avast! antivirus


avast! antivirus

  • Pridružio: 12 Feb 2012
  • Poruke: 74

Prvo mi je bilo sumnjivo što mi je nakon instalacije došla por kroz Akcijski centar da aktiviram Avast?!Kada sam to pokušao izbaci mi da ne može naći neku dll dat(ne sjećam se naziva).Nakon restarta na sekundu se pojavi plavi ekran i sistem se sam restartuje.Tako par puta,dok ga kroz Safe Mode nisam deinstalirao.Ima li kakve veze što sam ga instalirao preko Avast 8,nemam pojma,uglavnom nabacio sam CIS i sad je sve o.k

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 18 Dec 2005
  • Poruke: 340

Možda je problem u upgrade-u. Ne znam.
Ja sam imao CF + Avast 8 Free. Avast sam regularno deinstalirao i očistio sve njihovim posebnim uninstaller-om. Potom sam obrisao i CF da bih probao AVG IS 2014. Pošto me je zezao internet sa njim, obrisao sam ga regularno + njihov uninstaller a zatim instalirao Avast 9 Free Beta 2 i CF. Sve radi u najboljem redu za sada.

P.S. DeepScan i Hardened mod bi sada trebalo da rade. Najnovijim updateom je to sređeno ali je potrebno restartovati računar.
P.P.S. Izgleda da su i malo poradili na GUI fontu. Deluje jasnije.

  • Pridružio: 13 Sep 2012
  • Poruke: 2138

Od danas je dostupna nova verzija - Avast 2014


Ili update preko programa (ukoliko već imate Avast)

Novi dizajn i nova mogućnost koja donosi preko 200 mikro-apdejta dnevno.

  • magna86  Male
  • Anti Malware Fighter
    Rank 2
  • Pridružio: 21 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 6104

ilovephp ::Od danas je dostupna nova verzija - Avast 2014

Officijalno obavestenje i changelog:

  • Pridružio: 13 Sep 2012
  • Poruke: 2138

Napisano: 15 Okt 2013 17:22

Ljudi pomoc, pisem vam iz safe moda. Apdejtovao sam avast a on je u system32 prepoznao neke dll kao rotkite i stavio ih u karantin. Sada ne mogu da otvorim ni jedan program u normalnom modu, samo safe mod radi..... sta sad?!

Dopuna: 15 Okt 2013 17:26

uh , uspeo sam u safe modu da vratim dll na mesto, sada radi ok. Kako da im prijavim taj bug? Verovatno je do programa? Ne znam da li je do XP ili je tako i kod ostalih sistema....

  • Pridružio: 24 Dec 2007
  • Poruke: 1592
  • Gde živiš: Beograd

Znaci da ne prelazimo na 2014 Smile

  • magna86  Male
  • Anti Malware Fighter
    Rank 2
  • Pridružio: 21 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 6104

ilovephp ::Napisano: 15 Okt 2013 17:22

Ljudi pomoc, pisem vam iz safe moda. Apdejtovao sam avast a on je u system32 prepoznao neke dll kao rotkite i stavio ih u karantin. Sada ne mogu da otvorim ni jedan program u normalnom modu, samo safe mod radi..... sta sad?!

Dopuna: 15 Okt 2013 17:26

uh , uspeo sam u safe modu da vratim dll na mesto, sada radi ok. Kako da im prijavim taj bug? Verovatno je do programa? Ne znam da li je do XP ili je tako i kod ostalih sistema....

Mozes li da nam napises tacan naziv tih .dll fajlova kao i full path?
Mozda ti pomognu logovi:
Vista => C:\ProgramData\AVAST Software\Avast\report
XP: :\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\AVAST Software\Avast\report

Prijavljivanje FP detekcija za avast AV se vsi preko tri moguce forme:
-Preko avast GUI-a licno:
-Preko ove forme:
- Putem mail-a:
Zapakujes im fajlove i stavis sifru. Sifra mora biti ova: infected
mail: virus@avast.com

  • Pridružio: 13 Sep 2012
  • Poruke: 2138

Napisano: 15 Okt 2013 19:47

Pisao sam im na forumu. Probao sam ponovo quick scan i uvek različite dll fajlove pronalazi kao maliciozne...

Pored ovog , na forumu su korisnici pisali o još par problema nakon instalacija novog avasta

Dopuna: 15 Okt 2013 19:57

I nakon apdejta novih definicija i dalje se dešava... hm.. da li da se vratim na stariju verziju?

  • Pridružio: 18 Dec 2005
  • Poruke: 340

Izašla finalna verzija Avasta 2014:

Citat:Hi all,

I'm glad to announce that we've just released AVAST 2014 (build number 9.0.2006).

Here is the list of major changes/improvements:

Protection-related features and improvements
•New DeepScreen technology allows avast! to make more intelligent decisions about new/unknown files. DeepScreen is a successor of AutoSandbox, now upgraded with some additional new technologies such as dynamic binary translation and dyna-gen announced earlier.
•New Hardened mode for stricter lockdown scenarios. This is a new mode that is recommended especially for novice users (such as your grandmas): it automatically blocks execution of binaries that would normally be deepscreened (Moderate level) or even allows only execution of programs that are well-known to FileRep (Aggressive level). In a way, it brings the whitelisting concept to the consumer AV space.
•Improved cloud scanning features and crowdsourced analysis of suspicious items. This includes new, optimized mechanism for collecting data from our sensors.
•Continuously streaming update (CSU) technology for up-to-minute detections. This is not entirely new for v2014, but we now have really buttoned up the whole streaming update infrastructure to allow for reliable, uninterrupted service. We’re currently doing 350-400 updates a day, which equals to one update in roughly every 3.75 minutes, 24x7, 365 days a year. Streaming updates can now also carry more types of definitions than before.
•Improved cleaning of malware. This applies to standard malware as well as rootkits and file infectors.

Other new features
•All-new web browser plugins featuring comprehensive security ratings, protection against malware, phishing and typosquatting sites and Do-Not-Track (DNT) functionality for improved anonymity on the Internet. The DNT functionality doesn’t rely on the DNT HTTP headers; instead, it uses a proprietary technology that cannot be overridden by the servers.
•All-new SafeZone for more secure online shopping and banking. Users can now switch back and forth between SafeZone and the regular browser with a single click. Also, online banking sites can be automatically opened in the SafeZone.
•Rescue disk - allow users to create a bootable CD or flash disk with Avast on it. Great for cleaning.

Other improvements
•A new, streamlined user interface for simplified navigation and more user comfort. The new UI is actually much simplified, and it’s probably the biggest change since version 5.0. We have also redefined the shields to the total number of three (File Shield, Web Shield, Mail Shield) and tweaked the action buttons (tiles) on the home page so that they’re now fully configurable.
•Control and manage all protected devices directly from the Avast console. That is, the my.avast.com account is perfectly integrated in the UI to allow for management of all your devices running Avast.
•Dramatic reduction in product size (full installer < 60MB, compared to today’s 120MB) and memory footprint. By default, install is done through a new stub installer though (which has the advantage of always installing the most up-to-date version).
•Faster scanning thanks to optimized scanning engine (raw [in-memory] scans of EXE files are about 2x faster, while scans of text contents (e.g. web pages and scripts) are up to 10x faster).
•Completely rewritten setup/updater that makes the installation and upgrade process faster, easier and more reliable
•Firewall has been redesigned from scratch to allow for better compatibility with latest Windows, better performance and full support for IPv6 (although its UI hasn’t really changed).
•New licensing system allows for much easier management of product licenses. The system relies on activation codes, and these can be added seamlessly by simply clicking a link.
•Various improvement in the Software Updater and Browser Cleanup tool.

Download locations

avast! cleaner:

It should be possible to install this version on top of your existing avast! installation (all settings should be preserved). Or you can use in-product updater.

thanks a lot, enjoy this release!!!


  • Milan
  • Pridružio: 17 Dec 2007
  • Poruke: 14824
  • Gde živiš: Niš

Napisano: 10 Dec 2013 15:49

Ljudi, da li je neophodno da DeepScreen bude non stop uključen? Da li je moguće dodati određeni folder kao izuzetak od skeniranja tim DeepScreen-om ili da jednostavno isključim to?

Spremam kolokvijum iz programiranja i izuzetno me smara što ga pokreće pri prvom pokretanju svakog projekta...

Dopuna: 10 Dec 2013 16:36

Sad pa vidim da se zove DeepScan. Shocked

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