Citat:Open Your Control Panel
The easiest way to open the Control Panel is to click on "Start" and then click on "Control Panel."
Open the Internet Options
Double click on "Internet Options" to open that section of the Control Panel.
Select the "Advanced" Tab
The Advanced Tab is usually on the far-right side of the Internet Options screen.
Scroll Down to Multimedia
Scroll through the options until you see the section called "Multimedia."
Deselect the Play Sounds Option
Click to check the option called "Play Sounds in Webpages." This will turn on all sounds in your internet browsers.
Sve sam ovo probao, verujte mi.. Jedino sto nisam u BIOS-u, jer nisam nasao tu sekciju za Board sound, ali opet sa druge strane, ako radi zvuk na samom kompu, ali preko broswera uopste, znaci da je problem negde do brosera ili samog podesavanja u control panelu..A opet sam i to proverio, da nisam negde napravio propust i opet nista.
E sad, na music kad odem Microsoft Synthiser i testiram ga, cuje se zvuk, kada ga prebacim na AC97, ne cujem zvuk..Evo slike [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]