Podešavanje Excel-a 2003

Podešavanje Excel-a 2003

  • Pridružio: 15 Feb 2007
  • Poruke: 443

Da li neko može da mi kaže kako i gde da nađem podešavanje za kolone u Excel-u? Tačnije, želim da podesim širinu kolone na određenu dimenziju, ali mi pokazuje u pixelima, a hteo bi to da promenim u cm!

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • eca  Female
  • Zaslužni građanin
  • Pridružio: 24 Feb 2007
  • Poruke: 631

Measurement units and rulers in Excel
Unlike Microsoft Word, Excel does not provide a horizontal or vertical ruler, and there is no quick way to measure the width or height of a worksheet in inches. Excel uses characters, points, and pixels as units of measurement.

The width of cells is displayed in characters and pixels rather than in inches. When you drag the boundary of a column heading to adjust the width of a column on the worksheet, a ScreenTip displays the width in characters and shows pixels in parentheses.
The height of cells is displayed in points and pixels rather than in inches. When you drag the boundary of a row heading to adjust the height of a row on the worksheet, a ScreenTip displays the height in points and shows pixels in parentheses.
An approximate conversion of points and pixels to inches is shown in the following table.

Points Pixels Inches
18 24 .25
36 48 .5
72 96 1
108 144 1.5
144 192 2

E sad jos pretvoris inches u cm, pa racunas! Mr. Green
Malo gadno![/u]

  • gagy  Male
  • Novi MyCity građanin
  • Pridružio: 15 Jan 2006
  • Poruke: 10
  • Gde živiš: Nis

Ja sam se mucio oko toga kad sam pravio neke obrasce i nasao dva makroa za to.
Jednostavno kreiraj nove makroe, iskopiraj kod i kad ti trebaju pokreni makro.

Ide kod:

Sub ColumnWidthInCentimeters()
Dim cm As Single, points As Integer, savewidth As Integer
Dim lowerwidth As Integer, upwidth As Integer, curwidth As Integer
Dim Count As Integer

' Turn screen updating off.
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
' Ask for the width in inches wanted.
cm = Application.InputBox("Enter Column Width in Centimeters", _
"Column Width (cm)", Type:=1)
' If cancel button for the input box was pressed, exit procedure.
If cm = False Then Exit Sub
' Convert the inches entered to points.
points = Application.CentimetersToPoints(cm)
' Save the current column width setting.
savewidth = ActiveCell.ColumnWidth
' Set the column width to the maximum allowed.
ActiveCell.ColumnWidth = 255
' If the points desired is greater than the points for 255
' characters...
If points > ActiveCell.Width Then
' Display a message box because the size specified is too
' large and give the maximum allowed value.
MsgBox "Width of " & cm & " is too large." & Chr(10) & _
"The maximum value is " & _
Format(ActiveCell.Width / 28.3464566929134, _
"0.00"), vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "Width Error"
' Reset the column width back to the original.
ActiveCell.ColumnWidth = savewidth
' Exit the Sub.
Exit Sub
End If
' Set the lowerwidth and upper width variables.
lowerwidth = 0
upwidth = 255
' Set the column width to the middle of the allowed character
' range.
ActiveCell.ColumnWidth = 127.5
curwidth = ActiveCell.ColumnWidth
' Set the count to 0 so if it can't find an exact match it won't
' go on indefinitely.
Count = 0
' Loop as long as the cell width in is different from width
' wanted and the count (iterations) of the loop is less than 20.
While (ActiveCell.Width <> points) And (Count < 20)
' If active cell width is less than desired cell width.
If ActiveCell.Width < points Then
' Reset lower width to current width.
lowerwidth = curwidth
' set current column width to the midpoint of curwidth
' and upwidth.
Selection.ColumnWidth = (curwidth + upwidth) / 2
' If active cell width is greater than desired cell width.
' Set upwidth to the curwidth.
upwidth = curwidth
' Set column width to the mid point of curwidth and lower
' width.
Selection.ColumnWidth = (curwidth + lowerwidth) / 2
End If
' Set curwidth to the width of the column now.
curwidth = ActiveCell.ColumnWidth
' Increment the count counter.
Count = Count + 1
End Sub

Sub RowHeightInCentimeters()
Dim cm As Single
' Get the row height in centimeters.
cm = Application.InputBox("Enter Row Height in Centimeters", _
"Row Height (cm)", Type:=1)
' If cancel button not pressed and a value entered.
If cm Then
' Convert and set the row height
Selection.RowHeight = Application.CentimetersToPoints(cm)
End If
End Sub

  • Pridružio: 15 Feb 2007
  • Poruke: 443

Hvala ti, to je lepo, ali ne znam da ga upotrebim. Sad

  • gagy  Male
  • Novi MyCity građanin
  • Pridružio: 15 Jan 2006
  • Poruke: 10
  • Gde živiš: Nis

OK, idemo redom.
Prvo i osnovno uradi kopiju svog dokumenta i sve ovo radi na njoj za slucaj da ti ne uspe iz prve (ili da ti se ne svidja kako ovo radi).
Znaci na kopiji tvog dokumenta idi na Tools/Macro/Macros… , zatim unucaj Macro name:


idi na Create i na poziciji gde ti je kursor prekopiraj sledeci kod:

Dim cm As Single
' Get the row height in centimeters.
cm = Application.InputBox("Enter Row Height in Centimeters", _
"Row Height (cm)", Type:=1)
' If cancel button not pressed and a value entered.
If cm Then
' Convert and set the row height
Selection.RowHeight = Application.CentimetersToPoints(cm)
End If

zatim na Save i zatvori VB prozor. Ponovi postupak za drugi makro, ali ga nazovi:


idi na Create i prekopiraj sledeci kod:

Dim cm As Single, points As Integer, savewidth As Integer
Dim lowerwidth As Integer, upwidth As Integer, curwidth As Integer
Dim Count As Integer
' Turn screen updating off.
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
' Ask for the width in inches wanted.
cm = Application.InputBox("Enter Column Width in Centimeters", _
"Column Width (cm)", Type:=1)
' If cancel button for the input box was pressed, exit procedure.
If cm = False Then Exit Sub
' Convert the inches entered to points.
points = Application.CentimetersToPoints(cm)
' Save the current column width setting.
savewidth = ActiveCell.ColumnWidth
' Set the column width to the maximum allowed.
ActiveCell.ColumnWidth = 255
' If the points desired is greater than the points for 255
' characters...
If points > ActiveCell.Width Then
' Display a message box because the size specified is too
' large and give the maximum allowed value.
MsgBox "Width of " & cm & " is too large." & Chr(10) & _
"The maximum value is " & _
Format(ActiveCell.Width / 28.3464566929134, _
"0.00"), vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "Width Error"
' Reset the column width back to the original.
ActiveCell.ColumnWidth = savewidth
' Exit the Sub.
Exit Sub
End If
' Set the lowerwidth and upper width variables.
lowerwidth = 0
upwidth = 255
' Set the column width to the middle of the allowed character
' range.
ActiveCell.ColumnWidth = 127.5
curwidth = ActiveCell.ColumnWidth
' Set the count to 0 so if it can't find an exact match it won't
' go on indefinitely.
Count = 0
' Loop as long as the cell width in is different from width
' wanted and the count (iterations) of the loop is less than 20.
While (ActiveCell.Width <> points) And (Count < 20)
' If active cell width is less than desired cell width.
If ActiveCell.Width < points Then
' Reset lower width to current width.
lowerwidth = curwidth
' set current column width to the midpoint of curwidth
' and upwidth.
Selection.ColumnWidth = (curwidth + upwidth) / 2
' If active cell width is greater than desired cell width.
' Set upwidth to the curwidth.
upwidth = curwidth
' Set column width to the mid point of curwidth and lower
' width.
Selection.ColumnWidth = (curwidth + lowerwidth) / 2
End If
' Set curwidth to the width of the column now.
curwidth = ActiveCell.ColumnWidth
' Increment the count counter.
Count = Count + 1

Opet to snimi i zatvori VB prozor.

Selektuj kolonu ciju sirinu zelis da postavis u cm idi na Tools/Macro/Macros… selektuj ColumnWidthInCentimeters i pokreni na Run. Pojavoce ti se prozor u kome uneses sirinu kolone u cm i to je to. Isto vazi i za redove ali pozivas RowHeightInCentimeters.
Mozes u Tools/Macro/Macros… pa na tasteru Options.. da dodas neku precicu za pokretanje svakog makroa posebno (pazi da ne izaberes neku koja vec postoji) ako ih cesto koristis.

  • Pridružio: 15 Feb 2007
  • Poruke: 443

Ovo ekstra radi, hvala ti puno za code i za ovako detaljno objašnjenje.
Hvala..... Smile

Dopuna: 15 Sep 2007 17:42

Ubacio sam Office 2007, a ovo radi i u njemu, super! Wink

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