System of A Down

System of A Down

  • Pridružio: 07 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 11
  • Gde živiš: Vrbas

System of a Down Biography

In 1993, Two Aspiring Musicians, for the most part unknown (even to the local music scene) would meet by chance at a studio session for their Respective bands.
A connection was made immediately, having similar tastes in music, politics and culture. Not soon after, Serj Tankian and Daron Malakian Decided to start a band together, which they named "Soil." In another chance meeting, They came across Shavo Odadjian at the same private Armenian school where they (Serj and Daron) attended.
Shavo is asked to manage the band, but instead Proves that He's a capable bassist, and becomes a proper member.

The original drummer chosen, Andy Khatchadurian , Was replaced soon after with John Dolmayan, Found through another chance encounter.

The band all Shares Similar Ethnic backgrounds, with Serj and John both being born in Lebanon, Shavo being born in Armenia and Daron having Armenian origins. This contributed heavily to the compatibility and brotherhood of the bandmembers, and these Middle-Eastern Roots are quite evident within the music itself, alot of which is influenced by Armenian Music Folklore.

With a solid lineup in place, the band began focusing on building a local fanbase. They turned heads quite quickly, with their demo tapes spreading around Los Angeles and the surrounding area. They were also gaining alot of attention by playing support for more well known bands in the area. At this point, the band felt they needed a different name, something more fit to the type of music they were making. They choose "System Of A Down", which is based on a poem Daron wrote, Ttitled "Victims Of A Down."

The band's Third demo Recording even made it overseas, Widening Their influence Even More. But, their biggest break by far was when famed Music Producer Rick Rubin attended a Concert for the band (At the time still with the Name Soil) at the Viper Room club in Hollywood.
Rubin was informed about the band from a friend named Oseary, Who Worked for Maverick Records.
Between the impression given at this concert, and the popularity of their demo tapes so far, Rubin decided to offer them a record contract with American Recordings.
The band took a little time to consider other offers, but after weighing them out, decide to go with Rubin and American. Rubin has a long line of successful bands he's produced for, including Slayer, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, and Johnny Cash, to name a few.

After signing with American, The band gets to work on their first full length album. Released in 1998, The Self Titled album is, {taken from the bio at}, "An achievement in pastiche overdrive, a Dark Carnival of Moods Punctuated by breakneck tempo shifts and progressive structures."
The album quicky Became Popular Among Hard Rock fans all over the world, and single-friendly Tracks such as "Sugar" and "Spiders" got a good Amount of Radio play, and their Respective Music Videos were Aired frequently on MTV. This album established SOAD Among the current hard Rock/Metal scene, but at the same time Separated them from it.
Their unique sound, coupled with their strong voices on social, political and religious issues, Separated the band from the rest of the pack and Their strong and well-spoken views on the world, some may say, are the main reasons for their popularity.

After Riding the Success of their Debut album for 2 years, which included heavy Touring to Support Ozzfest, the band got back to the studio to Record Their Second Full length album.

Rick Rubin Again Took the Role of Producer, and said the following about the band's mindset for the album. “They really set out to reinvent themselves, to be bigger and better than they were last time. I think they're very proud of their first album and all the touring they did. They wanted to grow from those experiences and expand. They really wanted to write lots and lots of songs and reach in all different directions.”

And They did just what they set out to do. In August 2001, "Toxicity" Was Released. Definitely Sticking True to Their Roots, while at the same time working on a much larger scale, The album was almost an instant classic. Heavy rotation on MTV of the first single, "Chop Suey!", welcomed the Band to Thousands of People That Would of Most Likely Never Heard of them otherwise. The album sold huge, "Chop Suey!", "Aerials", and "Toxicity" all Gaining an incredible amount of Play on Radio stations and MTV.

This album Definitely Set System Of A Down as one of the best rock bands in the world.

In 2002, between heavy touring for Toxicity, The Band Released "Steal This Album", a Collection of Songs Made for Toxicity, That Didn't Make the final cut. An EP of sorts, it was Greeted with similar success.

Fast foward to 2003-2004, and SOAD are now Writing/Recording Songs for Their 3rd LP. Daron Malakian on the Upcoming Album, {Taken from an interview at} "It's melodic in some ways and it's heavy, but a lot of stuff happens in between the heavy," Malakian said. "It's not gonna sound like any of our records. We've had a lot of time off, and I've had a lot of time to rethink our sound and make some changes.
"Our older riffs had more of a 'chugga-chugga' sound,"

He said. "This stuff is More Notey and Melodic in an Eastern type of way. So this time I've actually put those kinds of vibes within a lot of heavy stuff "

With the promise of improvement on an already proven sound on the horizon, and a legacy etched in stone behind them, System Of A Down sit in a very comfortable position. Among the musicians of today, whom for the most part seem more concerned with appealing to the masses while compromising themselves in the process, SOAD dare to challenge the norm, and to challenge their listeners to think for themselves, to draw their own conclusions about their music, and the things the music relates to. Politics, religion, and so on. System Of A Down are a band apart from the typical music of today, truly unique and undeniably awe inspiring. When it's all said and done, they'll be remembered as one of the most influential and positive bands of all time.


Serj Tankian - pevac
Daron Malakian - gitarista
Shavo Odadjian - basista
John Dolmayan - bubnjar

System of a Down, jedinstvena je pojava na muzickom nebu danasnjice. Originalno iskazivanje bunta protiv aktuelnih problema drustva, specijalnost je koju su svetu prezentovali svojim albumima. Kada su jos 1994. godine poceli odrzavati prve probe pod imenom Soil, nisu ni slutili kako ce jednoga dana biti svetski popularni. "Cupavi" pevac Serj, ludi gitarista Daron,basista Shavo i hladnokrvni bubnjar John (1997. godine je zamenio Andy Kachaturiana), gotovo su svake veceri nastupali u jednom od klubova u Los Angelesu. Demo snimci usmerili su paznju underground subkulture na grupu, no vrtoglavi uspon ovih rock alternativaca zapoceo je nakon sto ih je uocio ugledni muzicki producent Rick Rubin, inace poznat po radu sa Red Hot Chili Peppersima, Beastie Boysima i mnogim drugima.

Debitantski album nazvan 'System af a Down' predvodjen singlovima 'Sugar' i 'Spiders'.Kljucni motivi poput primera armenskog genocida, socijalne nepravde i besmislenosti rata ostali su do danas temelji muzickog i kreativnoga izrazaja glavnih tekstopisaca benda, Darona Malakiana i Serja Tankiana. Takodje stil, sacinjen od elemenata metala, punk-rocka, jazza i armenskog folklora nesto je po cemu se grupa izdvaja od ostalih. Inace, ime benda nastalo je promenom naziva jedne od pesama Malakiana, nazvane ''Victims of a Down'', gde ''A'' simbolicki predstavlja Ameriku.

Nakon tri godine intenzivnog nastupanja sirom SAD-a, usledio je njihov najuspesniji album, 'Toxicity'. Zanimljiv je podatak, kako je album zauzeo prvo mesto na americkoj nacionalnoj top listi upravo one nedelje kada se dogodio teroristicki napad na New York, 11. septembra 2001.. Ubrzo, politicari su System of a Down etiketirali kao kontraverznu grupu zbog cega je i njihov fenomenalni singl 'Chop Suey' bio maknut sa radijskog programa. Bez obzira na to, album je prodan u pet miliona primeraka. Godinu dana kasnije izdaju novi album, 'Steal This Album', na koji su uvrstili neobjavljene pesme, pripremljene za 'Toxicity'. U to vreme pocinje rat u Iraku, te System of a Down u izradi spota za singl 'Boom!' saradjuju sa poznatim rediteljem i kriticarom Bushove politike, Michael Moorom.

2005. godina ce ostati upisana u mnogim rock enciklopedijama – System Of A Down je izdao dva albuma, 'Mezmerize' (22.5.) i 'Hypnotize' (22.11.), te sa oba osvojio sam vrh najprestiznije, Billboardove top liste. Do tada, to je uspelo samo legendarnim Beatlesima. Doduse cak pet puta, ali ipak ... 'Mezmerize', najavljen zestokom pesmom 'B.Y.O.B.' (Bring Your Own Bombs), oznacio je novo poglavlje u istoriji grupe. Mnogi su fanovi ostali zbunjeni gotovo drasticnom promenom stila, no ubrzo su shvatili kako je to nuzan muzicko-evolucijski korak u razvoju System of a Downa. Usledila je nagrada za najbolju alternativnu grupu godine od strane MTV-a. U novembru, na trziste su pustili i drugi album, pod nazivom 'Hypnotize'. Clanovi benda priznaju kako su ideju dvostrukog albuma ''ukrali'' od Q.Tarantina i njegovog filma ''Kill Bill''. Omot za 'Mezmerize/Hypnotize' izradio je otac gitariste Darona Malakiana, Vartan Malakian, inace poznati armenski slikar. Krajem 2005. godine, singl 'B. Y.O.B.' dobio je nagradu Grammy, u kategoriji najbolje hard-rock pesme. Nakon zavrsetka Ozzfesta 2006., bend je najavio visegodišnji "odmor", kako bi se clanovi grupe mogli posvetiti pojedinacnim projektima.

Filozofiju benda mozda ce najbolje objasniti sam Tankian – ''Mislim da je sudbina izabrala muziku za nas cetvoricu. I ti ako pratis svoj put i svoje srce, sigurno neces pogresiti.''



1 Attack
2 Dreaming
3 Kill Rock 'n Roll
4 Hypnotize
5 Stealing Society
6 Tentative
8 Holy Mountains
9 Vicinity Of Obscenity
10 She's Like Heroin
11 Lonely Day
12 Soldier Side


1 Soldier Side - Intro
2 B.Y.O.B.
3 Revenga
4 Cigaro
5 Radio/Video
6 This Cocaine Makes Me Feel Like I'm On This Song
7 Violent (film-za-odrasle)-ography
8 Question!
9 Sad Statue
10 Old School Hollywood
11 Lost In Hollywood

Steal This Album!

1 Chic 'N' Stu
2 Innervision
3 Bubbles
4 Boom!
5 Nüguns
6 A.D.D. (American Dream Denial)
7 Mr. Jack
8 I-E-A-I-A-I-O
9 36
10 Pictures
11 Highway Song
12 F**k The System
13 Ego Brain
14 Thetawaves
15 Roulette
16 Streamline


1 Prison Song
2 Needles
3 Deer Dance
4 Jet Pilot
5 X
6 Chop Suey!
7 Bounce
8 Forest
10 Science
11 Shimmy
12 Toxicity
13 Psycho
14 Aerials

System Of A Down

1 Suite-Pee
2 Know
3 Sugar
4 Suggestions
5 Spiders
6 DDevil
7 Soil
8 War?
9 Mind
10 Peephole
11 CUBErt
12 Darts
13 P.L.U.C.K.


Serj was born in Lebanon, spent his early years there before his parents and his younger brother 'Sevag' moved to Los Angeles. In there, he joined "Rose & Alex Pilibosl" Armenian School, eventually started studies in marketing. Later Serj got a software company 'Ultimate Solutions".

in the beginning of 90s Serj met Daron and started the new born band, called it 'Soil'. later renamed it to 'System of a Down'. Serj has a Husky and he loves New Zealand. he wanted to own large property as a studio to build over there but his intend was rejected in 2005, since New Zealand authorities saw there's no national use.

Beside System.. Serj has his own record label, Serjical Strike, in an effort to release music otherwise ignored by the mainstream. The first act on this new label was a side-project called "Serart" featuring Serj himself and famed world-musician Arto Tuncboyaciyan. His first poetry book 'Cool Gardens' was published by MTV Books and features artwork by fellow Angeleno, Sako Shahinian.

An outspoken musician, Tankian has spoken out against violence and injustice abroad. On September 13, 2001, shortly after the attacks of September 11, 2001, Serj penned an essay, which he posted on the official System of a Down website, titled "Understanding Oil". Promptly removed by Sony, the essay was seen by many, still shaken by the attack, as justification for the terrorists' actions, though this wasn't what Tankian was trying to put across.

More recently, Tankian has partnered with Tom Morello of Audioslave (formerly guitarist of Rage Against The Machine) to create Axis of Justice, an activist organization aimed at motivating youth interest in politics. On January 3, 2003, Serj and Tom led a protest march in Santa Monica, California handing out bagged lunches to the homeless in violation of a city ordinance that requires charitable organizations, while handing out food in public, to follow restaurant code. Serj is also a vegetarian. He is also currently working on efforts to make Turkey recognize the Armenian Genocide of 1915.

Serj appeared on, and produced the 2005 release by Buckethead & Friends, "Enter the Chicken." under his music label and working on a solo album (unknown release info).

Elect The Dead

In recent interview, Serj said his new upcoming Solo Album will be released on October 23rd 2007. The first single "Unthinking Majority" will be digitally released on August 7th followed by another single , 'Empty Walls', to be released on October 15th.

The album will be released via Serjical Strike/Reprise Records. The track listing for the effort is as follows:

01. Empty Walls
02. The Unthinking Majority
03. Money
04. Feed Us
05. Saving Us
06. Sky Is Over
07. Baby
08. Honking Antelope
09. Lie Lie Lie
10. Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition
11. Beethoven's Cunt
12. Elect the Dead


Daron was born in 1975 as an only child for Vartan and Zepur Malakian. His parents moved to Hollywood from Iraq in 1975. His father, Vartan, is a Painter and Choreograph, his mother was a teacher for sculptures at the college (in Iraq).

According to Daron himself, he always wanted to be a Drummer but his parents got him guitar instead so, they can turn it off when its possible. Daron went to 'Rose & Alex Pilibosl' school, the same school his band mates Serj and Shavo went to, then he attended 'Roosevelt' Middle School and 'Glendale' High School later, When he was 16, he joined his first band ever (unknown name, probably school stuff), in the beginning of 90s, Daron met Serj, and created together their new band "Soil" and made a few songs before eventually renamed to System of a Down which based on a poem's name Daron wrote called 'Victims of a Down'.

Malakian now lives in Glendale, California in a home by himself and likes to collect candles, eastern rugs, instruments, and skulls. Daron smokes cannabis, and has stated that if he was the President of the USA, he would "Legalize Weed". Daron has been voted 4th best guitarist of the year by Metal Edge Magazine. Daron has stated in an interview that he hates the Nu-Metal label more than anything.

Malakian co-produced System of a Down's albums with Rick Rubin, as well as The Ambulance and Bad Acid Trip (a band on fellow member Serj Tankian's Serjical Strike Records). He started his own label, EatUrMusic, on which Amen is the first signed band (the label is disconnected later). In 2003 Daron Malakian played in the Celebrity Baseball Game in Hollywood, where a variety of celebrities played a baseball game. He wrote a song about the experience, "Old School Hollywood", which appears on Disc 1 of System of a Down's recent double album, Mezmerize/Hypnotize.

Daron first picked up a guitar at age 12, saying in an interview, "For the first year and a half, I learned how to play by ear, and did alright. After a few years I gained a reputation as being a guitar player in high school. And by 16 or 17 I actually realized it was a good songwriting instrument, and, over anything, that's what I feel like. I don't pretend to be Mr. Guitar Virtuoso".
Daron is well known for playing his Ibanez baritone (between a guitar and a bass) Iceman IC300, with custom graphics done by his father, Vartan Malakian. His father also did custom graphics on the 1978 Iceman, as well as making the horned bridge replacing the stopbar. The guitar was popular in the 1970's and 1980's, and he is fronting its comeback. All of the guitars that he plays on stage have a one-of-a-kind finish and cannot be found in retail, although there was a limited edition Iceman with graphics by 'Vartan Malakian' sold on eBay. He plays through Marshall Amplifiers, uses Jim Dunlop Delrin 2.0mm plectrums and Ernie Ball "Skinny Bottom Heavy Top" guitar strings. Daron now uses a Gibson SG onstage in most of System of a Down's recent live shows. He can be seen with his Gibson SG 61' Reissue in the music videos for System of a Down's B.Y.O.B and Question! and he is seen playing his cream-colored SG in the video for "Hypnotize". From System of a Down's formation, up until their third album, Steal This Album!, Daron used Drop C Tuning on his guitars. On the band's double album "Mezmerize/Hypnotize", Daron changed to Drop Db Tuning, a step up from Drop C. He gave the reason for the change in tuning as to give the new songs "more kick".

Solo work and Scars on Broadway

Daron has some plans for solo work soon, in December of 2005, Daron said in an interview that he "could release ten solo records tomorrow.". He also said, "I have tons of material laying around. After these albums," (Mezmerize and Hypnotize) "I'm gonna go off and do something on my own, just like Serj. And no, System of a Down are not breaking up. We're just gonna do like KISS and put out our own solo records or something like that." On what direction his album will take, Malakian states: "It will probably be something electronic. Not dance music, but something more experimental. When, or even if, the music comes out it will still be structured, just like System of a Down's music is." Lately, Daron told Rolling Stone more about his new band project titled "Scars on Broadway" has Shavo on it, the new band should release an album by Fall 2006 or later in 2007.

Malakian was involved in a project called Scars on Broadway, with Amen-singer Casey Chaos and Zach Hill from Hella and Team Sleep back in 2003, however the old lineup has been changed to unknown new lineup, the only confirmed name so far was Shavo (of System of a Down).


Shavo was born in Armenia as Shavarsh Odadjian lived there in his early ages before his family moved to Italy for a short while and then headed to Los Angeles, California eventually.

In his youth, Shavo used to spend most of his time skateboarding and listening to punk rock and heavy metal music. Among others, he names The Punk Angle, Dead Kennedys, KISS and Black Sabbath as his favorite bands with great influence on his future musical development.

Shavo was raised in a great part by his grandmother, after whose death he claims to have lost faith and to have stopped praying every night as he did before. He attended 'Alex Pilibos' High School in Los Angeles, an Armenian parochial school, including his future band mates Daron Malakian and Serj Tankian, although they were not acquainted at the time due to age difference.

Apart from working in a bank doing wire transfers, he also started managing Soil, the band of Malakian and Tankian in 1993 after meeting them in a recording studio, where he was recording with his own band. In 1995, Shavo became the permanent bassist of the band, which from then on called itself System of a Down.

Before Odadjian and his high school friends formed System, the band's bassist appeared on MTV as an extra in AC/DC's video for "Big Gun" from 1993's "Last Action Hero" soundtrack. He was just 18 years old. "You see me full-on," Odadjian said. "It just happened where Arnold Schwarzenegger came next to me. ... It was bad lighting, because they had more light on me than they did Arnold. And I'm watching it going, 'Whoa, dude — I'm on TV!' It was really strange."

In addition, Odadjian is a popular DJ in the LA area, taking part in such events as the "Rock/DJ Explosion" on March 2nd 2001 at The Roxy in Hollywood, CA and collaborating with band mate 'Serj Tankian' on SerArt, the singers side project with multitalented Armenian musician 'Arto Tuncboyaciyan'. He goes by the name "DJ Tactic."

Stating himself to be a "very visual person," he has also directed music videos for System of a Down ( Aerials, Toxicity, Question! and Hypnotize), and Taproot, creating surreal atmospheres and using innovative methods in filming.

Shavo made a short cameo appearance in the 2001 movie 'Zoolander' as one of Hansel's friends. His favorite actor is Christopher Walken, and he declares to be fascinated with occultism, mainly in the form of movies.

Shavo was originally a guitarist, and claims to play guitar better than he does bass. In fact, he was the guitarist for Soil for a short period of time. Apart from playing bass, Shavo did a little bit of vocals on the song, "Bounce", with a strange high pitched voice. He usually plays bass with a pick, but he can be seen using his fingers from time to time.


Recently Shavo started side project with The Rza from Wu-Tang, they already entered the studio and have plans for tours and even for a movie, read more about it HERE.
The new formed band named: ACHOZEN, and so far it has 3 members, Shavo, Rza and Kinetic 9. Their first live show was at The Key Club in L.A on December 1st, 2006. The official myspace page of the new band released a bootleg video for a song titled 'DEUCES' but its been taken off later.


John Dolmayan was born in Lebanon to Armenian family. One night when he was five, he got scared and went to his parent's room and asked if he could sleep there. His parents agreed, and soon after a bullet came through the window of his room and hit his bed, where he would have been sleeping (while civil war been there). His father decided they had to move. He moved to Toronto, Canada then to Los Angeles. He has a condominium in Las Vegas where he also bought his parents a house. John's father was a saxophone player and he actually started on the drums, according to John in a recent interview, whatever talent John has is from his dad. [read more].

His unique and original style of drumming has influenced an emerging generation of drummers. More than a few critics have called his style "schizophrenic", and this has attracted a significant portion of SOAD's audience, and it's generally agreed that his talent is a large part of SOAD's appeal.

John's facial expressions are famous for being constantly foreboding and angry-looking, which together with his usual smart dress sense, make him look like a Mafia member. Lead singer Serj Tankian was quoted in Kerrang magazine as always trying to make John (zabranjeno) a smile on stage, to which John replied that he had to make an extreme effort to keep a straight face and not get put off beat, which is sometimes not believed due to the fact that John sounds very rhythmically when it comes to his drum beats. He is known throughout the metal scene for his hi-hat to snare combo, which can be heard in such songs as Deer Dance on Toxicity, I-E-A-I-A-I-O on Steal This Album! and Question! on Mezmerize.

Along with 'Joey Jordison' he is one of the only drummers in mainstream metal to use blast beats (as with Jordison, only occasionally), a death metal drumming technique which can be heard for example on the System of a Down single "B.Y.O.B." The use of this technique and other aspects of Dolmayan's style, which like much of System of a Down's music is generally more complex and technical than that of most popular metal bands' drummers, has given him and his band a modicum of respect in the generally mainstream-critical underground metal community.

John Dolmayan's drum-kit is a modified Tama Starclassic (generally with a White Silk or Brown Fade finish). The eleven cymbals are Paiste Signatures. His old setup contains 2 tom toms in front of the snare, a mounted tom and floor tom on the right, and another floor tom on the left of the snare, where a second snare would usually be. He uses a double-bass pedal with the left pedal unusually on the left of the hi-hat pedal. He has 2 splash cymbals (10" and 8") as well as a 6" bell chime mounted over the hi-hat, and an 8" bell chime to the right of his 2nd tom. He has two 18" china cymbals (thin and heavy), one on the left, one on the right. He also uses 2 timbales around the left floor tom.
His new setup uses 2 basses instead of a double-bass pedal. Now he has 3 toms in front of the snare, and only one tom to the right. Most of his cymbals have moved, and so have his timbales which are mounted to align with the toms.

As a burgeoning collector-comics entrepreneur, Dolmayan has many friends in the industry, and after years in the making, he finally had this completed comic book-inspired drum kit which is completely decorated in original comic art by a host of top
professionals in what is possibly one of the coolest comic collectibles ever created. [for more details with photos check Here and Here].

When he first started his career with System of a Down he used a few Paiste Dimension cymbals as well as signatures. Back then some of his cymbals were 22" and 24". Now he just uses 20" as his biggest (ride and Power Crash).

In Summer 2006, right before Ozzfest tour, John told the press in several interviews his intention to make an online comic company, "I've got over 5 and a half million comics right now, and I'll probably have about 20 million comics in a year's time. But it's not really a collection. The reason I'm accumulating all these books is I'm starting an Internet-based comic-book company called "Torpedocomics". That'll be up in November 2007, probably." John said. [read more]

John also, been awarded as the best Drummer of the year according to DRUM! magazine

Scars on Broadway

"Daron asked me to be involved around Christmas of 2006 and I agreed, it’s that simple. As for my role in the band, it will be
similar to that of soad, I'll handle things behind the scenes and do my best to stay out of the limelight, where I'm most
comfortable." said John Dolmayan in exclusive interview to SOADFans on March 2008.

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Dopuna: 18 Jun 2008 12:04
Serj i Tom. . .

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