Filmovi koje ste skoro gledali.

Filmovi koje ste skoro gledali.

  • Pridružio: 18 Feb 2012
  • Poruke: 0

Skoro sam gledao film "In Time" (U vremenu) [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici] jako mi se svideo, kada se zavrsio dosao sam na ideju da napravim ovaj blog kako bi mogli da preporucujemo filmove jedni drugima Smile Idea

Sinoć "Bitter Moon" Romana Polanskog. [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]
Citat:Nigel Dobson is an English perfect gentleman, married to equally respectable Fiona. On a cruise heading for India, they meet a highly unconventional couple, American unpublished would-be literary celebrity Oscar, in a wheelchair, and his much younger Parisian wife, Mimi. Oscar insists to tell his unsettling life story to Nigel, who is too polite to refuse although its gore content, shamelessly explicit details and foul Yankee language rather disgust the well-bred Brit, yet becomes also fascinated. Oscar tells how he found by chance in Mimi a willing partner for sex, ever pushing their boundaries. When he tires of spiraling passionate devotion to her, the tables turn: Mimi begs Oscar to stay with her at any price, and gets what she bargained for, sadistic scorn and abuse till she's a mere shadow of her former self, yet is finally abandoned on a flight to Martinique. Later Oscar has a car accident, and Mimi returns to Paris to make sure he is condemned to a wheelchair for life, this time utterly dependent on her, no longer free to choose accepting her abuse, yet they get married. Meanwhile Fiona tires of waiting for Nigel during Oscar's story sessions and spends time with flirtatious Italian Dado. During the New year's Eve party, things come to a surprisingly real and personal closure, not in the least for Nigel...

Podela uloga odlična: Piter Kajoti - američki pisac, Hju Grant - uštogljeni Englez, prefinjena Kristin Skot Tomas - njegova žena.

Pre neko veče sam gledala film Majka Lija, "Još jedna godina" na RTS. Kao što je neko već rekao, Li ne ume da napravi loš film. Ima jedna scena koja je baš ostavila utisak na mene: sredovečna udata žena, očigledno depresivna, pati od nesanice i traži od lekarke da joj prepiše lekove za spavanje. Lekarka je šalje na savetodavni razgovor. Savetnica je pita: možete li da se setite najsrećnijeg dana ili trenutka u svom životu? Žena ćuti. Sreća odavno ne stanuje u njenom životu, čak ni u sećanjima.

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