Ogroman tel racun zbog Interneta - xyz-o/cracking site-ovi


Ogroman tel racun zbog Interneta - xyz-o/cracking site-ovi

  • Sasa 
  • Novi MyCity građanin
  • Pridružio: 10 Jun 2003
  • Poruke: 6

Evo i sta kazu ovi sirom, naseg dragog nam, Interneta....moze valjat i nekom od vas..... Smile

Dialer Scams: Use Caution Downloading Programs

Some Web sites may indicate that you need a special program to view their content or a special dialer to contact their servers and view their content. These often appear as a pop-up window that asks if you wish to download a file (the application).

Sites using Downloads
TELUS strongly recommends that you DO NOT download any file unless you are certain of its legitimacy. In some cases, files containing a trojan horse (a malicious program) have been downloaded. These have resulted in large, unexpected phone costs to an unsuspecting user.

Sites using Downloads

Sites using such downloads fall into one of two broad categories:

1) Leading edge technologies - In the case of 3D content, audio or video streaming multimedia, and other 'advanced' technology on the Internet, proprietary viewers may truly be required because of the unique compression used in leading edge content.

2) Monetary charges or information-gathering - Proprietary viewers (programs) or dialers may also be linked to a method of charging you money or gathering information about yourself or your computer. These activities may be legitimate or they may represent Internet scams.

Scams such as these employ a proprietary "viewer" to cause exorbitant phone costs to the unsuspecting Internet user. The viewer works through a trojan horse that gets downloaded with the viewer and makes changes to the user's system configuration.

Although seemingly similar, some sites are legitimately using proprietary dialers that work the same as a 1-900 number to charge users on a per-minute basis for viewing their web content.

In either case, the charges appear on the customer's phone bill, and some agreement (legitimate or not) with the phone company in the area that is being called puts money from the customer into the pockets of the owner of the Web site.

It needs to be pointed out that many of these types of charges are related to zabranjeno content sites that use various methods to make money off of the viewers of their material. There may be options for memberships, 'passes', or proprietary dialers or viewers (which often have some sort of hidden charges associated with them).

In short, it is advised that you take the following precautions when encountering any site that indicates that you require software from them to view their content:


Determine whether it makes sense that this content requires a special program to be viewed. Is it leading edge? Is a unique file extension? If not, be wary...

If you do decide to download a viewer or dialer, be sure to scan the installer file that you downloaded with an up-to-date virus scanner BEFORE you actually install the file. Stay away from any file that installs itself automatically unless you are positively sure of the source site's reputation.

READ THE FINE PRINT! As an example, sites that use the Sitedialer product mentioned above put a notice on their sites and 2 disclaimers through the installation and first-use process that a certain amount will be charged per minute while using their dialer. This is the same as calling a 1-900 #. It is considered a legitimate way of collecting for Internet services.

Watch the behaviour of your modem indicator lights and browser closely after installing any of these proprietary programs and shut down your computer as soon as you notice any irregularity in behaviour.

If a proprietary dialer is required, open the dialer and check the number that is being dialed. Wherever possible, verify the number's legitimacy before using it to connect to the site.

If you believe that you have been victimized by an Internet communications scam, contact the RCMP.

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Puky  Male
  • Scottish rebel
  • Pridružio: 18 Apr 2003
  • Poruke: 5815
  • Gde živiš: u Zmajevom gnjezdu

Sasa, da li si ti juce zvao Neobee tehnicku podrsku ???
Imao sam juce takav problem - identican. (mozda sam samo pogresno cuo cifru za kolicinu impulsa ali ... to je to)
Uglavnom, savet je da pregledas kao sto ti je Drax savetovao sta je od novijih programcica instalirano, pusti neki AV skener (mada mislim da on nece naci nista cudno jer je taj programcic obican dialer koji samo vrti broj negde u inostranstvu) i restriktivno zabrani bratu pristup netu.
Ako brat ne zna engleski - salji ga na kratki kurs obuke. Znam da 95% ljudi ne cita ta sitna slova kada dodje na tako neki sajt ali ovo je bila jako skupa skola sto si platio.

  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 28 Apr 2003
  • Poruke: 5919
  • Gde živiš: Beograd

Nije tvoj brat odgovoran .. vec onaj ko mu je dao da koristi komp a nije
pritom naucio kako da ga koristi .. !!!
Trazi ipak ti od PTT-a listing poziva .. cisto da proveris .. mnogo lazu u
poslednje vreme .. posluju sa velikim gubicima .. itd ..
Za sve programcice koji te muce vazi isto .. moras da im odobris da se
instaliraju u sistem .. znaci prihvatas uslove koje su naveli na nekom info
prozorcicu .. slova cesto i nisu tako sitna kako ljudi govore ..
Cesto sami EXE fajlovi imaju neku ikonicu sa zenskim likom ili nekim
"isturenim" delom tela .. tako da ih mozes lako prepoznati ..
Uvek se instaliraju i na samom DESKTOP-u .. i u start meniu....
Sta da radis:
1. Izbrisi sve network konekcije koje nisu tvoje ..
2. Start meni /search/ for files and folders/ dalje podesi da trazis *.EXE
fajlove novijeg datuma recimo (oko 30) dana .. sve exe fajlove prvo
proveri pre nego sto ih izbrises .. gde se nalaze .. u kom folderu ..
mislim da ces lako prepoznati .. koji su uljezi ...
A moja je preporuka i da AV proveris stanje fajlova na kompu ..
Uradi ovo i pisi sta si uradio .. eventualno ako ti neki EXE fajl sumljiv itd..
Ja nisam cuo da postoje programi koji traze exe fajlove ovog tipa ..
Mozes da koristis i AdAware 6.0 .. ako hoces detaljno da ocistis komp od
raznih SPY programa .. itd ....

  • Pridružio: 18 Apr 2003
  • Poruke: 342

onaj program zove se YAW - Yet Another Warner !
totalna kontrola ali ne znam ima li na engleski ...
zadnja verzija je 3.5
odavde mozes da skines
[Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]
ali engleska verzija...ne znam

  • Pridružio: 06 Sep 2003
  • Poruke: 1

Kao da sam malo zakasnio.... ccc

Zar ne moze da se resi na sledeci nacin:


Pa pod EDIT LOCATION kartica GENERAL nadjes

To access an outside line for long-distance calls, dial: (i ucukas npr 55)
i ode poziv na nepostojeci loklni broj

  • offman  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 13 Avg 2003
  • Poruke: 3525

Takvi programcici se obicno prijave u add/remove prozoru, gdje se mogu vidjeti i izbrisati.

  • Teo 
  • Građanin
  • Pridružio: 09 Sep 2003
  • Poruke: 130
  • Gde živiš: Beograd

takvi programi nerade na starim centralama,stare centrale nepodzavaju preusmeravanje proja.....

  • Pridružio: 26 Apr 2003
  • Poruke: 1947
  • Gde živiš: Srbija

Popio si klasican dialer, mozes ga zvenkuti sa addremove, a popio si ga najverovatnije gledajuci neku za-odrasle-javu...

  • DR  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 08 Okt 2004
  • Poruke: 5450
  • Gde živiš: Beograd

Narode,ima li ko resenje za ovaj problem?!

  • gamzzy 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 24 Apr 2003
  • Poruke: 10725
  • Gde živiš: Novi Sad

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