Poslao: 01 Jun 2006 19:16
- Black Orchid
- Na pola puta...
- Pridružio: 22 Nov 2003
- Poruke: 1978
- Gde živiš: na preseku Vremena i Vechnosti
... sve shto treba...
Mmmm, chocolate...
"I think we can't go around measuring our goodness by what we don't do - by what we deny ourselves, what we resist and who we exclude. I think we've got to measure goodness by what we embrace, what we create and who we include."
Yeah, I love 'em all - black, white... creamy, with raisins, hazelnut, cherry, orange, joghurt..... it's all fine to me
Ju, postoji i slatko Drushtvo...
Divine, indeed...
p.s. http://www.gastro.hr/index.php/hr/nutricionizam/namirnice/rogac
Poslao: 02 Jun 2006 03:37
O čokoladi kao afrodizijaku kruže priče već vekovima... Postoje priče po kojima su kakao i napici od kakaa omogućavali vladarima velikih južnoameričkih civilizacija da zadovoljavaju svoje hareme nezasitih crnpurastih lepotica... Iako afrodizijačko svojstvo čokolade nikad nije dokazano, a neki je čak smatraju za supstitut za seksualnu aktivnost.
Međutim, postoji mišljenje da je čar u mešavini ukusa: prvenstveno ljutog i slatkog... Jedan od velikog broja recepata koji se oslanja na ovu jednostavnu recepturu je i ovaj:
Citat:Vrući ljubavni napitak
Kombinacijom čokolade, začina, vrhnja i mlijeka, uz dodatak šećera, vaš će život postati sladak. Ne zaboravite, receptura je za dvoje, a najvruća je ljubav ona uz vrući čokoladni napitak!
400 ml punomasnog mlijeka
150 g čokolade za kuhanje
2 Vanilin šećera Dolcela
1 štapić cimeta
1 čili papričica
2 žličice smeđeg šećera
100 ml slatkog vrhnja
1 žlica Amaretta
2 žličice čokoladnih strugotina
1. U mlijeko dodajte vanilin šećer, smeđi šećer, štapić cimeta i čili papričicu. Zagrijte do vrenja. Dodajte čokoladu izlomljenu na komadiće i miješajte na laganoj vatri dok se čokolada ne rastopi.
2. Maknite s vatre, nakon desetak minuta začine izvadite, a čokoladni napitak ponovno zagrijte do vrenja.
Ljubavnom napitku dodajte Amaretto pa ga ukrasite tučenim slatkim vrhnjem i strugotinama čokolade.
Slatko vrhnje nemojte tući do njegove pune čvrstoće, nego dok ne postane kremasto
Poslao: 02 Jun 2006 23:32
@ Srki_82
ih, pa nemoj meshati babe i zhabe... sarma je za sarmu, a chokolada za chokoladu (a mozhe i jedno pa drugo )
@ Ella
well, what can I say? thanx for the tip
@ Deluvium
@ SSpin
pa shta ti fali, posle ces uzhivash
p.s. daj mori recept ako nije neki odavde
A za one koji nisu (ili ipak jesu... hmm...) videli link tamo gore...
Citat:The Lure and Lore of Chocolate
The Romance of Chocolate
Throughout chocolate’s long history, people believed it was a powerful aphrodisiac. The Aztecs took advantage of chocolate’s purported love-inducing properties, and their Spanish conquerors carried this belief about eating chocolate to Europe.
In recent years, scientists have tried to figure out whether eating chocolate can truly inspire passion and increase romantic performance.
Legend says chocolate is a powerful love potion.
History is full of stories about people who put chocolate’s reputation to the test.
- Montezuma supposedly drank 50 cups of chocolate a day. And as if that weren’t enough, he downed an additional cup to increase his stamina before consorting with his female companions.
- Casanova, reportedly the greatest lover who ever lived, was said to have drunk chocolate daily to increase his amorous energy. Supposedly he preferred it over champagne as an aphrodisiac.
- The Marquis de Sade, an author and the inspiration for the term “sadistic,” had his wife send him chocolate in prison. He was even rumored to have thrown a hedonistic party where he served guests chocolate laced with cantharsis (a Spanish fly also believed to induce lust).
- St. Valentine’s Day supported the tradition of sending chocolates to the one you love—the idea being that the candy’s mysterious properties would seduce your beloved’s heart and cause him or her to return your feelings.
Citat:Science says it’s all in your head.
Researchers have discovered that chocolate contains phenylethylamine (PEA), the same chemical that the human brain releases during moments of emotional pleasure. PEA is also believed to be responsible for the feeling that we have when we are “in love.”
But don’t get too excited by this discovery. Most studies show that the body breaks down the PEA in food so quickly that it doesn’t enter the bloodstream. And even if it were absorbed, there is no evidence that it would increase PEA levels in the brain.
When picking out a St. Valentine’s Day gift for a loved one next year, you may want to head for the grocery store. Cheddar cheese, salami, and pickled herring all contain more PEA (the chemical connected with emotional highs) than chocolate.
p.s. fala za recepat