We want your soul

We want your soul

  • Vlada 
  • Elitni građanin
  • Pridružio: 07 Jul 2003
  • Poruke: 1544
  • Gde živiš: Vranje

Po mom misljenju surova istina o svetu. Srecan sam sto ne zivim u americkom drustvu koje ova pesma upravo opisuje, ali se i nadam da cemo mi bar sa ovog podrucja sacuvati sebe i svoju dusu.

Osim sto je ova stvar do jaja, poruka pesme je nevidjena a i spot u mnogome govori sam za sebe...

We want your Soul x5

Show us Your Habits, Your Facts, Your Fears
Give us your address, your shoe size, your years
your digits, your plans, your number, your eyes
your skedule, your desktop, your details, your life.
Show us your children, your photos, your home.
Here, take credit, take insurance, take a loan.
Get a job, get a pension, get a haircut, get a suit.
Play the lottery, play football, play the field, sports to boot

We want your Soul x5
(in background...Your Cash, Your House, Your Phone, Your Life, Your Cash, Your House, Your Life)

Here's programmes, here's matters, here's Britney, here's Cola
Here's pizza, here's TV, here's some rock and some rolla
Watch commercials, more commercials, watch Jerry, not Oprah
Buy a better life from the comfort of your sofa
Here's popcorn, here's magazines, here's milkshake, here's blue jeans
here's padded bras, here's long cars, here's football shirts, here's baseball caps
here's live talk shows, here's video games, here's cola lite, here's Timberlake
here's fingertips, here's colegen, here's all night bars, here's plastic

We want your soul x5
(In the background...Your Cash, Your House, Your Phone, Your Life, Your Cash, Your House, Your Life)

Your cellphone, your wallet, your time, your ideas
No barcode, no party, no iodine, no beers
your bankcard, your license, your thoughts, your fears
no simcard, no disco, no photo, not here
your blood, your sweat, your passions, your regrets
your office, your timeoff, your fashions, your sex
your tits, your pass, your face, your ass.

Citat:Srecan sam sto ne zivim u americkom drustvu koje ova pesma upravo opisuje, ali se i nadam da cemo mi bar sa ovog podrucja sacuvati sebe i svoju dusu.

nema veze to sa americhkim drushtvom niti bilo kojim drushtvom uopshte. toga ima svuda. sve zavisi kako se ko i na koji nachin "bori" sa tim. dushu mogu da mi uzmu samo ako im dam. Smajli

Citat:Show us Your Habits, Your Facts, Your Fears
Give us your address, your shoe size, your years
your digits, your plans, your number, your eyes
your skedule, your desktop, your details, your life.
Show us your children, your photos, your home ...

... dear customer thank you for registering your Facebook

To je moja prva asocijacija na text iz prve strofe.

Kao sto rece Kindergirl, to nije samo slika americkog drustva, nego svakog modernog drustva uopste. Svi teze da nam zadiru u privatnost i to ce uspeti samo onoliko koliko mi im to dozvolimo.

Socijalne mreze su najbolja slika toga, ako mislis da funkcionises kako treba, onda maras da ostavis sve podatke, pa negde cak i vise nego sto bi trazio neki sud ili policijska istraga. Najgore od svega sto ljudi to rade dobrovoljno to meni nikada nece biti jasno, majke mi Bebee Dol .

P.S. Stvar je melodicna sto je lepo smešak

ovo nije puna verzija pesme, u punoj verziji pominje se:

go back to bed america your government is in control again
here watch this shut up
you are free to do as we tell you
you are free to do as we tell you

o back to bed America
here's American Gladiators, here's 56 channels of it
watch these pituitary retards bang their fuckin' skulls together
and congratulate you on living in the land of freedom
here you go America
you are free to do as we tell you
you are free to do as we tell you

itd... tako da se pesma konkretno odnosi na americko drustvo...

I ova ima sličnu poruku...


you've gotta die, gotta die, gotta die for your government?
die for your country? that's shit!
you've gotta die, gotta die, gotta die for your government?
die for your country? that's shit!

there's a gulf war vet, dying a slow, cold death
and the government says, "we don't know the source of his sickness."
but don't believe what they say, because your government is lying
they've done it before and don't you know they'll do it again
a secret test, government built virus "subject test group: gulf battle field troops"

you've gotta die, gotta die, gotta die for your government?
die for your country? that's shit!
you've gotta die, gotta die, gotta die for your government?
die for your country? that's shit!

first world war veterans slaughtered, by general eisenhower
you give them your life, they give you a stab in the back
radiation, agent orange, tested on U.S souls guinea pigs for western corporations
i never have, i never will pledge allegiance to their flag you're getting used, you'll end up dead!

you've gotta die, gotta die, gotta die for your government?
die for your country? that's shit!
you've gotta die, gotta die, gotta die for your government?
die for your country? that's shit!

i don't need you to tell me what to do
and i don't need you to tell me what to be... fuck you!
i don't need you to tell me what to say
and i don't need you to tell me what to think!
what to think! what to think, what to think, what to think, think, think, think!

you've gotta die, gotta die, gotta die for your government?
die for your country? that's shit!
you've gotta die, gotta die, gotta die for your government?
die for your country? that's shit!

you've gotta die, gotta die, gotta die for your government?
die for your country? that's shit!
you've gotta die, gotta die, die for your country? that's shit!

you've gotta die, gotta die, gotta die for your government?
die for your country? that's shit!
you've gotta die, gotta die, gotta die for your government?
die for your country? that's shit!
that's shit!

@ Vlada

Nažalost tako je svuda, samo je u Americi malo više izraženo.

@ Simke

Zato ja nemam Face nalog. Smile

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