Poslao: 26 Maj 2005 19:51
- nulti.korisnik
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 20 Feb 2005
- Poruke: 4505
- Gde živiš: planeta Zemlja
da primetio sam kod druga... Probaj ovako: Nemoj da restartujes komp kada on to kaze vec ti kasnije preko Start=>Shutdown=>... Mom drugu je tako to proslo (sa verzijom 5.0.227)
Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
Poslao: 26 Maj 2005 20:51
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 28 Apr 2003
- Poruke: 5919
- Gde živiš: Beograd
Evo i ja ga probah ..
Exclude lista je malo izmeštena i sada se zove 'Threats and exclusions'.
Omogućeno je isključivanje realtime zaštite u ponuđenim intervalima klikom na ikonicu u systray'u.
Dodate su pojedine opcije u podešavanjima za realtim skeniranje.
KAV Distributer ::techtris ::KAV Distributer, ti sigurno znaš - jel ostao modul za mrežnu zaštitu u ovoj verziji?
Da dodam da nije uključen po defaultu već je potrebno proces omogućiti čekiranjem.
Dopuna: 26 Maj 2005 21:51
Što se poruke tiče javlja se nakon izvršenog updatea .. pitanje je sad da li je stvarno potrebno da se izvrši restart da bi se baza dopunila.
Verovatno jeste, mada nije baš zgodno za one koji su stalno on-line.
Poslao: 26 Maj 2005 21:37
- techtris
- Novi MyCity građanin
- Pridružio: 11 Maj 2005
- Poruke: 6
.::Wizard::. ::drugim recima: Nema potrebe da menjate dobri stari 5.0.227
Ja sam čuo da su ljudi imali velikih problema sa tom verzijom. Na ES-u postoji tema o zakucavanju Windowsa i nekompatibilnosti sa ZoneAlarmom, a i lično sam na jednom računaru koji sam održavao imao problem i plave ekrane.
Možda taj inbound firewall ne bi trebalo da se instalira po default-u.
Poslao: 26 Maj 2005 22:14
- Pridružio: 26 Okt 2004
- Poruke: 66
@ Svitac
Modul za mrežnu zaštitu je enable po defaultu.
Tek kad se čekira onda je disable.
Poslao: 27 Maj 2005 06:23
- oblak
- Legendarni građanin
- Glavni moderator foruma Mobilni telefoni
- Pridružio: 14 Feb 2005
- Poruke: 6355
ja koristim 5.0.149 da ponovo kupujem neku drugu ver?
Poslao: 27 Maj 2005 14:47
- Pridružio: 22 Avg 2003
- Poruke: 787
- Gde živiš: Beograd
oblak ::off
ja koristim 5.0.149 da ponovo kupujem neku drugu ver?
Sve nove verzije koje se pojave tokom trajanja licence su besplatne - dakle, samo skines novu instalaciju, pokrenes je i radis ono sto ti kaze
Bitno je da potvrdis kada te pita da hoces da koristis kljuc od postojece instalacije
Dopuna: 27 Maj 2005 15:47
SVITAC ::Evo i ja ga probah ..
Evo "fabrickog" spiska poboljsanja i poznatih nekompatibilnosti:
Version 5.0.325 Release date: 23.05.2005
1. Delayed objects processing feature (Treat Infected Files) has been added to the on-demand scan process
2. Fast User Switch mode support has been added
3. Updating module has been upgraded
4. Network search feature has been enhanced and refined
5. The feature of authorization data prompt after an authorization error has been added
6. The feature of exclusions configuration by object name, verdict and by components that use this objects has been added
7. An ability to choose the type of anti-virus database and switch between anti-virus database types without starting the updating process has been added
8. The feature of displaying the list of threats contained in the anti-virus database has been implemented
9. The ability to save, load and restore the initial configuration of Kaspersky Anti-Virus has been added
10. The load on the system imposed when the on-demand scan is started has been reduced
11. An ability to select new objects for scanning (RAM, disk boot sectors, startup objects) has been added
12. An ability to exclude disk boot sectors and startup objects from the scan scope has been added
13. General application statistical data (the total number of files, messages, scripts scanned, number of viruses and suspicious objects detected) has been made available
14. An ability to disable the animation of the Kaspersky Anti-Virus icon in the system tray has been added
15. An ability to disable the incoming mail scan has been added
16. An ability to temporarily disable real-time protection for a specified time or until a specified event occurs (application restart, obtaining connection to the network) has been added
17. A new type of the distribution kit (update) has been added - the size of this kit is reduced by over 50% through excluding the database and some service files. This kit is used for updating existing installations
18. An ability to perform updates from the updates folder with incomplete structure has been added
19. The efficiency of using iCheckerТМ and iStreamsТМ technologies in the on-demand scan process has been increased
20. A bug that resulted in freezing Microsoft Windows 9x has been eliminated
Known problems:
1. The application freezes when performing a mail scan if a problem occurs when connecting to the Microsoft Exchange server
2. Incompatibility with previous versions of Kaspersky Personal Anti-Spam (up to
3. Limited compatibility with Sygate firewall. In order to solve this problem, disable the "Enable driver protection" option and install an additional utility klimstetup.exe
4. Sometimes a problem occurs when obtaining access to HTTP servers that require online authorization. In order to solve this problem, disable the script monitoring function
5. Incompatibility with the MсАfee Parental Controls application
6. The feature of updating via FTP proxy servers is not available
7. Incompatibility with Kaspersky Anti-Hacker 1.5 under Microsoft Windows 9x. In order to solve this problem, upgrade to Kaspersky Anti-Hacker 1.7
8. Pop-up information messages are not displayed when working under Microsoft Windows NT 4.0
Poslao: 27 Maj 2005 16:57
- oblak
- Legendarni građanin
- Glavni moderator foruma Mobilni telefoni
- Pridružio: 14 Feb 2005
- Poruke: 6355
Nisam imao pojma!
ov je stabilna ver tj. nije neka beta ili sl ?
Poslao: 28 Maj 2005 00:53
- Pridružio: 08 Dec 2004
- Poruke: 187
...trebalo bi to da se desilo zato sto nisi odmah "pokazao" na trial kljuc koji daje SINGI.,
...a restart... (: pa zilion puta je objasnjeno na ovom forumu zasto!