La Femme est Rare


La Femme est Rare

  • Pridružio: 19 Jun 2005
  • Poruke: 2673
  • Gde živiš: u pokretu...

'the problem is that there are hardly any women left. i contend that women have disappeared, that there has been a catastrophe, that the race of women has become scattered, annihilated under our very eyes...'

'the descendent of paleolithic and neolithic times, our mother, our female, our goddess, the being whom i shall call the woman of man, and whom we cannot even conceive of today, was hunted down, touched in her physical and mental body and hurled back into the void.'

'what we call women are beings who only look like women, we embrace imitations belonging to a species which has been entirely or almost entirely destroyed. la femme est rare (woman is rare) said giraudoux. most men, when they marry a mediocre imitation of a man, a slightly slyer one, a sligthly suppler one, are actually marrying themselves.'

'rare is woman, she wades through floods, she topples thrones, she stops the passing years. her skin is like marble. whither go rivers, clouds, lost birds? they all flow into woman...but she is rare...if one encounters her one must run away, for when she loves, when she hates, she is implacable.'

'she knows the secrets of water, stones, plants and animals. she can stare at the sun and see in the dark. she possesses the keys to health, rest, and the harmonies of matter. she is the white witch....the fairy with wide, moist flanks, with transparent eyes, who awaits man to begin a new heaven on earth'

'woman, the true woman, is the one who makes man into more than he is. through her, man gains access to his being, unless he chooses other forms of ascetism, where he will meet her yet again, in a symbolic form...'

'...discovering the true woman is a grace, a blessing, a gift. ...she appears suddenly amongst the herd of false females and the fortunate man who spots her begins to tremble with desire and fear.'

andre van lysebeth, 'tantra, the cult of the feminine'

ljubicasta, ti mene rasplaka sa ovim.
Duboko, istinito i zalosno.

P.S. Na temu gubljenja sebe i originalnosti, znacenja Pravog (muskaraca i zena).

Another Language by Erica Jong ::
The whole world is flat
& I am round.
Even women avert their eyes,
& men, embarrassed
by the messy way
that life turns into life,
look away,
forgetting they themselves
were once this roundness
underneath the heart,
this helpless fish
swimming in eternity.


Citat:'she knows the secrets of water, stones, plants and animals. she can stare at the sun and see in the dark. she possesses the keys to health, rest, and the harmonies of matter. she is the white witch....the fairy with wide, moist flanks, with transparent eyes, who awaits man to begin a new heaven on earth'

yes sHe does. she knows. hvala za ovo... Zagrljaj
i podseti me na "have u really loved a woman"... smešak

@Ella - ovo je samo delic neopisivo dobre knjige koju sam citirala....topla preporuka za citanje Zagrljaj

@kindergirl - nema na cemu. vec dugo hocu da stavim, ali recimo...izbegavala

.....Nije nemoguće shvatiti ž za tagora.....

Erik Bern -Koju igru igraš-
Džon Grej - Muškarci su sa Marsa žene sa Venere
(uz to: Jungovi arhetipovi Marsa i Venere)

Artur Šopenhauer -O ženama-
(Svi muškarci manje ili više u sebi gaje jednog Šopenhauera) Mr. Green

Odnosi muškarac žena to je večiti antagonizam.......i zavisi od više faktora....
Arhetipska figura slike duše po Jungu kod muškaraca je Anima-ženski princip kod žena Animus-muški princip
/o animi i animusu nešto ima u mom blogu o duši -Iskra u nama-/

Žena: majka, sveštenica, veštica, čarobnica, boginja, muza.....zmija....

.... Eva je dala Adamu jabuku a ne on njoj ...!?

Rare and unique

natrix ::
.... Eva je dala Adamu jabuku a ne on njoj ...!?

imala bih dosta komentara na ovo, ali necu da zalazim u neke price. osim da je ta prica o adamu, evi i jabuci vezana za odredjene religije i mislim da je samo dobro iskoriscena da bi se dobio rezultat o kome govori citat iz knjige...

eva je ipak druga adamova zena jer mu je prva odletela sa demonima na crno more...
i on je pokusavao shvatiti zene ali eto kad njemu to nije islo...

eh, treba otici mnogo dalje u proslost i izvan 'mitologije' price o evi, adamu, jabuci i lilit...da bi se pokazali obrisi istinskog nasledja i price Smile

rekao bih do ostrva mu ....tamo bi nasli obrise danasnjih ljudskih teznji i covecijeg pada zbog pohlepe....
da li je divljastvo produkt civilizacije ili...

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