KIS 2006 - Jedan novi "poljubac" iz Kaspersky Labs


KIS 2006 - Jedan novi "poljubac" iz Kaspersky Labs

  • Pridružio: 20 Feb 2005
  • Poruke: 1715
  • Gde živiš: Beograd

pa jedino sto sam za sad primetio (imam ga 15 min) da je u Anti-hacker je ubacena opcija intrusion detector

Dopuna: 20 Apr 2005 22:39

i ubacena je opcija u proactive defense-registry guard

Registruj se da bi uèestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • vodnik 
  • Zaslužni graðanin
  • Pridružio: 18 Jun 2003
  • Poruke: 576

Jedna opcija koja mi se ovde svidja to je "ENABLE STEALTH MODE" Wink

  • Pridružio: 15 Maj 2004
  • Poruke: 60
  • Gde živiš: USA

KAV Distributer,

Mozda je suvise rano da pitam, ali da li ce postajati mogucnost doplate (sa personal ili pro) za KIS 2006 ili ce morati da se kupi nova verzija.


  • Pridružio: 22 Avg 2003
  • Poruke: 787
  • Gde živiš: Beograd

dusan1234 ::Koje su novine....(da neskidam za dzabe)....hvala

Evo sta pise

Kaspersky Internet Security 2006 Technology Prototype (Proto 2)

This beta-testing presents the new architecture which the majority of future Kaspersky Lab products will be based on.

The aim of the beta testing is to:

familiarize themselves with the new technologies
familiarize themselves with the concepts and planned functionalities of the new product
provide feedback on product functions
provide information on critical errors and compatibility issues

The following changes have been made in Proto2 compared to Kaspersky Proto1:

General product's characteristics

1. The iSwift technology has completely substituted the IStreams one to avoid problems with such programs as chkdsk.
2. The user activities log technology's implementation is now completed. The technology does now consider not only input/output activities, but also the CPU load.
3. It is now possible to define a schedule for update and scan tasks on a hourly basis.
4. Protection can now be disabled until a connection to the internet is detected.
5. The list of KIS 2006 incompatible programs database has been added new items, particularly:
ššššššššššš Kaspersky Antivirus Lite 4.5,
ššššššššššš Kaspersky Personal Pro 5.0,
ššššššššššš Kaspersky for Windows Workstation 5.0,
ššššššššššš Kaspersky AntiHacker 1.5 and 1.7;
ššššššššššš Norton Antivirus 2004 Pro,
ššššššššššš Norton Antivirus 2005,
ššššššššššš Norton Antivirus 7.x., 8.x, 9.x.
6. Report storage format has been improved.

7. Base anti virus functionality related features:
ššššššššššš - SFX files processing is now noticeable quicker
ššššššššššš - Deflate64 unpacking algorithm is now supported

User interface related features:

1. The Advice System has been revised - now it is possible to skip/filter any advice given via a cross button in the right upper corner of the advice panel. Any skipped advice can also be later returned for reconsideration.
2. Mouse sensitive areas on the application main window have been widened.
3. All list controls are enhanced with the following functionality:
ššššššššššš - search for specific items. Done via CTRL+F key combination. User can specify search criteria, can select all the items meeting search criteria, can navigate searched items back via SHIFT+F3 and forth via F3 key combinations.
ššššššššššš - the sequential order of columns can now be changed via simply drag-and-droping a column to a new location within the header panel.
ššššššššššš - columns chooser list. The list is invoked via clicking on the header panel with the pointer mouse button.
ššššššššššš - column width can now be preserved during form restart.
4.A new popup menu for the "Suspicious objects" and "Event log" lists is introduced. The popup menu enables a user with the following functionality:
ššššššššššš - add an object to the Skip Object List
ššššššššššš - treat object (applicable only to the infected objects)
ššššššššššš - open folder the object is in. The windows explorer is started pointing to the folder where the file is located.
ššššššššššš - remove an object from a list. This allows a user to avoid adding an object to the Skip Object List in order to supress threat notification related to the object on the main form of the KIS
ššššššššššš - navigate to the site in order to learn the details about a specific threat.
5. A progress bar has been added to the main application window indicating the progress of any scan task started.
6. Tray icon blinks in the case of any problem in the state of the application
7. The "Reports", "Quarantine", and "Repository" bookmarks(/tabs) are moved to the Protection task report. This allows to leave the application main window unresizable due to removal of any list controls from it.
8. All the graphics used in the skin have been converted to PNG format
9. The "Reason" column has been added to each report.

File anti virus features
1. The process of an object unpacking can be postponed via a specific option if it is running longer than a specified number of seconds.
2. The My Computer area has further been subdivided into several sub areas (for instance, All Hard Drives etc.)

On Demand scan tasks
1. Auto loaded objects scan task routine settings has been changed. A new option has been introduced which allows a user to start the task after an update.
2. Checking a file being processed for a reasonable amount of time can be skipped. In order to skip the task a user should click the Skip link next to the name of the file being scanned.
3. The System Restore scan area has been introduced which points to the Windows System Restore folders

Mail anti virus
1. It is now possible to specify the events on which mail scan in the MS Outlook should take place. Mail scan can be performed either on mail arrival, or when a mail message is about to be opened for reading, befor posting a mail message or before it is about to be saved.
ššššššššššš - when the On mail arrival option is disabled mail messages are not downloaded from mail server which preserves the main advantage of the IMAP protocol.
2. It is now possible to specify several ports for mail scan.
3. IMAP protocol support. Temporarily to scan IMAP it's necessary to switch port settings from POP3 to 143.

Proactive protection component
1. System registry monitoring subsystem is introduced.
ššššššššššš - Allows to specify rules which determine which applicaton has what rights towards to the system registry access.
2. Application monitor
ššššššššššš - allows to form a list of applications allowed or dissallowed for execution applications. Allowed for execution applications can be tracked for binary changes so that if such an application changes it is automatically disallowed to start any more.
3. Root-kit detection module which is able to detect the most widely used user and kernel mode root-kits.

The Anti Hacker component
1. An active net applications and opened ports statistics dialogue is introduced which allows to terminate a net connection from the net activities dialogue.
2. Application rules settings and packet settings form is enhanced with lists containing greater number of columns.
3. Rule wizard has been abandoned. All the rule settings are not reside in the same window.
4. The "application type" notion in the present meaning of KAH has been replaced with the idea of net activity which is closer to the preset notion of the Outpost firewall.
5. The Rules base has been enhanced with new rules and now contains 250 ones. Will further be gradually enhanced.
6. Fragmented net packets are not analyzed after they are assembled back to the unfragmented state.

The Anti Spam component
1. Mail Manager module is introduced. When a mail client starts receiving new mail a form with a list of available mail messages is popupped. The form contains auxiliary fields for each mail message. User might examine the content of these fields and make a decision whether he or she requires a specific mail message be downloaded. If downloaded the mail message is then scanned with appropriate components, such as Anti Spam or Anti Virus.
2. The Anti Spam can be trained directly from the report it produces. The report can be accessed via a drop-down menu invoked via clicking on a specific mail message in the report. It does not matter now which mail client has received a specific mail message - the Anti Spam can still be trained.
3. The preinstalled anti spam database is now excluded from the installation package. Until the Anti Spam component's anti spam database contains sufficient number of spam and not spam mail messages (to be exact it needs to contain 50 spam and 50 none spam mail messages for the component be able to detect spam mail).
4. Training Wizard has been revized so that it uses the Skin Engine now.

The Update component
1. Application components can now be automatically updated. This feature works only in the current build and will not work in the Successive versions will be enhanced with the Component Auto Update feature.
2. The Update Task Report has been added a new column which contains sizes of update files dowloaded.
3. The way the amount of update files being downloaded is presented has changed.
4. The last successful KL updates server URL moves to the top of the KL updates server URLs list.
5. Updated anti virus and IDS databases if appear damaged are automatically negated and previous versions are resumed.
6. Manual anti virus and IDS databases updates rollback.

If you would like to receive descriptions of the skin engine, anti-spam technologies and the current set of anti-hacker preinstalled rules, please send a request to [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]. The subject should read "technical information request". Please include your contact information and a brief description of your line of work in the message itself.

We are glad to receive feedback on any issues connected with the beta-version of this product.

You can send feedback automatically via the product interface using:
The ‘Send feedback’ link in the lower left corner of the main application window
The start button in the main Windows menu: Start/Programs/Kaspersky Internet Security/ Send Feedback

You can also send comments to [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici].

Dopuna: 21 Apr 2005 10:44

dusan1234 ::KAV Distributer,

Mozda je suvise rano da pitam, ali da li ce postajati mogucnost doplate (sa personal ili pro) za KIS 2006 ili ce morati da se kupi nova verzija.


Stvarno ne znam - trudimo se uvek da "izvucemo" maksimalne povlastice za kucne korisnike, tako da cemo nesto i na ovu temu da uradimo Smile

  • BMW 
  • Ugledni graðanin
  • Pridružio: 25 Mar 2005
  • Poruke: 314

Link ne radi. U èemu je stvar?

[Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]

  • Pridružio: 22 Avg 2003
  • Poruke: 787
  • Gde živiš: Beograd

BMW ::Link ne radi. U èemu je stvar?

[Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]

Mozda je do tvog ISP-a, evo upravo ga skidam bez problema...cak vrlo pristojno brzo

  • Legendarni graðanin
  • Pridružio: 28 Apr 2003
  • Poruke: 5919
  • Gde živiš: Beograd

Da link radi ..
Imam jedan predlog za KL .. bar bi meni dobro došla opcija da se
ugasi komp posle skeniranja 'Scan object'.
Opcija postoji za full scan .. ali to kod mene ume da potraje zbog kolièine podataka ..
sama C particija je dovoljno napunjenada bih mogao da 'zaspim' dok kav radi posao ..

  • BMW 
  • Ugledni graðanin
  • Pridružio: 25 Mar 2005
  • Poruke: 314

001 ::Dosta je glomazan za razliku od prethodnog koji je zauzimao 14-15MB,ovaj protutip 2 zauzima 57,60MB

Skinuo sam i ima 9.116 MB.
Ko se zeznuo?

  • Legendarni graðanin
  • Pridružio: 28 Apr 2003
  • Poruke: 5919
  • Gde živiš: Beograd

  • Pridružio: 22 Avg 2003
  • Poruke: 787
  • Gde živiš: Beograd


Evo ukaza mi se jedna grešèica prilikom instaliranja.
Radi se o komponenti anti-hacker .. koja dolazi u paketu .. kada se odèekira njegova opcija u instalaciji .. ista nastavi normalno.

Prethodno sam imao Personal 5.0.227 i kah 1.7 ..
deinstalirani su regularno i oèišæenja je reg.baza.

Ja sam ga instlairao na masini gde je bio KAV Pers 5.0.227 koji sam skinuo samo sa "uninstall" bez daljeg ciscenja reg-a...i instalacija je prosla bez problema - KIS i dalje radi na toj masini.
Mozda ti je nesto ostalo od KAH-a, posto on nije bio na ovoj masini gde je sve proslo bez problema?
KAH je i na listi nekompatibilnih...

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