

  • life  Female
  • Super građanin
  • Pridružio: 13 Feb 2006
  • Poruke: 1307


Fallen sick on a joyrey,
In dreams I run wildly
Over a withered moor.

An old poun!
A frog jumps in
The sound of water.

The first soft snow!
Enough to bend the leaves
Off the jonguil low.

In the cicada`s cry
No sign can foretel
How soon it must die.

Covered with the flowers,
Instantly I`d like to die
In his drem of ours.

No sky
No earth- but still
Snow flakes fall.

In my old home
which I forsock,the cherries
are in bloom.

For love and for hate
I swat a fly and offer it
to an ant.

Nigh,and the moon!
My neighbor,playing on his flyte
out of tune!


jesus ove slike su ti fenomenalne
A haiku mada nisam expert za isto mi se svidja...

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