Love is everything...


Love is everything...

  • Pridružio: 30 Jun 2006
  • Poruke: 475
  • Gde živiš: U snovima...

Divna si,ocekivala sam ovo od tebe. Poljubac

Dear one, bring your smile
come walk for awhile
everyone knows you're my
Valentine Rose. I am yours
from my head to my toes.

We will smile together
a sad face ~ never-ever
let today be the happiest day.
I will whisper "I love you"
and the skies will be blue
you will tell me you love me
in the valley's green hue.

We must hold on together
in the February weather
my blonde blue-eyed Valentine
how my heart aches for you.

My dearest, my own,
let justice be done, my heart
aches for you; wish we could
be One. Take my hand, seek
the way on this special day.
With your loving caress
this heart you have won.

Deathangel,evo i za tebe jedan poljubac Poljubac

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