Novotkriveni sistem(petak),koji orbitira van solarnog sistema(mlecnog puta),po svemu sudeci ima Mesec.
But although initial calculations suggested the Kuiper Belt object could be up to twice as big as Pluto, the new data indicates it is about 70% the diameter of that planet. This makes its size second only to Pluto itself among objects beyond Neptune.
The new object has been temporarily named 2003 EL61 by the Minor Planet Center at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in Massachusetts, US, and was first spotted by Jose-Luis Ortiz at the Sierra Nevada Observatory in Spain in 2003. Ortiz's group uncovered observations as far back as 1955, and after additional observations reported its orbit to the Minor Planet Center.
When he first saw how bright the object was, Gareth Williams of the Minor Planet Center could not believe it was as far from the Sun as Ortiz claimed - 51 times further away than the Earth. However, he quickly found two images of the object in the online Digital Sky Survey, and posted it on a confirmation page on the Minor Planet Center's website. Half an hour later, German amateur astronomers announced they had found it where predicted.
But more was to come. After Williams put out a notice of the new object and its orbit the evening of 28 July, Mike Brown of Caltech in California, US, said his group had discovered the same object in 2004 - and in January 2005 had spotted a moon orbiting it using the Keck Observatory in Hawaii.
Mass by moon
The moon is not the first discovered around a Kuiper Belt object, but it is the smallest, only about 1% the mass of 2003 EL61. More importantly, observations of the satellite's 49-day orbit allowed Brown to precisely calculate the masses of both 2003 EL61 and its moon.
Brown's results - posted on his website - show the object is about 32% as massive as Pluto. Assuming its composition is similar, that implies its diameter is about 70% of Pluto's, or about 1600 kilometres. That would probably make it larger than Sedna, an object beyond the Kuiper Belt discovered earlier by Brown's group.
Brown had not made his findings public because he was waiting for infrared data from the Spitzer Space Telescope, which he could use to calculate how much visible light 2003 EL61 reflected. That would allow him to calculate its size more precisely.
Taking a chance
He finally received that data on 22 July, and is still in process of analysing it. "We could have announced the object earlier, but we took a chance that no one else would find it while we were awaiting our observations" from Spitzer, Brown writes on his web site. "We were wrong," so the Spanish group earned credit for the discovery.
Williams is surprised the object had not been spotted earlier. Although its motion in the sky is very slow: "It's bloody bright," he told New Scientist.
If it was in the main asteroid belt, it would be visible to the unaided eye in a dark sky, one to two magnitudes brighter than Vesta, the brightest object in the main belt. Even far beyond Neptune, it is bright enough for amateur astronomers to have captured images of it without recognising its motion.