*BSD Vesti: novine za Free/Net/Open/DragonFly/Ghost/PC BSD

*BSD Vesti: novine za Free/Net/Open/DragonFly/Ghost/PC BSD

  • soxxx 
  • Prijatelj foruma
  • Pridružio: 25 Maj 2005
  • Poruke: 1482
  • Gde živiš: Gracanica, Kosovo

U zadnjih desetak dana bilo je dosta novina u *BSD svetu. Evo kratkog pregleda:


iXsystems je objavio dostupnost PC-BSD 8.0 (Hubble Edition) izdanja koje, izmedju ostalog, donosi sledece:

- FreeBSD 8.0-RELEASE-P2
- KDE 4.3.5
- Potpuno novi Sistemski Installer, koji dozvoljava instalaciju PC-BSD ili FreeBSD u jednom kliku
- Pokretanje u Live modu direktno sa DVD-a
- Azurirani Software Manager, omogucava pretragu i instaliranje aplikacija direktno iz GUI-ja
- Podrska za 3D akceleraciju sa NVIDIA drajverima na amd64
- Life-Preserver alatka, koja omogucava backup sistema na udaljeni rsync+ssh server

Nesto opsirnije o tome:

Citat:iXsystems announced today the latest release of PC-BSD™, Version 8.0, Hubble Edition. This fully functional open source desktop operating system is built upon the new FreeBSD 8.0 release. FreeBSD is one of the most widely used UNIX-based operating systems, providing advanced performance and high levels of security and stability. The Hubble Edition contains a number of improvements and additions that make this release rock solid. The most notable features of PC-BSD 8.0 include a new system installer, integrated software manager, and a ports jail.

The new system installer is highly scriptable and contains many new features. Users may now upgrade from the previous release or restore from a backup created with Life-Preserver. With a single click, users can choose between the installation of PC-BSD or the traditional FreeBSD operating system. In addition, the installer provides support for ZFS on root partitions, Gmirroring of disks, and allows Geli disk encryption. This installer is perfect for a user installing on one machine or an Administrator installing on hundreds.

PC-BSD Hubble also features the ports console, which allows users to build and install ports in a jail environment without breaking the working desktop setup. The integrated Software Manager enhances PC-BSD’s general ease of use by allowing users to browse and install PBIs without launching a browser. The software manager also keeps the applications updated and allows users to recreate desktop icons at any time.

Kompletna lista izmena: http://www.pcbsd.org/content/view/151/11/
Preuzimanje .iso imidza: http://www.pcbsd.org/content/view/152/11/ ili kao torrent fajl sa: http://www.gotbsd.net/

Ko zeli moze da procita i intervju na DistroWatch sa Krisom Murom, glavnim covekom PC-BSD projekta. U intervjuu se govori o najnovijem izdanju PC-BSD 8.0, sta je PC-BSD, novom installeru, i ostalom.



Momci iz DragonFly BSD su stvarno vredni, tako da sada u DragonFly BSD postoji podrska za:

- swapcache(8 )
- aps(4) (various sensors for disk and mouse activity, and even acceleration sensors)
- igb(4) i em(4) drajveri
- OpenSSL verzija 0.9.8m
- a dodat je i tmpfs(5) iz NetBSD.

DragonFly BSD 2.6 izdanje se ocekuje negde sredinom Marta.


- High Availability Framework (HAST - high availability storage) je ubacen u FreeBSD

Citat:A few months ago, the FreeBSD Foundation sponsored Pawel Jakub Dawidek (of GEOM fame) to create a high availability framework for FreeBSD. The project is now finished and committed to HEAD. Pawel had this to say about the project:

Citat:HAST is ready!

I'm very happy to report to FreeBSD users that the HAST project I was working on for the last three months is ready for testing and already committed to the HEAD branch.

I'll describe what HAST does in few words. HAST allows for synchronous block-level replication of any storage media (called GEOM providers, using FreeBSD nomenclature) over a TCP/IP network for fast failure recovery. HAST provides storage using the GEOM infrastructure, meaning it is file system and application independent and can be combined with any existing GEOM class. In case of a primary node failure, the cluster will automatically switch to the secondary node, check and mount the UFS file system or import the ZFS pool, and continue to work without missing a single bit of data.

I must admit the project was quite challenging, not only from the technical point of view, but also because it was sponsored by the FreeBSD Foundation. The FreeBSD Foundation has a great reputation and is known to select the projects it funds very carefully. I felt strong pressure that should I fail, the FreeBSD Foundation's reputation might be hurt. Of course, not a single dollar would be spent on a failed project, but the FreeBSD community's expectations were very high and I really wanted to do a good job.

During the work a number of people contacted me privately offering help, explaining how important HAST is for FreeBSD and giving me the motivation to soldier on.

I hope that HAST will meet the community's expectations and I myself am looking forward to using it Smile

Once again, I'd like to thank the HAST sponsors: the FreeBSD Foundation, OMCnet Internet Service GmbH, and TransIP BV.

http://wiki.freebsd.org/HAST (via)


Izdat je FreeNAS 0.7.1:

FreeNAS 0.7.1 (Shere):

Majors changes:

Upgrade e2fsprogs to 1.41.9.
Upgrade istgt to version 20100125.
Upgrade msmtp to 1.4.19.
Upgrade transmission to 1.76.
Upgrade PHP to 5.2.12 (Thanks to Xin LI).
Upgrade fuppes to 0.660.
Upgrade rsync to 3.0.7.
Upgrade inadyn-mt to 02.18.08.
Upgrade netatalk to 2.0.5.
Upgrade bash to 4.0.35.
Upgrade lighttpd to 1.4.25.
Upgrade proftpd to 1.3.2c.

Minors changes:

Modify Samba default buffer size.
Modify Tuning values.
Add new MIB in System|Advanced|sysctl.conf.
Add UTF-8 with English menu in File Manager (quixplorer).
Restrict NFS sharing directory with alldirs.
Add serial console support.


Preuzimanje: http://sourceforge.net/projects/freenas/files


- DTrace je portovan na NetBSD (kod u -current grani): http://mail-index.netbsd.org/tech-kern/2010/02/15/msg007333.html (da podsetimo, i ZFS je u -current, ali nije spreman za "produkciju")
- terminfo je zamenio termcap: http://mail-index.netbsd.org/current-users/2010/02/03/msg012335.html[/*]


- Ports tree je zakljucan za nadolazece 4.7 izdanje: http://undeadly.org/cgi?action=article&sid=20100219165122[/*]


- GhostBSD live DVD sa installerom, Beta izdanje

GhostBSD je FreeBSD sa Gnome okruzenjem u formi live CD-a. U novoj verziji dolazi kao Live DVD i sa installerom. Paznja: verzija je Beta izdanje i verovatno je puna bugova, ovo je vise poziv za testiranje nego objava o novom izdanju.

Citat:GhostBSD live DVD with an installer. Test and help.

I have finish a GhostBSD live DVD with an installer on it. But the installer its not a beta or an release. it just to promote and have help to finish thy installer. All are default on it. all is programmed in python and glade. You can find all the source code in /install path. The folder are pybakend and installer.


You don’t need a password to ftp click OK

You need to have formatted hard drive.
This installer don’t support partitioning.(only have a default partition)
for more question use the forum or email use.

Preuzimanje: ftp://ghostbsd.org/pub/GhostBSD/developement/

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