Kaspersky Antivirus Personal Pro 5.x.x [samo u ovom topicu]


Kaspersky Antivirus Personal Pro 5.x.x [samo u ovom topicu]

  • Pridružio: 22 Avg 2003
  • Poruke: 787
  • Gde živiš: Beograd

vodnik ::KAV distributer ::vodnik ::

@KAV distributer
Ti bas ljudski izreklamira KAV, a svaka reklama se placa, a nisam cuo da se nesto Peca hvali da dobija neke pare za reklamu?

Na njega sam dosao i govorim da je KAV dobar. Ti i bilo ko drugi imate pravo da kazete da nisam u pravu. Onda razmenimo argumente, a ostali se ukljuce sa svojom argumentacijom...ostali citaju i donose zakljucke.

Hajde da probam da ti objasnim pre moderatora: ovo je forum a ne BILBORD!

Ma ne možeš da izvadiš jer činjenice su činjenice! Zamisli kada bi svi ovde doši da reklamiraju nešto, pa na šta bi ovaj forum ličio. Mi smo ovde da se družimo i razmenjujemo iskustva, ali brate ti ga pretera sa reklamom. Pusti malo da ga mi hvalimo, a ne ti. Jeste da ti zivis od KAV ali budi malo skromniji ne moraju svi to da znaju Wink .

PS Koliko sam ti samo ja izreklamirao KAV 5.0 ti bi trebao da mi das nekoliko DVOGODISNJIH licenci za DZ Wink , ali ja ga ne reklamiram na ovaj nacin na koji ti radis, LEPO Peci plati banner i promeni nik pa mozemo da pricamo.

Naravno da nisi u pravu i to i sam znas Wink
BILBOARD bi bio da ja ispaljujem teme tipa "kupite KAV" a tako nekako bi trebalo da izgleda i baner, zar ne?
Ovde koliko mi se cini u 99.9% slucajeva odgovaram na pitanja i lepo i javno diskutujemo i o problemima KAV-a i resavamo ih zajedno.
Btw, mislim da niko nije nikom zabranio da se prica i o nekom drugom AV-u. Cinjenica je da ljudi sa ovog foruma vise koriste KAV i otud i vise diskusije vezane za njega, a vidim da su tu i diskusije vezane za druga resenja.
Btw, sada smo totalno offtopic. Imas moj mejl, telefon, adresu...slobodno se javi ako ti se diskutuje i dalje na ovu temu - mislim da nema smisla vise prepucavati se javno.

Btw, nisi odgovorio zasto si se vratio na KAV kada si u junu demostrativno presao na NOD? Cool

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Goran 
  • Prof.Mr.Dr.Sci. Traumatologije
  • Pridružio: 05 Maj 2003
  • Poruke: 9977
  • Gde živiš: Singidunum

Uh svašta se ovde izdešavalo, polako ljudi nemojte više na forumu po privatnoj osnovi!

"Protection level" je postavljen na "Recomanded".

  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 28 Apr 2003
  • Poruke: 5919
  • Gde živiš: Beograd

Kaspersky Lab, a leading information security software developer, announces the start of beta-testing of Maintenance Pack 2 for Kaspersky® Anti-Virus Personal 5.0. All interested parties are invited to participate in testing the package, which incorporates a wide range of upgrades and improvements.

Kaspersky Anti-Virus Personal is designed to protect personal computers running Windows from malicious programs. It provides reliable protection against viruses and other malicious programs which can penetrate the system via fixed and removable storage media, email and Internet protocols. Kaspersky Anti-Virus offers both constant protection by scanning all objects which are launched, opened and saved on the protected machine for viruses) and also on-demand scanning (scanning and disinfection of either the computer as a whole or individual elements such as individual disks, files or directories). Scans can either be launched according to a schedule or on-demand. Updates to the antivirus databases are released hourly.

MP2 incorporates a range of upgrades and improvements; information on real-time protection status is now updated more frequently and a module for detecting and blocking network attacks has been added, effectively transforming the antivirus program into a personal firewall. Back-up storage for original objects has also been added.

Kaspersky Anti-Virus Personal 5.0 has three predefined protection levels: 'maximum protection', 'recommended', and 'maximum speed'. If one of these levels is selected, both incoming and outgoing email will be scanned for viruses. In previous versions of the program, this only took place when 'maximum protection' was selected. By default, the program will not request passwords for archive files, and will also automatically download missed updates when the program is launched.

In addition to the above, a number of important functions have been added to Kaspersky Anti-Virus Personal 5.0. It is possible to configure the program so that the computer will automatically switch off once scanning is completed; sound effects can be switched off, and iChecker™ and iStreams™ technologies can be disabled at the configuration stage. Users can also configure proxy server parameters.

[Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]
sad sam skinu pa da probamo Smile

  • bear 
  • Novi MyCity građanin
  • Pridružio: 10 Avg 2004
  • Poruke: 7

Objavljen Kaspersky Anti-Virus Personal Pro 5.0.12.

1. To scan and disinfect objects from the user's startup folder, encrypted files by schedule, the anti-virus service (Kaspersky Anti-Virus Service) must be started under a local account or a domain account that differs from LocalSystem.

2. To disinfect objects in Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft Outlook Express mail databases, these applicaions must be installed on your computer.

3. The %TEMP%\~1.tmp and %TEMP%\MSI57576.LOG files can remain in the user temporary folder if installation of Kaspersky Anti-Virus Personal Pro 5.0 failed for some reason. The user can manually delete these files.

4. In order to ensure normal operation of Kaspersky Anti-Virus Personal Pro 5.0 after the update of the operating system from Windows 98 SE or from Windows ME to Windows NT or Windows XP, the application installation file (the setup.exe file from the distribution package) must be run again.

5. After updating Kaspersky Anti-Virus Personal Pro from 4.x to 5.0 version, you must restart your computer.


1. Kaspersky Anti-Virus 5.0 Personal Pro protects personal computers from the activity of harmful programs that interfere with normal operation of software and damage information stored within the computer file systems.

2. The technologies developed by Kaspersky Lab and used in Kaspersky Anti-Virus 5.0 Personal Pro allow implementation of the following features:

- Real-time antiviral protection of the file system against harmful programs;
- Search and neutralization of harmful programs on demand;
- Comprehensive protection of e-mail;
- Blocking of dangerous scripts downloaded from the Internet;
- Isolation of suspicious objects in quarantine after saving copies of the initial documents in the backup storage area;
- Maintenance of up-to-date status of antiviral bases and antiviral engine of the application;
- Distinguishing between the rights of administrator and user to access Kaspersky Anti-Virus functionality for each computer.


1. Anti-Virus Functionality:

- Real-time protection of file system objects and on-demand check-up;
- About 90 (in more than 200 versions) supported archives and installation systems!
- More than 400 (in more than 1100 versions) supported utilities of packing executable modules!
- File recovery on hard disks, removable media, and in network resources; recovery of NTFS data stream and boot sectors of disks; recovery of the system memory used by processes and objects loaded during boot of the operating system; recovery of embedded OLE objects;
- Delayed processing of suspicious and infected objects; request for response to detected suspicious and infected objects after user-initiated on-demand scan;
- Check-up and recovery in ZIP, ARJ, CAB, and RAR archives;
- Check-up of SMTP/POP3 mail traffic, regardless of mail client;
- Detection and recovery in mail messages sent and received using Microsoft Outlook regardless of protocol used for communication with the mail server;
- Detection and recovery in Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft Outlook Express mail banks;
- Check-up of dynamic VBScript and JavaScript scripts downloaded from the Internet;
- Protection of office applications by means of real-time checking of macros written with VB for Applications;
- Integration with Windows Security Center for Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2.

2. Additional Functionality:

The application can be:
- Installed correctly even if there are anti-virus applications from other vendors;
- Seamlessly updated from the previous version (4.x);

The application provides:
- Adjustable list of user tasks including such system tasks as full check-up of the computer, antiviral bases update, and check-up of launched applications;
- Setup of parameters individually for each task;
- Improved scheduling mechanism;
- Quarantine that is used to store suspicious objects;
- Backup storage, a folder where the application saves original files before any modification;
- An ability to limit the time for storing quarantined objects and the size of backup and quarantine storages;
- Retrieval of database updates from either a local folder or a centralized updating server;
- Enhanced updating speed due to automatic connection to the least loaded updating server and the algorithm of downloading remaining updates in case of connection failure;
- Updates for application modules;
- An ability to roll back to the previous version of the anti-virus database;
- Retrieval of updates using proxy server requiring Basic or NTLM authentication;
- Command line utility supporting updating, antiviral scanning and managing real-time protection.

3. Application Interface:

- Easy-to-use intuitive interface with indication of the overall status of the system protection and antiviral bases;
- Management of Quarantine and Backup storage using advanced graphic interface;
- Easy settings for real-time protection with possibility of selecting one of three levels of real-time protection: Maximum Protection, Recommended, and High Speed;
- Possibility of adjusting the parameters for real-time antiviral protection individually for each protection component;
- Quick access to the list of the most frequently used tasks from the application main window;
- Easy settings for on-demand scan tasks by selecting one of three levels of real-time protection: Maximum Protection, Recommended, and High Speed;
- Possibility of manual adjustment of the on-demand scan parameters;
- Review of finished tasks reports;
- Support of Unicode extended national code pages;
- Integration with Microsoft Windows Explorer;
- Support for Microsoft Terminal Connections and Fast User Switching modes.


1. Problems that occur during disinfection of objects scanned from the "Managing infected objects" dialog:

- After scanning of an infected MS Outlook Express database, opening of the "Managing infected objects" dialog may take a long time.

2. Problems encountered when working with the quarantine and backup storages:

- Files with additional NTFS streams cannot be quarantined.
- Full paths to composite files, from which the suspicious files have been copied, are not displayed in the quarantine and in the backup storage.

3. Problems related to the application interface:

- Incorrect error message appears after the "black list" of license keys is deleted.
- The trial and the commercial license keys, installed concurrently, cannot be deleted.

4. Problems that occur during updating:

- Updates cannot be performed using FTP-servers via a proxy server if the proxy server does not process or does not output the extended data set in response to the HEAD command.

Prvi utisci povoljni.

  • Pridružio: 14 Sep 2003
  • Poruke: 124

Dobar je, samo nikako da mu podesim update za proširenu databazu.
Zna li neko kako se to podešava.

  • Pridružio: 12 Sep 2003
  • Poruke: 2839
  • Gde živiš: Kotor

Radi se o beta verziji, za koju kažu da je stabilna. Ipak, 24MB naspram 8MB kod 'obične' personal verzije ??

Takodje je u PR fazi i Kaspersky Administraton Kit 5.0 sa Kaspersky Anti-Virusom za Windows Workstations 5.0
Sve zajedno je teško oko 80MB, a ako bi neko da proba - PM

Edit: upravo se na oficijelnom sajtu pojavila i 5.012 pro verzija
Bića da je ipak finalna Smile

  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 28 Apr 2003
  • Poruke: 5919
  • Gde živiš: Beograd

Otvori anti-virus/ settings/ configure updater/ update type .. pa izaberi iz menia koju bazu hoćeš .. tu isto podešavaš i update baze iz foldera sa tvog kompa .. ako definicije recimo uzimaš sa nekog cd'a ili ih skidaš manuelno ..

mislim da je bolje da sačekamo da singi okači download na svom serveru ..
biće malko brži download ..

  • Pridružio: 14 Sep 2003
  • Poruke: 124

Nema nikakav meni da biraš.

  • Pridružio: 22 Avg 2003
  • Poruke: 787
  • Gde živiš: Beograd

Joca ::Nema nikakav meni da biraš.

Nema definitivno...ima samo kod Personal, a u win ws i Pro verziji ne.
Zasto - ne znam Sad

Rekli su da ce biti u sledecoj podverziji...

  • Pridružio: 26 Jan 2004
  • Poruke: 136
  • Gde živiš: Novi Sad

Sve pohvale za program...Samo toliko...Wink

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