Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware


Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware

  • Pridružio: 02 Feb 2008
  • Poruke: 14018
  • Gde živiš: Nish

Koristis li mozda torrent?

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • dr_Bora  Male
  • Anti Malware Fighter
    Rank 2
  • Pridružio: 24 Jul 2007
  • Poruke: 12280
  • Gde živiš: Höganäs, SE

Black Code, evo odgovora zašto se to događa:

[Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]

Verovatno će da uklone taj IP iz block liste.


Hvala dr.Boro!!! Pozdrav

  • dr_Bora  Male
  • Anti Malware Fighter
    Rank 2
  • Pridružio: 24 Jul 2007
  • Poruke: 12280
  • Gde živiš: Höganäs, SE

Citat:If that really is his ISP, he's got some rather huge problems as there's nothing but malicious content across their entire range

Čini se da ovo neće biti uklonjeno iz baze.

Citat:switch DNS providers (e.g. to OpenDNS)

Ovo bi trebalo da reši problem. Raspitaj se u Windows forumu ako nisi siguran kako to uraditi.

Naravno, možeš i taj IP dodati u listu ignorisanih.


Dodao sam IP u listu ignorisanih....pozzzz

  • Pridružio: 01 Nov 2009
  • Poruke: 74

Izašla je beta verzija Malwarebytes 1.5. Instaliro sam ga i mogu reći da je odličan i mnogo brži.Radi ukombinaciji sa KIS-omi ne oseti se.

The Malwarebytes team is excited to announce the public beta release of Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware 1.50. This version features many security, performance, stability and functionality improvements, and is without a doubt our best release yet. By releasing a public beta, we are asking for your help to try this version in your own environments and send us your feedback. Barring any significant issues, we expect the beta program to last approximately three weeks, and be followed by the public release of 1.50.


We are very excited about these major improvements in Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware 1.50. This version represents a complete overhaul of much of our functionality. Among the highlights are:

1. Dramatically improved scan speed: up to 5 times faster.
2. Dramatically improved stability of both the scanner and protection module (free and pro version, respectively).
3. More responsive: program loads up to 3 times faster, and protection module has lower impact on system resources (pro version only).
4. New internal detection algorithms enable detection of more real-world malware.

5. You can now add files and folders to the ignore list manually.
6. Ability to schedule and unschedule scans and updates from the command line (pro version only).
7. Notifications of blocked malicious websites now include additional details such as type, port, and process on Windows Vista and higher.
8. Dramatically improved flash scan (pro version only) -- determine whether a more in-depth scan is needed, in less than 10 seconds on many machines.
9. One-touch easy-to-use option to keep protection up-to-date automatically (pro version only).
10. "Warn if database is outdated by:" option now warns if the database is far out-of-date (7 days by default), including for protection (pro version only).


We hope we have whetted your appetite enough to try this build today! The beta version is available at the link below. It is fully-functional, and you may install it either fresh, or on top of an existing Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware 1.46 installation. Individual feedback should be posted in the beta-test forum link below.

Corporate customers, due to your potentially sensitive information, please provide your feedback via email to your corporate support contact.

Please note that the Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware 1.50 beta currently supports the English language only.
As with all beta software, we caution that it may contain bugs, although we have tested it extensively in-house.

Beta: [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]
Feedback: [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]

Thanks in advance for participating in our beta program!


Malwarebytes urges all customers in the strongest possible language to plan an update path to Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware 1.50. The stability and security improvements in this version are staggering, and although we will support older versions of Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware (see below), simply put: you will not be as well-protected with older versions as you will be with 1.50.

We will support each version of Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware until one year after the release of its successor. So, we will support Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware 1.46 (and all previous versions, which we will consider "grandfathered-in") until one year after the public release of Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware 1.50. After that, we will require an update to 1.50 or later in order to provide support. We think this is a reasonable policy that balances both our need to keep our customers' software up-to-date, and our customers' need to ensure reliability in their own environments.

Best Regards,

Malwarebytes Corporation

  • Rogi  Male
  • Mod u pemziji
  • Najbolji košarkaš koji
  • je ikada igrao ovu igru
  • Pridružio: 31 Avg 2005
  • Poruke: 11687

Malwarebytes Anti-Malware 1.50 Final

# Overall Improvements:
- Dramatically improved scan speed: up to 5 times faster.
- Dramatically improved stability of both the scanner and protection module (paid version only).
- More responsive: program loads up to 3 times faster, and protection module has lower impact on system resources (paid version only).
- New internal detection algorithms enable detection of more real-world malware.

# New Features:
- You can now add files and folders to the ignore list manually.
- Ability to schedule and unschedule scans and updates from the command line (paid version only).
- Notifications of blocked malicious websites now include additional details such as type, port, and process on Windows Vista and higher.
- Ability to include or exclude potentially unwanted programs (PUP), potentially unwanted system modifications (PUM), and peer-to-peer software (P2P) from scans and protection module detections.
- Dramatically improved flash scan (paid version only) -- designed to determine whether a more in-depth scan is needed, in less than 10 seconds on many machines.
- One-touch easy-to-use option to keep protection up-to-date automatically (paid version only).
- "Warn if database is outdated by:" option now warns if the database is far out-of-date (7 days by default), including for protection (paid version only).
- Ability to scan system startup locations for improved detection and to target persistent malware that may be obstructing removal.
- Right-click context menu scans now use heuristics.

# Issues Fixed:
- Improved compatibility with antivirus software.
- Fixed issue with "Recover if missed by" setting in scheduler not working correctly on Windows 2000 and Windows XP.
- Fixed issue with "Recover if missed by" setting in scheduler not working for scans and updates scheduled to run 'Once'.
- Fixed issue with Heuristics.Shuriken causing the program to freeze or crash.
- Fixed issue with certain infections going undetected by the protection module in 64-bit Windows versions.
- Fixed issue with silent scans not creating logs in certain scenarios.

Download: [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]

  • Pridružio: 26 Avg 2010
  • Poruke: 10622
  • Gde živiš: Hypnos Control Room, Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building

Brzina skeniranja je dosta veća. Full scan u virtuelnoj mašini sa 1.46 je trajao 19-21 minut, a sa 1.50 je trajao 7:26. Very Happy

  • benne  Male
  • Elitni građanin
  • Pridružio: 14 Okt 2010
  • Poruke: 2272
  • Gde živiš: From Bissau to Palau

Malwarebytes Anti-Malware 1.50.1

Fixed issue with the scheduler not performing realtime updates.
Fixed multiple issues with product crashing during a scan.
Fixed issue with log not saving on certain command line scans.
Fixed various issues with Finnish, Italian, and Norwegian languages.
Fixed formatting and misspelling issues in product help file.

Download: [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]

  • Pridružio: 25 Okt 2010
  • Poruke: 595
  • Gde živiš: Pomoravlje

Moj drug kaze da mu nova PRO verzija pri aktivnim zastitnim modulom vuce mnogo CPU ide do 90 K bez otvorenog browsera, usporava surfovanje, od AV koristi Avast free

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