Poslao: 11 Sep 2012 15:41
- torivoje
- Super građanin
- Pridružio: 12 Feb 2012
- Poruke: 1066
Napisano: 09 Sep 2012 9:26
Počele jesenje "rasprodaje" : 2 x 3 meseca za F-Secure Internet Security 2012 (preko švapskog izdanja časopisa Chip).Potrošite svoja 3 meseca,pa navratite po još 3...
Registracija na sledećoj adresi :
Program nakon prispeća serijskog broja na poslatu im i-mejl adresu skinite sa sledeće adrese (na moju veliku žalost ,u pitanju je on-lajn instalaciona varijanta) :
Dopuna: 11 Sep 2012 15:41
CortoMaltese254 ::Bull Guard Internet Security 12 promocija 6 meseci.Morate se registrovati,sve je na danskom jeziku zato koristite google chrome prevodilac BullGuard Internet Security 12
Upotrebih ga za Win7 x64 Ultimate,a danas mi stiže veoma interesantan mejl dotične ekipe koji ovde prenosim " u celini i celosti " ( za greške u prevodu kriv je Gugl) :
" We hope you still satisfied with BullGuard We can see that BullGuard has not been activated on your PC the last while, and we want to make sure that you are aware of it. You have 144 days left of your BullGuard license. Did you know that you can transfer your BullGuard license to another PC? Your license is not tied to the computer you had when you installed BullGuard. If you no longer use BullGuard because you bought a new computer, you can easily install BullGuard Internet Security on it. A BullGuard license can be used to protect up to 3 computers. The only thing you need to do: Go to Step-by-step guide to installing BullGuard on your new computer and follow the instructions to install BullGuard on your new PC. If you have any problems or questions, please feel free to contact BullGuard Support. "
Dakle,eto zanimacije za vlasnike više računara...
Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
Poslao: 12 Sep 2012 02:13
- Pridružio: 25 Mar 2010
- Poruke: 104
Za one koji koriste Avira internet security 2012 na sledećem linku je procedura za dobijanje tromesečne besplatne licence:
Ja probao i radi!
Poslao: 24 Sep 2012 13:57
- Pridružio: 31 Dec 2011
- Poruke: 133
BullGuard Internet Security 13 free 90 dana lajkujte i osvojite
BG Internet Security 13