MC antivirus test 05 - konacna verzija


MC antivirus test 05 - konacna verzija

  • Pridružio: 21 Avg 2005
  • Poruke: 4
  • Gde živiš: Zarkovo, Beograd

A sta ljudi mislite o NOD32 antivirus zashtiti?

Ja bih ga pohvalio jer neke viruse koji mi ni Kaspersky nije registrovao NOD jeste.

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Peca  Male
  • Glavni Administrator
  • Predrag Damnjanović
  • SysAdmin i programer
  • Pridružio: 17 Apr 2003
  • Poruke: 23211
  • Gde živiš: Niš

vodnik ::Da to slucajno nema veze sa osobama koje su testirale program? Nekako mi se čini da bi bilo merodavnije da su programe testirali isti ljudi. Jer je ovo prvi test na kome se NOD tako lose kotirao, bar onaj koji sam ja video.

neidentifikovani virusi su uredno poslati NOD32 distributeru, i ni jednu primedbu nismo dobili...
arhiva neidentifikovanih virusa je 124 MB RAR-ovana...

mozemo pozvati distributera da da svoj stav o tim virusima, ako zelite?

  • SSpin 
  • Saradnik foruma
  • Pridružio: 09 Dec 2004
  • Poruke: 6488
  • Gde živiš: Nis -> ***Durlan City***

Moze zasto da ne, bas da nam kaze ( argumentovano ) zasto i iz kojih razloga NOD nije otkrio viruse.


A jel ste u to vreme testirali najnoviju verziju NOD-a +?

  • Strog  Male
  • Stručni saradnik
    Web programiranje
  • Bojan Kopanja
  • Web & Mobile developer @ ZeusSoftware
  • Pridružio: 26 Jul 2003
  • Poruke: 2597
  • Gde živiš: Stara Pazova

Naravno da su svi antivirusi bili u najnovijim verzijama i da su bile skinute najnovije definicije!

  • oblak  Male
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  • Pridružio: 14 Feb 2005
  • Poruke: 6355

DaySleeper ::A sta ljudi mislite o NOD32 antivirus zashtiti?

Ja bih ga pohvalio jer neke viruse koji mi ni Kaspersky nije registrovao NOD jeste.

molim te iznosi argumente za ovako ozbiljnu tvrdnju napishi ime virusa koji je svemocni nod otkrio ,a kav nije... Wink

  • Pridružio: 20 Feb 2005
  • Poruke: 4505
  • Gde živiš: planeta Zemlja

morama da dodamn da nije bas sve to toliko dobro kao sto mislite... Ja sam bio prilicno iznenadjen kada sam to otkrio (situacija je F-Sec VS AVG Free gde je avg nasao a f-sec nije Wink... Poslao sam im u njihov centar za podrsku valjda su uneli u bazu)... Znaci nemojte da zivite u oblacima Wink

  • Pridružio: 12 Jan 2005
  • Poruke: 484
  • Gde živiš: Beograd

Sa napomenom da ti F-Sec nije funkcionisao na masini... poslao sam ti poruku da je virus koji si poslao u bazi jos odavno

  • Pridružio: 14 Apr 2005
  • Poruke: 381
  • Gde živiš: Drugo ćoše levo iza Nedođije

E ljudi, verovali ili ne, upravo sam sa jedne masine na kojoj je bio aktivan F-prot antivirus uz pomoc KAV 5.0.383 skinuo 328 virusa - 325 dezinfikovanih fajlova i 3 obrisana. Nisam mogao da poverujem da se toliko gamadi moze da navuce a da masina jos funkcionise (doduse tesko). Doduse, prijavio je da u masini postoji malicius software, ali je ostao samo na prijavi. Mozda je ovo pogresno mesto, ali negde moram da napisem ovo.

  • vodnik 
  • Zaslužni građanin
  • Pridružio: 18 Jun 2003
  • Poruke: 576

Peca ::
neidentifikovani virusi su uredno poslati NOD32 distributeru, i ni jednu primedbu nismo dobili...
arhiva neidentifikovanih virusa je 124 MB RAR-ovana...

mozemo pozvati distributera da da svoj stav o tim virusima, ako zelite?

Ajde molim te pozovi ga ako nije problem, stvarno mi je taj rezultat čudan a i ne samo meni.

Dopuna: 28 Sep 2005 9:50

Uporede radi:

"Mega Antivirus Test"
David Frelat (aka sir_LOIN)

NOTE 9/14: I updated this article since many readers have been asking me to test more antivirus programs, so here are 12 new AVs tested as people requested:

I get asked all the time about viruses from my students and clients, so over three years ago I started doing an IT security workshop with all my classes. One part of it is testing and trying out various antivirus programs. I personally ran all the tests myself and then the students so we could make sure the results are consistent.

Most of the popular antivirus programs found today was used
Every antivirus program were fully updated prior to test and set to their deepest scanning settings
The exact virus count in the file is unknown but there are over 10,000
The file contains many different types of viruses, trojans, worms etc
Scans were done on a P4 2.8c with Windows XP Pro SP2
Prices were taken from the manufacturer's website


Desktop Antivirus Viruses Found
McAfee VirusScan 8 9,883
McAfee VirusScan 10¹ 10,026
Panda Platinum Internet Security V8.05 9,985
F-Secure Anti-Virus 5.41 9,976
Kaspersky 4.5 9,996
Kaspersky 5 9,967 40
Avast.Professional.Edition.v4.6.623 9,757
Bit Defender Pro 8 9,953
Bit Defender Pro 9¹ 9,953
Eset Nod32 v2.12.1 9,689
Eset Nod32 v2.5¹ 9,707
Grisoft AVG Pro.V7.0.143 9,507
Trend Micro PC-cillin 2003 9,938
Trend Micro PC-cillin 2005 10,084
Symantec Norton 2004 10,028
Symantec Norton 2005 10,028
F-Prot 3.16a 9,386 (+549 'suspicious')
Etrust EZantivirus 2005 9,580
Clamwin 0.86.2 9,917
AntiVir PersonalEdition Classic 6¹ 10,086
Arcavir 2005¹ 9,707
Virus Chaser 5¹ 9,790
Norman Virus Control 581¹ 9,765
eScan Virus Control 2.6.518.8¹ 9,937
Drweb-432b¹ 9,832
BullGuard v6¹ 9,966
Virus Buster Pro 2005¹ 9,188
MKS vir 2005¹ 9,706

Online Scan Viruses Found

Bit Defender Online 9,958
Kaspersky Online Scan 10,312
Panda Activescan Online 9,969
Symantec Online Scan 9,748
Trend Micro Housecall Online 9,978
Mcafee Freescan 49 (stops after a few files) Avast Online Scanner Only files under 512kb
F-Secure Online Scan Crashed
Computer Associates Etrust Online Scan Crashed

Desktop Antivirus
Although none of the Antivirus was perfect, some did stand out from the pack for their scanning ability, performance and ease of use:

AntiVir PersonalEdition Classic 6 found the most viruses; Virus Buster Pro 2005 found the least

Norton 2005 is ironic - much like viruses, it brings down to its knees even the fastest computers! A true resource hog!

AVG Pro is overrated, in my opinion - so many people talk to me about this antivirus but it never really performed well for me, as the test shows

Kaspersky 5 revealed that when it comes to Trojans, exotic and rare viruses, Kaspersky is the leader of the pack. It found some that none of the others did

PC-cillin 2005 found more than almost any other desktop antivirus programs; it performs very well but could be a little faster when scanning. It's been performing great ever since I started doing these tests over 3 years ago

Free Online Scan
The amazing thing is that Kaspersky Online Scan is my new champion - it found more than any other, including any of the desktop antivirus programs! This is just weird - I ran it on two of my computers and I got the same results. Weird! However, the bad thing is that it only scans; it doesn't allow you to remove the viruses it found.

The best free online scan, in my opinion, is the Trend Micro PC-cillin Online Scan. It found a lot of viruses, was leaps and bounds faster to install and scan than almost all the others online scanners, allows you to remove the infected files after and it also allows you to scan only what you want, be it a file, folder, hard drive or whatever.

The others took an eternity to scan, didn't allow removal, didn't give choice of what to scan or just plain crashed. In their defence, I think it's possibly because my virus file, once unzipped, is over 50 MB with over 10,000 files in it, so it's pretty big for a browser activeX scan.

Kaspersky is, in my opinion, the best antivirus of them all. It's been doing great in my tests for years, it isn't a resource hog like Norton and it has a knack for finding things no other one does. This is the one that's running on my computers.

PC-cillin has also been doing great in my tests for years. Although I find Kaspersky slightly better in terms of scanning, PC-cillin has one of the best suites available on the market - for $50, you get the antivirus, spyware scanner, firewall, antispam etc.

Eset Nod32 scanned the virus folder in 33 seconds, by far the fastest desktop AV!

Over 23 minutes for Grisoft AVG, now talk about slow!

And the winner with 10312 infected objects found:
Kaspersky Online Scan 10,312

  • Pridružio: 06 Dec 2005
  • Poruke: 1

test je OK, mada sam znao odmah da kaspersky nema premca, mislim da mu je prava konkurencija jedino nemacki Antivir pa bih voleo da ga vidim u testu za novu godinu Twisted Evil

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