Kome trebaju stare definicije virusa koji su postali "peace of junk"?
Dzaba vam detekcije N hiljada miliona starih virusa kada vam prodje jedan od novijih...
Uzgred, STA je detektovano na tom testu i kako? Jos kada bi to bilo dodato, mogli bi da sagledamo validnost testa. Ovako, samo mogu da kazem da je Internet pun slicnih "testova".
A ispod testa stoji i:
"If you plan to buy an Anti-Virus, please visit the vendor's site and evaluate their software by downloading a trial version, as there are also many other features (e.g. firewall, scriptblocker, etc.) and important things (e.g. compatibility, graphical user interface, speed, language, price, update frequence, etc.) for an Anti-Virus that you should evaluate by yourself. Even if quite important, the detection rate is just one aspect that you should consider when buying Anti-Virus software."