Poslao: 13 Nov 2005 20:28
- Pridružio: 19 Jul 2005
- Poruke: 130
- Gde živiš: Bachka
Ne znam samo koja bi budala kupila ovo ako ima para za bembaru??
Poslao: 13 Nov 2005 21:11
- NuLLCoDe

- Legendarni građanin
- Đuro Glumac
- dipl. ing. informatike
- Pridružio: 08 Feb 2004
- Poruke: 3640
- Gde živiš: ApAtIn
Onda sam ja budala. Mada zavisi koju bembaru konkretno.
Poslao: 14 Nov 2005 14:06
- rapha

- Mod u pemziji
- Pridružio: 14 Feb 2005
- Poruke: 9113
- Gde živiš: Beograd
Što budala, VW je strašan auto. Tačnije, na našem tržištu je best buy...
Ne znam kakve su mu performanse i cena, može li nešto više o tome?
Btw, VW "ne upada u oči" kao BMW, što je meni jako bitno. Čim voziš BMW, pogotovo neki noviji serije 6 ili 7 odmah svi misle da si neki krimos ili lopov što se meni nikako ne dopada.
Poslao: 14 Nov 2005 14:18
- NuLLCoDe

- Legendarni građanin
- Đuro Glumac
- dipl. ing. informatike
- Pridružio: 08 Feb 2004
- Poruke: 3640
- Gde živiš: ApAtIn
Popuno se slazem sa raphom sto se tice VW. Od pre nekoliko meseci vozim VW i prezadovoljan sam, a mogu tek da zamislim kakvi su im ovi novi projekti.
Evo i malo vise podataka:
Similar technology and design was applied to create the Passat R GT, born from a European-spec 2006 Passat 3.2 V6 FSI with DSG transmission and 4MOTION all-wheel drive. A rewarding runner in its own right, the European Passat 3.2’s powerful engine, world-beating transmission and all-wheel grip provide an excellent basis for a SEMA special. The mechanical transformation by HPA resulted in dynamics that launch the Passat R GT into supercar dimensions, and its sleek, entirely modern bodywork was given the muscular look of a highly toned European high-performance sedan by Volkswagen designers.
Modifications begin with a twin-turbo conversion package that features dual exhaust manifolds, each carrying a Garrett GT25R ball-bearing turbocharger. Charge cooling is optimized by twin intercoolers, and the exhaust gases pass through a quad bypass emissions system that retains the stock catalytic converters. It boasts an extraordinary output of 575 horsepower and massive torque to match.
The Passat R GT's track-prepped chassis is suspended by a KW Variant 3-way coil-over racing setup, and the required upgraded braking is supplied by the Brembo-supplied system available on the Phaeton. The Passat R GT rides on the same high-performance Michelin radials as fitted to the Jetta R GT, as well as the forged-aluminum Avus® alloy wheels. HPA also modified the DSG gearbox for more revs between each upshift to match the engine’s increased output.
Poslao: 14 Nov 2005 15:36
- Pridružio: 17 Jul 2005
- Poruke: 3097
- Gde živiš: "Daleko od Negdje"
Dobar, dobar nema sta...
Da mi je se docepati ovih guma i feluga...
Poslao: 14 Nov 2005 17:16
- Pridružio: 19 Jul 2005
- Poruke: 130
- Gde živiš: Bachka
Izvinjavam se, nisam tako mislio.
Svaka cast pasatu ova verzija stvarno "deluje" ali VW, za razliku od BMW-a, nema neku tradiciju u pravljenju sportskih limuzina.
Poslao: 14 Nov 2005 17:38
- Puky

- Scottish rebel
- Pridružio: 18 Apr 2003
- Poruke: 5815
- Gde živiš: u Zmajevom gnjezdu
575 horsepower na 4MOTION all-wheel drive ... uhhh ... to ore puteve
Poslao: 14 Nov 2005 18:40
- NuLLCoDe

- Legendarni građanin
- Đuro Glumac
- dipl. ing. informatike
- Pridružio: 08 Feb 2004
- Poruke: 3640
- Gde živiš: ApAtIn
Ne znam da li ste primetili ali sve vise je u modi "MetalGun" boja felni. I ja sam nesto razmisljao da uzmem neke 17" metalgun boje... ali videcemo do proleca.
Poslao: 14 Nov 2005 19:00
- Svemirko
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 24 Mar 2004
- Poruke: 3962
- Gde živiš: Zemun
I ja bih se slozio sa tvojom konstatacijom.....
Nekako su mi pre VW uvek ispred BMW, Mercedes, Audi
Cinimi se da je VW tek u poslednjih nekoliko godina poceo da pravi malo brze limuzine.... oni stari pasati si bili tek nesto brzi od golfova, a o gore pomenutim markama ne treba trositi reci..... teski po 2T a imaju limit na 250km/h
konkretno ovaj VW je jako lep, koliko je to para ?