akve tehnike koristi EUnet prilikom filtriranja poste. Naime, server hosting provajdera na kom odrzavam jednu mailing listu se greskom nasao na blacklisti SpamCop-a. Prakticno polovinu prijavljenih cine korisnici EUneta, koji pojma nisu imali o tome da im provajder zaustavlja bilo kakvu postu. Pisao sam tehnickoj podrsci EUnet-a i nisam dobio nikakav odgovor. Pretrazio sam sajt EUnet-a za "SpamCop" -- nista. Trazio sam "spam" i dobio 16 tekstova u kojima se ni jednom recju ne spominje zaustavljanje poste od strane provajdera. Zasto? Najobicnija lenjost, rekao bih. Stav da su korisnici glupi i da ih nije briga sta ce se s vremena na vreme desiti s nekim mejlom, pa da je lakse cutati nego ih na neki nacin obrazovati. Samim tim, nekog je mrzelo da sedne i dobro procita sledeci tekst:
SpamCop Blocklist Details & Description
This blocking list is somewhat experimental. This system and most other spam-filtering systems should not be used in a production environment where legitimate email must be delivered. Many end-users and administrators have decided that risking the loss of legitimate email is worth the benefit of blocking most spam. As a result, this list is now used widely and it's reputation for blocking spam while reducing the risk of erronious blocking is growing.
However, it should be noted that SpamCop is aggressive and often errs on the side of blocking mail - users should be warned and given information about how their mail is filtered. Ideally they should have a choice of filtering options. Many mailservers can operate with blacklists in a "tag only" mode, which is preferable in many situations.
The description of the algorithm used for deciding whether to block a host may be out of date, and is subject to change without notice.
There is no warranty associated with using this system. It is provided as is.
Preuzeto sa: http://www.internodium.org.rs/retro/msgDisplay.php?id=20040218004108