The Hell
As you sit in the dark corner.
Of a cheap pub.
And as everybody looks at you.
Only one thing is in your head.
One thing, one thought.
What is that thing called hell?
What is the thing that forces you to go there?
Maybe it is the thing that forces you in that corner.
Or is it when you take that bottle.
Or when you take your dose.
Is that your hell .
Or is that everybody’s hell?
Is that the hell of your brother?
Is that the hell of your sister?
Or is that everybody’s hell?
Is that what hell is?
What is the hell of your brother?
Maybe his hell is face of that solider that he killed.
His face as he looked at him through the scope.
And the look on his face.
When he realized he is going to die.
The picture of his face.
Is that your brother’s hell?
What is the hell of your kid sister?
Maybe when her new toy gets broken?
Or the face of her pet that she killed.
Or when she gets an F in school.
Is that hers hell?
What is hell of every person on the street?
What is hell of you that you are reading this?
What is your hell?
What is that thing?
by Mad Zec
Thenks 2 Aleksandra na popravljanju moje gramatike.
Hvala Aleksandra