potvrdim da ovaj postupak definitivno funkcioniše.

  • Pridružio: 06 Mar 2012
  • Poruke: 9

Ja sam rešio problem tako što sam pokrenuo prvo windows update diagnostik, zatim sam restartovao update pa sam instalirao windows update agent -7.6 i potom posle 7-8 sati rada računara on je sam počeo da instalira update 2 puta i nakon toga sada imam normalno update evo vam i dokaz

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