F-SECURE Distributer ::@BMW a debeli offtopic
postoji i teorija da je cela ta "najjaca" kosmicka i vojna industrija tigar od papira izgradjen od strane americke obavestajne sluzbe.... da bi imali neprijatelja dostojnog njihovog budzeta
evo novog neprijatelja:
MAY 26, 2005 (REUTERS) - The CIA is conducting a cyber-war game this week geared to simulate a major Internet attack by enemy computer hackers, an intelligence official said today.
Dubbed Silent Horizon, the three-day unclassified exercise is based on a scenario set five years in the future and involves participants from government and the private sector.
"These are people who could likely be affected or enlisted in a real situation," the intelligence official said. "Its goal is to help the United States recognize indicators of a large-scale cyberattack."
The exercise was being conducted in Charlottesville, Va., by members of the CIA's Information Operations Center, which evaluates foreign threats to U.S. computer systems, particularly those that support critical infrastructures. It was expected to conclude today.
Top U.S. intelligence officials say it may be only a matter of time before the U.S. is attacked again by terrorist groups, including Osama bin Laden's al-Qaeda.
Cyberattacks, which have drawn less publicity than possible chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear attacks, are viewed by U.S. officials as a potential al-Qaeda weapon against the U.S. economy.