Evo i ja sam malo detaljnije "Lajkovao" i testirao.
Kod mene može da se lajkuje na Home page i kada uđem na drugi profil,dok na Fan Page stranice kad hoću da lajkujem piše mi :
"Неуспешно додавање у базу података
An error occurred while writing to our database. Please try again later."
Prije 2 sata izbacen je još jedan video klip,sa istog profila.
Citat:Attention citizens of the world,
It seem's many have been scared by our use of the word KILL, They have sought to distort our message and attempt to create a new fake Facebook Operation. I would like to ensure all Opfacebook Supporters that we will launch as per planned on the 5th of November 2011.
This is our world now. We exist without nationality, without religious bias. We have the right to not be surveilled, not be stalked, and not be used for profit. We have the right to not live as slaves.
We are anonymous
We are legion
We do not forgive
We do not forget
Expect us
Ja da se spremam da srusim neku veliku organizaciju, ja bih to uradio tajno, radio bih "iza senki". (A ko ne bi? )
A ne tako sav vazan da objavim da cu uraditi, i jos pritom dati tacan datum.
Ja bi i volio i nebi.Cesto sam na facebooku al ponovo kad polgedam bolje da izdjem negdje nego da sjedim citav dan za kompom....FB je jednostavno zarazann......A i da sve ugase FB izbice neka nova mreza nebrinite se