Pesme iz duse, meni najdraze i najlepse, ikada...


Pesme iz duse, meni najdraze i najlepse, ikada...

  • goust  Male
  • Elitni građanin
  • Pridružio: 09 Apr 2005
  • Poruke: 1799

Evo neceg sto nije bas poznato, ali meni se toliko dopalo da sam je ceo dan slusao...

Cover my eyes
Cover my ears
Tell me these words are a lie
It cant be true
That I'm losing you
The sun cannot fall from the sky

Can you hear heaven cry
Tears of an angel
Tears of aaaaaaaa...
Tears of an angel
Tears of an angel.

Stop every clock
Stars are in shock
The river will flow to the sea
I wont let you fly
I wont say goodbye
I wont let you slip away from me

Can you hear heaven cry
Tears of an angel
Tears of aaaaaaaa...
Tears of an angel
Tears of an angel.

So hold on
Be strong
Everyday on we'll go
I'm here, dont you fear

Little one dont let go
Dont let go
Dont let go

Cover my eyes
Cover my ears
Tell me these words are a lie

Ti si moja ljubavna pesma
moja prva misao
kad me jutro probudi
ti si potreba i smisao

Ti si tim za koji oduvek
iz sve snage navijam
mnoge zene lude za tobom
a ti meni pripadas

Da te volim, malo je reci
ti si moj par pod zvezdama
i ja nista ne bih znala o sreci
da te jos nisam pronasla

Da te volim, malo je reci
ti si moj par pod zvezdama
i ja nista ne bih znala o sreci
da te jos, da te jos nisam pronasla

Ti si moja zivotna ljubav
neko ko me zagreva
kad je hladno i svuda je tama
ti si svetlost jedina

I mada znam da ponekad sumnjas
iz nekih starih razloga
ti si poslednji na ovom svetu
koga bih ikad izdala


Jedina, ponoc odzvanja
jesi li zaspala na ruci dragoga
znas li tu sam ja provodim noc bez sna
ispod tvoga prozora kraj tvojih uzdaha

Hajde sklopi oci nestani u san
doci cu ti u snovima
kad noc proguta dan

Doci cu ti u snovima
kada noc proguta dan
pascu kao kaplja rose
njezno na tvoj dlan

Doci cu ti u snovima
da ti ukradem poljupce
neka vrijeme samo leti
jos uvijek volim te

Onda jutro je tiho budis se
pogledas u covjeka sto spava kraj tebe
onda zaplaces jer to nisam ja
koga si voljela prekasno jedina

Ali ne placi cekaj do veceri
kad zvijezde na nebu zasjaju
mi cemo se ljubiti

Ref. 2x

Ako ove noci odem ja
Dal ces sama zivjet moci
Il ces putem sunca poci
Ako ove noci odem ja

Ako zivot bude samo san
I cvjet tvojih zelja neubran
Dal ce bledi mesec doci
Da ti sklopi snene oci

Ako sve sto imam vjetar nadje
I sunce zivota vjecno zadje
Dal ce neke rijeci ove
Moci vratit stare snove

Hello darkness, my old friend,
I've come to talk with you again,
Because a vision softly creeping,
Left its seeds while I was sleeping,
And the vision that was planted in my brain
Still remains
Within the sound of silence.

In restless dreams I walked alone
Narrow streets of cobblestone,
Neath the halo of a street lamp,
I turned my collar to the cold and damp
When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of
a neon light
That split the night
And touched the sound of silence.

And in the naked light I saw
Ten thousand people, maybe more.
People talking without speaking,
People hearing without listening,
People writing songs that voices never share
And no one deared
Disturb the sound of silence.

"Fools" said I,"You do not know
Silence like a cancer grows.
Hear my words that I might teach you,
Take my arms that I might reach you."
But my words like silent raindrops fell,
And echoed
In the wells of silence

And the people bowed and prayed
To the neon god they made.
And the sign flashed out its warning,
In the words that it was forming.
And the signs said, The words of the prophets
are written on the subway walls
And tenement halls.
And whisper'd in the sounds of silence.
[Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]

C'est la vie
Have your leaves all turned to brown
Will you scatter them around you
C'est la vie
Do you love
And then how am I to know
If you don't let your love show for me
C'est la vie

Oh c'est la vie
Oh c'est la vie
Who knows, who cares for me
C'est la vie

In the night
Do you fight a lover's fire
Do the ashes of desire for you remain
Like the sea
There's a love to deep to show
Took a storm before my love
Flowed for you
C'est la vie

Oh c'est la vie
Oh c'est la vie
Who knows, who cares for me
C'est la vie

Like a song
Out of tune and out of time
All I needed was a rhyme for you
C'est la vie
Do you give
Do you live from day to day
Is there is no song I can play for you
C'est la vie

Oh c'est la vie
Oh c'est la vie
Who knows, who cares for me
C'est la vie

Cómo decir que me parte en mil
Las esquinitas de mis huesos,
Que han caído los esquemas de mi vida
Ahora que todo era perfecto.
Y algo más que eso,
Me sorbiste el seso y me decían del peso
De este cuerpecito mío
Que se ha convertido en río.
De este cuerpecito mío
Que se ha convertido en río.

Me cuesta abrir los ojos
Y lo hago poco a poco,
No sea que aún te encuentre cerca.
Me guardo tu recuerdo
Como el mejor secreto,
Que dulce fue tenerte dentro.

Hay un trozo de luz
En esta oscuridad
Para prestarme calma.
El tiempo todo calma,
La tempestad y la calma,
El tiempo todo calma,
La tempestad y la calma.

Siempre me quedará
La voz suave del mar,
Volver a respirar la lluvia que caerá
Sobre este cuerpo y mojará
La flor que crece en mi,
Y volver a reír
Y cada día un instante
Volver a pensar en ti.
En la voz suave del mar,
En volver a respirar la lluvia que caerá
Sobre este cuerpo y mojará
La flor que crece en mi,
Y volver a reír
Y cada día un instante
Volver a pensar en ti.

Cómo decir que me parte en mil
Las esquinitas de mis huesos,
Que han caído los esquemas de mi vida
Ahora que todo era perfecto.
Y algo más que eso,
Me sorbiste el seso
Y me decían del peso
De este cuerpecito mío
Que se ha convertido en río.

Siempre me quedará
La voz suave del mar,
Volver a respirar la lluvia que caerá
Sobre este cuerpo y mojará
La flor que crece en mi,
Y volver a reír
Y cada día un instante
Volver a pensar en ti.
En la voz suave del mar,
En volver a respirar la lluvia que caerá
Sobre este cuerpo y mojará
La flor que crece en mi,
Y volver a reír
Y cada día un instante
Volver a pensar en ti.

goust ::Evo neceg sto nije bas poznato, ali meni se toliko dopalo da sam je ceo dan slusao...Eo i od mene nešto...

Sta reci...

O more
jos se sjecam onih dana
kad si nasa tjela
milovalo pjenom tvojih vala
tad smo djeca bili mi
i jos nismo znali
sto nam nosis ti

A s pjesmom i mirisom tvojim
radjala se ljubav nasa
i zato ti more hvala

More, more, more, more
more, more, o more

I to sunce
sto nad tobom tako sije
i taj galeb
sto nad tobom leti
i opojni miris bora
svo to tvoje blago
dalo si nam ti

Dalo si nam ljubav vjecnu
dalo si nam srecu
i zato ti more hvala

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