Researchers: Early Universe Liquid-Like
Mon Apr 18,10:22 PM ET
Science - AP
By MATT CRENSON, AP National Writer
New results from a particle collider suggest that the universe behaved like a liquid in its earliest moments, not the fiery gas that was thought to have pervaded the first microseconds of existence.
By revising physicists' concept of the early universe, the new discovery offers opportunities to better learn how subatomic particles interact at the most fundamental level. It may also reveal intriguing parallels between gravity and the force that holds atomic nuclei together, physicists said Monday at a Tampa, Fla., meeting of the American Physical Society.
"There are a lot of exciting questions," said Sam Aronson, associate director for high energy and nuclear physics at Brookhaven National Laboratory, which is located on Long Island about 65 miles east of New York city.