Kasini potvrdio da Enceladus, Saturnov mesec ima atmosferu!

Kasini potvrdio da Enceladus, Saturnov mesec ima atmosferu!

  • Pridružio: 18 Dec 2003
  • Poruke: 7953
  • Gde živiš: Graceland

Cassini: Saturn Moon Enceladus Has Atmosphere
Discovery News

March 16, 2005 — Saturn's reflective, icy moon Enceladus has an atmosphere, possibly provided by volcanoes, geysers or gases that are escaping from the orb's surface or interior, according to NASA.

"These new results from Cassini may be the first evidence of gases originating either from the surface or possibly from the interior of Enceladus," said Michele Dougherty, principal investigator for the Cassini magnetometer and professor at Imperial College in London, in a NASA press release.


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