Neka pesma kaze kada ne mogu ja...

Neka pesma kaze kada ne mogu ja...

  • Pridružio: 07 Jun 2006
  • Poruke: 2

Rain, I have nowhere to go.
I lost way to my home, but I don`t mind.
Fly, in this cold and lonly night,
Everything is over now, don`t remember me!

Yes, it`s unbelieveble how we used to love,
Feeling very slowly in a mood for fun.
And we never look back, we didn`t think about it,
Cause those were small affairs, what we did was done!

And I` will be with you,
somwhere in the night
In love which has no touch,
Glory, wait for us!

I can hold you in my arms,
I can tell you, oh, my darlin`
But that`s not real

Yes, we`re passingeres. How long we think we live?
We`re still feelin` slowly feeling party feel.
But now that`s all behind us, and everything remind us girl.
Those were small affairs, what we`re goin` to do.

And I` will be with you,
somwhere in the night
In love which has no touch,
Glory, wait for us!

I can hold you in my arms,
I can tell you, oh, my darlin`
But that`s not real

There, there is something in the dark.
Goin` crazy lovin` blind, oh you and I

You, you might not live for so long.
Doesn`t realy matter baby,
Death is here.

Magic, all around us lights of hope
Everything is over now
You`re on your way.


Cujem tvoj sapat
u liscu belih breza,
dok nebom treperi
plavi pogled.
Zastaje dah,
cujem ti misli....
Osecam drhtaj tela,
zaustavljenog u pokretu.
"Kuda,na koju stranu?"-
pitas se.
Kao zarobljena ptica,
trazis izlaz.
Zelis da rasiris
vec dugo spustena krila
i vines se visoko,
iznad svega ovozemaljskog.
Sto dalje od svake reci,
svakog pogleda...
Sto dalje od bola.
Zovem te...
Ne cujes.
Pruzam ti ruku....
Ne vidis.
Hocu da podelimo bol...
Ne das mi.
Suza se sliva lagano,
iz grudi otima krik....
Stojim na obali,
ponovo sama.
Niz reku odlaze zelje
i odsjaj plavog neba....
Treperi dusa moja
sa liscem belih breza....

Forever and ever....

Have you ever told a human being
Something that made you clean?
Have you ever promised, man?
Did that promise find the way
Or it`s sailing till today?
Maybe you deserted love?

Then you`d better close your eyes
Like when waiting for a surprise:
"The world will be better place!"
Don`t be mad
But that`s the moment of your dream
One small trick of reality
You must take your axe and bite!

"All those promises...
Why I gave I can`t explain...
I was falling then in love!"
"Everywhere and every night you will hear
My voice so bright - I am Lucifer!"

We got to love each other till the day
When we find out it`s not O.K.
But that trace you can erase!
But what about the promises?
What we did, and what we could?
Who was then misunderstood?


Otići ćeš

i odneti moju poslednju nadu

da negde na ovom svetu

za mene ima ljubavi.

Otići ćeš

i nestaće i poslednji odsjaj

zvezda iznad grada.

Ugasiće se Mesec iznad Brusnice.

Utihnuće neobična pesma ptice u noći.

Ostaće samo miris kose

na ruci

i nežni dodir na usnama.

Mislila sam da imamo pravo

na još jednu šansu.

Želela to.


"Kasno je"-kažeš-"Izgradio sam zid".

Ne boj se.

Neću ga rušiti.

Samo Ti na to imaš pravo.

Otići ćeš

i nećeš videti slomljeno srce.

Bolje je tako.

Idi sa srećom i osmehom na licu.

Moja ljubav će Te čuvati iz daleka!

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