New fairy shrimp species found

New fairy shrimp species found

  • Pridružio: 18 Dec 2003
  • Poruke: 7953
  • Gde živiš: Graceland

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Biologists with the Idaho National Guard have discovered a new yet different species of fairy shrimp living in the oft-dry lakebeds of Idaho's desert.(AP Photo)
BEIJING, Mar. 16 -- Biologists with the Idaho National Guard have discovered a new yet different species of fairy shrimp living in the oft-dry lakebeds of Idaho's desert.

Biologist Dana Quinney says the three inches long species belongs to the large and predatory fairy shrimps, which are strong enough to survive unhatched for years in the baking heat of summer and frozen tundra of winter until enough rain falls and the pools return.

The new species has several spines on its front legs, and each spine is covered with several more, even smaller spines.

Meanwhile, the belly of the shrimp is covered with patches of Velcro-like spikes, enabling it to stick to and store up to four smaller fairy shrimp of different species — its prey.


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