BSD Router Project (BSDRP) je projekat otvorenog koda baziran na FreeBSD-u, koji podrzava sve vece protokole za rutiranje (RIP, OSPF, BGP, PIM, itd..) i staje na 256Mb Compact Flash karticu/USB disk. Olivijer, vodja projekta, je bio jedan od osnivaca i vodja FreeNAS projekta, pre nego sto je FreeNAS preuzeo IXsystems.
Citat: Requirements 256MB USB key/Compact flash media
x86 or x86-64 processors
consoles: standard vga/keyboard or headless (serial)Base System Base OS: Embedded FreeBSD 8.2-Release using NanoBSD
Easy upgrade process using two system partitions Routing features All routing protocol supported by quagga: BGP, RIP and RIPng (IPv6), OSPF v2 and OSFP v3 (IPv6), ISIS
All routing protocol supported by Bird: BGP, RIP and RIPng (IPv6), OSPF v2 and OSFP v3 (IPv6)
Multicast: DVMRP, IPv6 PIM Dense Mode and Sparse Mode
Multiple FIB: 16 Routing Tables available
High availability with CARP (support also load balancing the incoming connections) and VRRP.
Multi-link PPP: PPTP, PPPoE, L2TP, etc… (all features supported by mpd)
Qos Alternate queuing using ALTQ: Class Based Queuing, Random Early Detection, Random Early Drop, Hierarchical Packet Scheduler, Priority Queuing
Traffic shaper using IPFW
Ethernet features 802.1q vlan tagging
link aggregation and link failover interface
bridging with support of Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (802.1w)
Network services DHCP Relay
DHCP Server
Management from CLI (Command Line Interface) local console, serial and SSH access
Command completion with somes BSDRP tools: config, system, show and upgrade
Monitoring SNMP v1,v2c and v3
Security mtree reference files available for system integrity check (sha256)
Extra benchmark tools NetPipe
BSDRP je upravo izasao u verziji 1.0 i bazira se na FreeBSD 8.2-RELEASE-p4, i svi koji zele softverski ruter mogu da preuzmu imidz sa sledeceg linka: