Poslao: 16 Avg 2006 23:05
- Počasni građanin
- Pridružio: 07 Jan 2006
- Poruke: 968
- Gde živiš: Skopje
Citat:Nuklearni rat pocinje za 10 dana !?
Ovo je bilo tad, a sad je 21, sto znaci, sutra pocinje sra*e !!!
Pravda je ovo objavila pre nekoliko sati :
Nas je svet na ivici novog svetskog rata. Zapocece 22 Avgusta na srednjem istoku. Pretskazivanja nisu izrecena od Baba Vange ili Nostradamusa, vec od Bernarda Luisa, Americkog analiticara u publikacii Wall Street Journal. On je covek sa veoma bliskim vezama u Bushovoj administracii............
(moj prevod)
Citat:Nuclear War
Nuclear war starting in 10 days?
Such was the conclusion reached in the U.S. Russian generals and political scientists disagree only about its exact starting date.
Our world is on the brink of another world war. It will originate August 22nd in the Middle East. The prediction was presented not by Vagna or Nostradamus but by an American political scientist Bernard Lewis in the acclaimed publication of Wall Street Journal. He is a man with close ties to the Bush administration as well as to the non-conservatives pushing for the radical solution of the “Iranian Threat.”
Lewis believes it will be precisely Teheran who will unleash the ultimate conflict by attacking Israel. Why August 22nd? Perhaps simply because Washington has set a deadline for the Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and has demanded a complete wrap up of the nuclear program by that day. It is obvious that Teheran has no intention to comply..................
Izvor :
Videti i ovo :
Radi se, znaci, o 22 Avgustu, kada je veliki Muslimanski praznik.......
Poslao: 16 Avg 2006 23:15
HUh. Dobro je da sam jos pre 9 godina napravio skloniste i u njemu odrzivi i od spoljanjosti nezavisan ekosistem :-)
Dajte ljudi nije valjda da jos postoje ljudi koji veruju u ta predvidjanja? Dobro je sto je za samo 10 dana posto bi me mrzelo vise da cekam da vas vidim ovde 11. dana zive i zdrave bez ikakvog ikakvog nuklearnog rata...
Poslao: 16 Avg 2006 23:17
Nemam pojma druze, jel istina.
Ali bruji o ovome po netu.......
Mozda ne Nuklearna, ali nesto se sprema, to je sigurno......
Ubaci pivo i kubasice u skloniste
Poslao: 17 Avg 2006 00:32
@ROCKAMKD pa ako si malo bolje procitao on prica o proroku Muhamedu i njegovom vidjenju,jer neverujem da bi se bilo ko upustao u nesto tako bez Izlaza?(bar za izvesno vreme)
Poslao: 17 Avg 2006 08:38
MRKY ::A ta nuklearka vredi par miliončeta, daj bože da padne koja na moju terasu
Nisi se ni malo promenio
Poslao: 17 Avg 2006 12:03
@BANE 12
Citat:@ROCKAMKD pa ako si malo bolje procitao on prica o prorokuMuhamedu i njegovom vidjenju,jer neverujem da bi se bilo ko upustao u nesto tako bez Izlaza?(bar za izvesno vreme)
Mislis na ovo :
Citat:What is the significance of Aug. 22? This year, Aug. 22 corresponds, in the Islamic calendar, to the 27th day of the month of Rajab of the year 1427. This, by tradition, is the night when many Muslims commemorate the night flight of the prophet Muhammad on the winged horse Buraq, first to "the farthest mosque," usually identified with Jerusalem, and then to heaven and back (c.f., Koran XVII.1). This might well be deemed an appropriate date for the apocalyptic ending of Israel and if necessary of the world. It is far from certain that Mr. Ahmadinejad plans any such cataclysmic events precisely for Aug. 22. But it would be wise to bear the possibility in mind.
Ne radi se o prorocanstvu, koliko sam ja procitao, to je samo veliki praznik, kao i svake godine. Uvek se na te praznike nesto gadno desava.
Mozda su novinari malo preterali sa nuklearkom, ali da ce biti sra**a to je skoro sigurno.