Napisano: 19 Avg 2011 15:36
Ne ja sam imao system restore...od početka instalacije...
Ali prije neki dan kad sam htio da vratim podešavanja na dan ranije pojavila mi se ova poruka...
I ranije sam koristio ovu opciju bez problema ali odjednom je prestala da radi...
Dopuna: 25 Avg 2011 18:07
Ljudi riješio sam problem...
Pomoću ovoga linka...
Na ovaj način...
To resolve this issue, rename the System Volume Information folder, and then restart your computer. To do this, you must use an account with administrator permissions. If you have more than one hard disk drive on your computer, follow these steps on one hard disk drive at a time. To rename the System Volume Information folder, follow these steps:
Configure the View hidden files and folders setting in Folder Options if it is not configured. To do this, follow these steps:
Right-click Start, click Explore, click Tools, and then click Folder Options.
Click the View tab.
In the Advanced settings box, click Show hidden files and folders, and then click OK.
Locate the root of a hard disk drive. Work in reverse alphabetical order by drive letter. For example, if you have three hard drives on your computer with the drive letters "C", "E", and "F", follow these steps on drive F, on drive E, and then on drive C.
Right-click the System Volume Information folder, and then click Rename.
Type a new similar name for the folder, and then press ENTER. For example, type System Volume Information2, and then press ENTER.
Restart your computer, and then test to determine if the issue is resolved.
If the issue is not resolved, repeat steps 2-5 for the next drive on your computer in reverse alphabetical order by drive letter.
Prvo mi nije dozvolio da promjenim ime folderu System volume information...Pa sam koristio unlocker i promijenio mu naziv u System volume information2...
Hvala svima na pomoći...