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nothing compares to you
Idi na vrh
Nothing Compares to You
~ Sinead O'Connor

It's been seven hours and fifteen days
Since you took your love away
I go out every night and sleep all day
Since you took your love away
Since you've been gone I can do whatever I want
I can see whomever I choose
I can eat my dinner in a fancy restaurant
But nothing ...
I said nothing can take away these blues,
'Cause nothing compares ...
Nothing compares to you

It's been so lonely without you here
Like a bird without a song
Nothing can stop these lonely tears from falling
Tell me baby where did I go wrong?
I could put my arms around every boy I see
But they'd only remind me of you
went to the doctor guess what he told me
Guess what he told me?
He said, girl, you better have fun
No matter what you do
But he's a fool ...
'Cause nothing compares ...
Nothing compares to you ...

All the flowers that you planted, mama
In the back yard
All died when you went away
I know that living with you baby was sometimes hard
But I'm willing to give it another try
'Cause nothing compares ...
Nothing compares to you


----------- Dopuna: 14 Mar 2007 13:02 ---------

I Belong To You

You are the flame in my heart
You light my way in the dark
You are the ultimate star

You lift me up from above
Your unconditional love
Takes me to paradise

I belong to you
And you
You belong to me too

You make my life complete
You make me feel so sweet

You make me feel so divine
Your soul and mine are entwined
Before you I was blind

But since I've opened my eyes
And with you there's no disguise
So I could open up my mind

I always loved you from the start
But I could not figure out
That I had to do it everyday

So I put away the fight
Now I'm gonna live my life
Giving you the most in every way

I belong to you
And you
You belong to me too

You make my life complete
You make me feel so sweet

Oh I belong to you
I belong to you
And you, you
You belong to me too

You make my life complete
You make me feel so sweet

Oh I belong to you
I belong to you
And you, you
You belong to me too

You make my life complete
You make my life complete
You make me feel so sweet

Oh I belong to you
I belong to you
And you, and you
You belong to me too

You make my life complete
You make my life complete
You make me feel so sweet
world in my eyes
Idi na vrh
Uz ovu pesmu prosto pozelim da zavedem nekoga...

Depeche Mode - World In My Eyes

Let me take you on a trip
Around the world and back
And you won't have to move
You just sit still

Now let your mind do the walking
And let my body do the talking
Let me show you the world in my eyes

I'll take you to the highest mountain
To the depths of the deepest sea
And we won't need a map, believe me

Now let my body do the moving
And let my hands do the soothing
Let me show you the world in my eyes

That's all there is
Nothing more than you can feel now
That's all there is

Let me put you on a ship
On a long, long trip
Your lips close to my lips
All the islands in the ocean
All the heavens in the motion
Let me show you the world in my eyes

That's all there is
Nothing more than you can touch now
That's all there is

Let me show you the world in my eyes
zemljotres! u mojoj glavi
Idi na vrh
znaci jutros, pretpostavljem da je pocelo da svanjava, ne secam se tacno kad, jer sam ocigledno bila u polusnu, skocila sam iz svog kreveta i otrcala do roditelja da ih pitam da li su osetili bas jak zemljotres, a oni mi rekli da nisu i da ja to verovatno sanjam. ja inace spavam na krevetu na sprat pa ga je kao mozda moj brat malo zadrmao, ali meni je sve izgledalo tako stvarno, ne secam se da sam uopste sanjala zemljotres... nego sam stvarno osetila nesto i skocila i sad sam skroz zbunjena, vidim nigde nema na vestima, toliko je sve bilo stvarno... da li je moguce da brkam san i javu? a ko zna, mozda je ovo neko predskazanje?

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