Gordian Knot_sta mi je ulaz

Gordian Knot_sta mi je ulaz

  • Zora
  • Pridružio: 22 Okt 2004
  • Poruke: 1435
  • Gde živiš: ni na nebu ni na zemlji

molim pomozite,
jedva sam otkrila kako pretvoriti videoDVD u video .AVi file koji mogu poslati nekome.
Kopirala sam na HD sa DVD Decrypter (free ware)
[Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]

i dobila sledece fileove nakon kopiranja na HD

koji od ovih fileova treba da upisem kao ulazni u
Gordian Knot
tako da i zvuk dobijem..
gde je taj file?

ja citala uputu ali ne razumijem jer imam vise IFO i VOB fajlova

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • oblak  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Glavni moderator foruma Mobilni telefoni
  • Pridružio: 14 Feb 2005
  • Poruke: 6355

odvuci ga samo do foldera on ce sam pokupiti sta mu treba Wink

  • Zora
  • Pridružio: 22 Okt 2004
  • Poruke: 1435
  • Gde živiš: ni na nebu ni na zemlji

nemogu naznaciti folder ,moram file

Dopuna: 27 Maj 2007 21:38

evo upute koja me zbuni

mogu samo jedan file kao ulaz a ne folder koji mi sadrzi ovih gore 7 fileova

i neznam koji IFO da odaberem
ima ih 2
i ne vidim gde je audio

Using AutoGK

First, you have to select an appropriate input file that AutoGK is going to be dealing with and which determines also the type of input source:

IFO file is used when you have a DVD like directory that contains IFO file and corresponding VOB files. IFO file is parsed and choice of audio streams and subtitles is presented to the user. If IFO file contains multiple PGCs (program chains) or angles then user will be asked to confirm which ones contained in the vobset (unless the name of VOB file contain this information already). Note that AutoGK cannot work properly on a vobset that still has multiple angles/program chains, so make sure to use appropriate tools to prepare the vobset. Another thing to remember is that AutoGK only works on unencrypted VOB files.
MPG, MPEG, VOB, VRO, M2V, M1V, DAT files are expected to have MPEG1/MPEG2 video inside. Only information about audio type (but not language in case of VOBs) is available for these types of files.
TS, TP, TRP, M2T files are expected to be transport streams with MPEG2 video inside. If it has multiple video streams then you'll be asked to confirm which stream AutoGK will be working with.
AVI files can have potentially any type of video inside (including DivX/XviD and DV sources). Main requirement for AutoGK to be able to process them is that they can be played in Windows Media Player (or any other DirectShow-based player) on your Windows installation. For current limitations and features see latest FAQ on AutoGK's web site

If you want to encode multiple input files into one resulting AVI you can do it by appropriately naming input files: *_1.vob;*_2.vob etc and selecting just the first one (Extension can be any of supported types apart from AVI). In IFO mode AutoGK automatically selects all VOBs that belong to one vobset.

In AutoGK select the input file. Select the Output File where you want the intermediate files and final .avi to go. It's usually the same as the Input file. For the Audio track, select the one you want. Frequently, you'll have audio tracks in different languages on the DVD. There may also be a 6 channel AC3 (Dolby Digital 5.1), a 2 channel AC3 (DD 2.0), for older, classic films a 1 channel AC3 (DD 1.0) and/or a Director's Commentary track. If you plan on using MP3 audio, it might be better to choose the 2 track DD 2.0 if there is one. If you're going for 2 CDs and want the best quality audio, then choose the 6 track DD 5.1 if available. If you want subtitles with your .avi, then choose one of the available languages. These will be "burnt-in" by default, unless you choose external subtitles in the Advanced Settings. That is, they'll be encoded into the video. About the Output size; the default is for 2 CDs and the AC3 audio (DD 5.1, or 2.0 if no 5.1 is available). If you want to try and put the movie onto 1 CD (with lower resolution and therefore somewhat lower quality), then choose 1 CD, and MP3 audio will be chosen by default. Some movies are long and/or difficult to compress. So (rarely) you may wish to go for 3 CDs. Be warned though; it's sometimes not possible to fill 3 CDs, even at the highest quality and resolution.

Step 1: Select input file name. Output file name will be filled in automatically from input file name(you can change it of course) or its name would be suggested in the Save As dialog from parent directory of IFO file. You can write them just about anyway you want (but if you're using Win9x OS then its better to avoid non-english characters in the name of files/directories).

Step 2: By default the first Audio track is chosen, but feel free to choose another of the audio tracks. If you go for more than 1 CD encode it will be included unchanged (not converted to MP3) with the video. However, if you are doing 1CD or less encode then it will be automatically converted to ABR MP3 (which is a form of VBR MP3) at 128 kbps. Second audio track can be selected as well and it might be the Director's Commentary, or a second language. In this example I've chosen to include main audio track and a secondary track that is a Director's Commentary. This second audio track will be encoded as ABR MP3 at 128 kbps. Advanced Settings (step 4) will allow you to select audio settings manually: whether always leave audio as original AC3/DTS or always convert to MP3. Note that if you are using manual audio settings with two audio tracks then they would both have the same settings. Another thing to remember is that if you are using "target quality" mode (step 3) then by default first audio will be left as AC3/DTS.

  • den78  Male
  • Super građanin
  • Pridružio: 07 Jul 2005
  • Poruke: 1227
  • Gde živiš: Moe's Tavern

treba da ubacis ifo fajl.
evo primer dvd-a sa 2 filma:

kad to uradis dobijes i audio i subtitle (ako ga ima)...kao na slici:


  • Zora
  • Pridružio: 22 Okt 2004
  • Poruke: 1435
  • Gde živiš: ni na nebu ni na zemlji

hvala den,
za sad imam jedan film i to moram prvo resiti a onda cu te pitati sto da radim ako imam 2
gde da upisem drugi.

nesto mi se poremetilo sa Autogk i nemogu ga ni izbrisati iz Program file u C:
ni ponovo instalirati.
Propisno sam odinstalirala..
ali kod ponovne instalacije javlja error in writing file.

bas zavrzlama!

molim, kako snimis ove primere(otisak sa ekrana)
i ja sam htela da vam pokazem kako izgleda dialog prozor ali nisam znala kako to preslikati u post ovde.

  • den78  Male
  • Super građanin
  • Pridružio: 07 Jul 2005
  • Poruke: 1227
  • Gde živiš: Moe's Tavern

faststone capture Smile

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