Miroslav Markovic ::trebam da idem na acept, i sta posle??
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Citat:How to Troubleshoot a "STOP 0x0000001E KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED" Error Message
Try to replace the driver that is identified in the STOP error message, either with a known good copy from your installation media, or with an updated version from the manufacturer.
Disable the driver that is identified in the STOP error message or any newly installed drivers.
Verify that any new hardware or software is properly installed. Disconnect the new hardware or replace it to see if this resolves the issue.
If you have a video driver that was not supplied with the operating system, try switching to the standard VGA driver or a driver that is compatible with the operating system.
View the following Microsoft Hardware Compatibility List Web site to verify that all your hardware and drivers are compatible with the operating system:
Run any system diagnostics that are supplied by your computer manufacturer, especially a RAM check. If this is a new installation of the hardware or software, contact the manufacturer for any requires updates for drivers or firmware.
Disable all filter drivers, such as remote control software, antivirus programs, backup programs, and so on.