Lirics Game


Lirics Game

  • Pridružio: 07 Jan 2006
  • Poruke: 968
  • Gde živiš: Skopje

Smislio sam jednu interesantnu i edukativnu, a pre svega zabavnu igricu Smile


Ja prvi pocinjem.
Pastram vam pesmu, al samo text, bez naslova i bez izvodzaca.
Ko prvi pronadze koja je to pesma i ko je autor, pise to na vrhu svog odgovora i pastira svoju pesmu, bez imena i autora, svakako.

Evo oje prve pesme ;

You Know You're Right

I would never bother you
I would never promise to
I would never follow you
I would never bother you

Never speak a word again
I will crawl away for good

I will move away from here
You won't be afraid of fear

No thought was put into this
Always knew it would come to this

Things have never been so swell
I have never failed to feel

You know you're right

I'm so warm and calm inside
I no longer have to hide

Let's talk about someone else
Steaming soup begins to melt

Nothing really bothers her
She just wants to love herself

I will move away from here
You won't be afraid of fear

No thought was put into this
Always knew it would come to this

Things have never been so swell
I have never failed to feel!!

You know you're right


Znaci, pogodite cija je pesma i kako se zove, pa stavite svoju da je nadzemo Smile

Nirvana, al sledeci put nemoj da stavljas naslov pesme jer olaksava posao na google-u Wink

Dopuna: 16 Sep 2006 22:27

Hey, tonight,
Gonna be tonight,
Don't you know i'm flyin'
Tonight, tonight.

Hey, c'mon,
Gonna chase tomorrow
Tonight, tonight.

Gonna get it to the rafters,
Watch me now.
Jody's gonna get religion
All night long.

Hey, c'mon,
Gonna hear the sun

Tonight, tonight.

Gonna get it to the rafters,
Watch me now.
Jody's gonna get religion
All night long.

Hey, tonight,
Gonna be tonight,
Don't you know i'm flyin'
Tonight, tonight.
Tonight, tonight.

to je bilo sam za pocetak, da igra krene, ajmo dalje :

Artist: Creedence Clearwater Revival
Album: Pendulum
Title: Hey, Tonight

I looked at your face I saw that all the love had died
I saw that we had forgotten to take the time
I, I saw that you couldn't care less about what you do
Couldn't care less about the lies
You couldn't find the time to cry

We forgot about love
We forgot about faith
We forgot about trust
We forgot about us

Now our love's floating out the window
Our love's floating out the back door
Our love's floating up in the sky in heaven
Where it began back in God's hands

You said that you had said all that you had to say
You said baby it's the end of the day
And we gave a lot but it wasnm't enough
We got so tired that we just gave up

We didn't respect it
We went and neglected it
We didn't deserve it
But I never expected this

Our love floated out the window
Our love floated out the back door
Our love floated up in the sky to heaven
It's part of a plan
It's back in God's hands
Back in God's hands

It didn't last
It's a thing of the past
Oh we didn't understand
Just what we had
Oh I want it back
Just what we had
Oh I want it back
Oh just what we had

He he Smile Nelly Furtado - In god's hands pesma sa njenog novog albuma.

Hold me tight
This is a lonely night
And I've hurt you baby
Because you are my light
Make me strong
Just like you make me weak
When your hands reach out for me
Even in your sleep

I'll soon be gone now
Forever not yours
It won't be long now
Forever not yours

Memories they keep coming through
The good ones hurt more
Than the bad ones do
The days were high
And the nights were deep
And I miss you baby
I miss you baby

I'll soon be gone now
Forever not yours
It won't be long now
Forever not yours
I'll soon be gone now
It won't be long now
Forever not
Forever not yours
I'll soon be gone now
Forever not yours
It won't be long now
Forever not yours
I'll soon be gone now
Forever not yours
It won't be long now
Forever not yours

pa google ce naci i po bilo kom stihu pesme.

A-HA dobar googl

moze domaca

Ti trazis nacin da bi pobegla,
a to je stari ofucan klise
samo si ramenima slegla
i rekla s' tobom nemogu vise

Molim te pazljivo slusaj
onda se sama nekako snadji
trudi se uporno, barem pokusaj
nekoga boljeg od mene nadji

Vrata od svoga srca zakljucaj,
ja sam i dalje izgubljen slucaj
Vrata od svoga srca zakljucaj,
ja sam i daljeeeee..... izgubljen slucaj

Pricu o nama probaj da izostavis,
nejavljaj se i ne pisi
nikakvu uspomenu nemoj da ostavis
iz secanja me izbrisi

Ti trazis nacin da bi pobegla,
a to je stari ofucan klise
samo si ramenima slegla
i rekla s' tobom nemogu vise

Riblja corba, Izgubljen slucaj.. ma dajte.. to je lako..
Ajde da vas SAD vidim!

Golim se okom ne vidi
da ti se na svaki sum dusa raspada
u ogledalu, ni na rendgenu
smo se pred Bogom dusa providi
Udovice u belom brokatu stizu me
i neveste u najcrnjoj svili, ko ce pre...

Mome organizmu hitno treba promena
u ovo vreme nevremena ja sam stvorena
Nije ovo kraj milenijuma, to je svud
evo me na kraju sveta i vise nemam kud

Nemam pojma, ja se predajem, a vi ?

Nema predaje

ROCKAMKD ::Nemam pojma, ja se predajem, a vi ?
i ja se predajem Mr. Green

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Najviše korisnika na forumu ikad bilo je 3466 - dana 01 Jun 2021 17:07

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Korisnici trenutno na forumu: A.R.Chafee.Jr., ivan1973, ladro, laurusri, marsovac 2, ruma, solic, Trpe Grozni, vandrej, wizzardone