Vulnerability-Lab Team discovered a Memory & Pointer Corruption Vulnerability on Kaspersky Internet Security 2011/2012 & Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2011/2012. A Memory Corruption vulnerability is detected on Kaspersky Internet Security 2011/2012 & Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2011/2012.
The vulnerability is caused by an invalid pointer corruption when processing a corrupt .cfg file through the kaspersky exception filters,which could be exploited by attackers to crash he complete software process.
The bug is located over the basegui.ppl & basegui.dll when processing a .cfg file import.
Affected Version(s):
Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2012 & Kaspersky Internet Security 2012
KIS 2012 v12.0.0.374
KAV 2012 v12.x
Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2011 & Kaspersky Internet Security 2011
KIS 2011 v11.0.0.232 (a.b)
KIS 2011 v12.0.0.374
Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2010 & Kaspersky Internet Security 2010
The kaspersky .cfg file import exception-handling filters wrong or manipulated file imports like one this first test ... (wrong-way.png). The PoC is not affected by the import exception-handling & get through without any problems. A invalid pointer write & read allows an local attacker to crash the software via memory corruption. The technic & software to detect the bug in the binary is private tool.
Ja se taman ponadao da se može bez problema srušiti bez ili sa malom interakcijom korisnika, kad ono samo jedan od bagova.
Postoje daleko efikasnije metode za njegovo rušenje.
Nije ranije bio bas sjajan. Imao sam dosta problema sa verzijom 6 cini mi se. Imao je problema sa deinstalacijom. Takodje je racunar zbog ranijih verzija zabadao samo tako
Kaspersky je jedan od najboljih av-ova danasnjice...Da su pronasli neki bug aviri ili avastu nebi se toliko cimali,dok recimo kod Kasperskog odma na sve medije.
Pa dobro svi AV-ovi su ponekad imali problema sa deinstalacijom. Evo ti primer AVG-a, njega nikad ne mozes da obrises normalno. Zato ima alat za brisanje programa na sajtu proizvodjaca...