Ne postoji zenska intuicija, kazu istrazivanja!

Ne postoji zenska intuicija, kazu istrazivanja!

  • Pridružio: 18 Dec 2003
  • Poruke: 7953
  • Gde živiš: Graceland


Women's long-held belief that they have female intuition is merely a myth, suggests new research.

They are no more intuitive than men, even though a substantial number think they are.

More than 15,000 men and women took part in a study which involved looking at genuine and fake smiling faces.

Participants were invited to spot the real smile.

Before studying the faces, volunteers were asked to rate how intuitive they thought they were.

Almost 80% of women rated themselves as highly intuitive, compared with just 58% of men.

But when it came to spotting genuine smiles, there was hardly any difference between the sexes.

In fact, men were slightly in front. They spotted 72% correctly while women were right 71% of the time.


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