Word 2007 - muka


Word 2007 - muka

  • Pridružio: 20 Jan 2009
  • Poruke: 37

Imam problem koji ne znam kako da resim, a izludecu ako ga ne resim. Naime, u servisu su mi instalirali operativni sistem i office 2007.
Kada god otvaram word, bilo pokrecem program ili vec napravljen fajl, pojavljujemi se prozor sa obavestenjem
The function you are attempting to run contains macros or content that requires macro language support.
Sta da uradim da se taj prozor vise ne pojavljuje?

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 09 Feb 2009
  • Poruke: 111

Daj nam screenshot da vidimo?

  • Pridružio: 08 Jan 2010
  • Poruke: 101

malo citanja: [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]
nisu ti instlirali VBA
nadji na netu office instalaciju i instaliraj ponovo ili popravi trenutnu instalaciju

  • Pridružio: 20 Jan 2009
  • Poruke: 37

U prozoru pise:
This error usually occurs because of macro security settings. If you know that the macro comes from a source that you trust, you can change your macro security settings to allow you to enable the macro. The way that you change your macro security settings depends on the Microsoft Office System program that you are using.
Microsoft Office Access, Microsoft Office Excel, Microsoft Office PowerPoint, or Microsoft Office Word --

To check your macro security settings, click the Microsoft Office Button, click <program name> Options, click Trust Center, and then click Trust Center Settings.
If macro security is set to Disable all macros without notification, all macros are automatically disabled. Use the following procedure to enable the macro.
In the Trust Center dialog box, click Macro Settings, and then click Disable all macros with notification.
Click OK in the Trust Center dialog box to apply the new setting. Click OK to close the program options dialog box.
Close the file and the Microsoft Office program that you are using.
Open the file again. A Security Alert appears in the Document Information Bar just below the ribbon. Click Enable Content to allow the macro to run.
When you have enabled the macro, it is recommended that you return the macro security setting to Disable all macros without notification.
If macro security is set to Disable all macros with notification, but you selected Disable when prompted by the macro warning dialog when you opened the file, use the following procedure to enable the macro.
In the Trust Center dialog box, click Cancel. Click Cancel to close the program options dialog box.
Close the file and the Microsoft Office program that you are using.
Open the file again. A Security Alert appears in the Document Information Bar just below the ribbon. Click Enable Content to allow the macro to run.
If macro security is set to Disable all macros except digitally signed macros, the macro may not have been digitally signed. Verify that you can trust the macro before using the following procedure to allow it to run.
In the Trust Center dialog box, click Cancel. Click Cancel to close the program options dialog box.
Close the file and the Microsoft Office program that you are using.
Open the file again. A Security Alert appears in the Document Information Bar just below the ribbon. Click Enable Content to allow the macro to run.

Microsoft Office Outlook, Microsoft Office Visio, or Microsoft Office Publisher --

To check your macro security settings, on the Tools menu, click Trust Center, and then click Macro Security.
If macro security is set to No warnings and disable all macros, all macros are automatically disabled. Use the following procedure to enable the macro.
In the Trust Center dialog box, click Warnings for signed macros; all unsigned macros are disabled, and then click OK.
Close the file and the Microsoft Office program that you are using.
Open the file again. When prompted, click Enable Content to allow the macro to run. If you are using Visio, the Enable Content button appears as part of a Security Alert in the Document Information Bar. If you are not prompted to enable the macro, or if you receive this error again, the macro may not be digitally signed. Verify that you can trust the macro. If you are certain that you can trust the macro, use the next procedure below to enable the macro.
When you have enabled the macro, it is recommended that you return the macro security setting to No warnings and disable all macros.
If macro security is set to Warnings for signed macros; all unsigned macros are disabled, the macro may not be digitally signed. If you are certain that you can trust the macro, use the following procedure to enable the macro.
In the Trust Center dialog box, click Warnings for all macros, and then click OK.
Close the file and the Microsoft Office program that you are using.
Open the file again. When prompted, click Enable Content to allow the macro to run. If you are using Visio, the Enable Content button appears as part of a Security Alert in the Document Information Bar.
When you have enabled the macro, it is recommended that you return the macro security setting to Warnings for signed macros; all unsigned macros are disabled.

Microsoft Office Project --

To check your macro security settings, on the Tools menu, click Macro, and then click Security.
If macro security is set to Very High, use the following procedure to enable the macro.
In the Security dialog box, click High, and then click OK.
Close the file and Microsoft Office Project.
Open the file again. When prompted, click Enable Content to allow the macro to run. If you are not prompted to enable the macro, or if you receive this error message again, the macro may not be digitally signed. Verify that you can trust the macro. If you are certain that you can trust the macro, use the next procedure below to enable the macro.
When you have enabled the macro, it is recommended that you return the macro security setting to Very High.
If the macro security setting is set to High, the macro may not be digitally signed. If you are certain that you can trust the macro, use the following procedure to enable the macro.
In the Security dialog box, click Medium, and then click OK.
Close the file and Microsoft Office Project.
Open the file again. When prompted, click Enable Content to allow the macro to run.
When you have enabled the macro, it is recommended that you return the macro security setting to High.

This error may also occur for the following reasons:
The certificate of trust that is attached to the macro is invalid. Unless you are certain that the macro is safe, it is recommended that you not trust or run the macro.
The certificate is no longer trusted, was revoked by the issuing authority, or is damaged. Unless you are certain that the macro is safe, it is recommended that you not trust or run the macro.
Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) is not installed on your computer. In this case, no VBA macro can be run, regardless of whether the macro has a valid certificate of trust. You or your administrator may have chosen not to install VBA, or the version of Microsoft Office that you are using may not install VBA by default. If your version of Microsoft Office does not provide VBA as an installable feature, you can upgrade to a version that provides VBA support.
If you are unable to change the security settings, it is possible that another program has locked the security settings. Close all Microsoft Office System programs, then restart your program and change the security settings.
More information about this error message online.

  • Pridružio: 30 Dec 2007
  • Poruke: 4759
  • Gde živiš: Niš

To se često javlja taj prozor po netu kao prob. specifično za off2007 , primetio sam Shocked
Nešto u vezi makroa ne bih znao detaljnije.

  • Pridružio: 20 Jan 2009
  • Poruke: 37

Dajte mi neki link za download office 2007.
Ako moze da se skine sto jednostavinije, jer se ne snalazim bas najbolje...

  • Pridružio: 11 Sep 2007
  • Poruke: 3271

A. F. Losev ::Dajte mi neki link za download office 2007.
Bojim se da takve linkove i uputstva za slicne neces dobiti na ovom forum, jer je protiv pravilnika, piraterija je zabranjena.

  • Pridružio: 05 Feb 2008
  • Poruke: 2134

Evo i ovaj tip ima isti problem, na kupljenom racunaru je imao office:
[Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]

odgovor lezi najverovatnije u cetvrtom postu, citiram:

Installing VB support is optional in some versions of Office.
It sounds as though it's not installed on your PC.
If you have an Office CD, use it, re-run Setup.
Choose a custom install and poke around the options to find the VBA support and
have it install that.

a probnu verziju office-a mozes naravno skinuti besplatno na zvanicnom sajtu microsofta

ili alternativni link sobzirom da rece da se tesko snalazis:
[Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici] biras verziju 2007 a mozes i 2010 ona je besplatna ali je jos u beta fazi dakle nedovrsena verzija ali funkcionalna

ako skidas 2007, pogledaj pre toga koju varijantu ti imas instaliranu i prepisi serijski broj, trenutni serial ti se nalazi:

e sad ako tebi taj office nije uracunat u cenu racunara, ispasce da propagiram pirateriju Embarassed

  • Pridružio: 20 Jan 2009
  • Poruke: 37

Tanatos ::A. F. Losev ::Dajte mi neki link za download office 2007.
Bojim se da takve linkove i uputstva za slicne neces dobiti na ovom forum, jer je protiv pravilnika, piraterija je zabranjena.

Izvinjavam se...

daniel83 ::Evo i ovaj tip ima isti problem, na kupljenom racunaru je imao office:
[Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]

odgovor lezi najverovatnije u cetvrtom postu, citiram:

Installing VB support is optional in some versions of Office.
It sounds as though it's not installed on your PC.
If you have an Office CD, use it, re-run Setup.
Choose a custom install and poke around the options to find the VBA support and
have it install that.

a probnu verziju office-a mozes naravno skinuti besplatno na zvanicnom sajtu microsofta

ili alternativni link sobzirom da rece da se tesko snalazis:
[Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici] biras verziju 2007 a mozes i 2010 ona je besplatna ali je jos u beta fazi dakle nedovrsena verzija ali funkcionalna

ako skidas 2007, pogledaj pre toga koju varijantu ti imas instaliranu i prepisi serijski broj, trenutni serial ti se nalazi:

e sad ako tebi taj office nije uracunat u cenu racunara, ispasce da propagiram pirateriju Embarassed

Najlepse hvala.

  • argus  Male
  • Anti Malware Fighter
    Rank 2
  • Pridružio: 27 Apr 2008
  • Poruke: 9160
  • Gde živiš: Prokuplje

A. F. Losev ::Imam problem koji ne znam kako da resim, a izludecu ako ga ne resim. Naime, u servisu su mi instalirali operativni sistem i office 2007.
Kada god otvaram word, bilo pokrecem program ili vec napravljen fajl, pojavljujemi se prozor sa obavestenjem
The function you are attempting to run contains macros or content that requires macro language support.
Sta da uradim da se taj prozor vise ne pojavljuje?

Tema je stara ali resenje je sledece. U servisu ti nisu instalirari kompletan Office.

Citat:I went back to Add/Remove Programs and Microsoft Office 2007.
Select Change and Add/Remove Features.
Expand Office Shared Features and the arrow beside Visual Basic for Applications. Click Installed on First Use.
Click Continue and let it work itself.

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