*BSD vesti: LVM, FreeNAS, NVIDIA, m0n0wall, Chromium, KDE4..

*BSD vesti: LVM, FreeNAS, NVIDIA, m0n0wall, Chromium, KDE4..

  • soxxx 
  • Prijatelj foruma
  • Pridružio: 25 Maj 2005
  • Poruke: 1482
  • Gde živiš: Gracanica, Kosovo

Nekoliko skorasnjih vesti koje su se dogodile u BSD svetu:

Status FreeNAS projekta

Nakon iznenadjujuce odluke da FreeNAS predje na Linux (Debian) kernel i promeni ime u CoreNAS, pa sve do isto tako iznenadjujuce odluke iXsystems da "preuzmu"dalji razvoj FreeNAS projekta (pod FreeBSD kernelom naravno), napokon se izgleda nazire sta ce od svega toga ispasti:

poruka FreeNAS developera sa foruma ::
FreeNAS needs some big modification for removing its present limitation (one of the biggest is the non support of easly users add-ons).
We think that a full-rewriting of the FreeNAS base is needed. From this idea, we will take 2 differents paths:

- Volker will create a new project called "'OpenMediaVault" based on a GNU/Linux using all its experience acquired with all its nights and week-ends spent to improve FreeNAS during the last 2 years. He still continue to work on FreeNAS (and try to share its time with this 2 projects).

- And, a great surprise: iXsystems, a company specialized in professional FreeBSD offers to take FreeNAS under their wings as an open source community driven project. This mean that they will involve their professionals FreeBSD developers to FreeNAS! Their manpower will permit to do a full-rewriting of FreeNAS.
Personally, I come back to actively work in FreeNAS and begin to upgrade it to FreeBSD 8.0 (that is "production ready" for ZFS).



NetBSD LVM podrska

Podrska za LVM u NetBSD-u je odavno ubacena u -current granu, ali je podrazumevano bila ugasena. To je od nedavno promenjeno, tako da je MKLVM varijabla sada podrazumevano ukljucena i LVM ce biti ukljucen prilikom build-a sistema. Azurirani su i LVM alati, na najsveziju verziju 2.02.56.


Google Chromium browser na FreeBSD (via)

Pre nekoliko meseci Ben Laurie je zapoceo portovanje Chromium browsera na FreeBSD. Sada postoje instrukcije za one koji zele
da kompajliraju ovaj browser na svojim sistemima.

Za one koji zele da isprobaju ovaj browser pre nego se izda zvanican port, pogledajte sledece linkove:

FreeBSD Forum thread
Eksperimentalni port

Novosti u vezi NVIDIA grafickih drajvera za FreeBSD

The NVIDIA Corporation releases an initial BETA version of NVIDIA 195.22 FreeBSD graphics drivers for both i386 and amd64
architectures. The drivers support recent versions of the FreeBSD operating system, i.e. 7.2-STABLE and 8.0-RELEASE
and provide support for features like SLI, improved compatibility and performance, especially on systems with 4GB
or more of RAM. This marks the first driver release for amd64, as it was previously available only for i386 architecture.


KDE 4.3.4 je sada dostupan za FreeBSD


Izdat je m0n0wall 1.3

Novo izdanje, neke od novina:

Major changes in this release (since 1.23):

- switched base operating system to FreeBSD 6.4
- consolidated net45xx, net48xx and wrap images into a single ”embedded” image
- switched bridge implementation to if_bridge: bridge member interfaces will now always be filtered (the filtering bridge option has been removed)
- IPv6 support (enable on advanced setup page)
- firewall support for IPsec traffic
- IPsec NAT-T, DPD and dynamic tunnels
- countless bugfixes and other improvements


HAMMER verzije 4 je sada default na DragonFly BSD

Matthew Dillon has made version 4 of Hammer the default; the upgrade is a relatively painless ‘hammer upgrade’ command. This new version cuts out a chunk of the disk syncs needed, speeding up Hammer disk operations.


Za one koji neznaju sta je HAMMER: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HAMMER

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