breaking point

breaking point

  • Pridružio: 22 Nov 2003
  • Poruke: 1978
  • Gde živiš: na preseku Vremena i Vechnosti

"Mysterious, intense Vesta in Scorpio seeks the answers to mysteries and insists on depth and meaning in all your relationships and commitments. You are intensely devoted to your romantic partner, but that intensity holds true in the rest of your life, as well. Work is very important to you, and it's even more important that you are deeply interested in and committed to your career. A Vesta-Scorpio won't labor long on something which doesn't hold her attention. The same is true with people - you may find you seek out those whom are more than meets the eye, a still water which runs deep or a reticent and distant person. Some people, however, may not be worthy of your keen interest - don't be falsely attracted by those who purposely hold back and play games with your affections. You're terrified of your own intensity and fear that your devotion may leave you weak and powerless. It ain't so, Vesta-Scorpio, and holding back will only hurt you." (how yes no..)


break-fast. break the fast. or break fast. or break it fast? break her fast?!? or get a fast break? break it in? or break (it) off? break up fast. make a fast break? break away fast. or break down? or break it down? break out. break through? or break out of it fast?

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"I'm an idealist. I don't know where I'm going but I'm on the way."

Sandburg, med i so...

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"Stepenika bezbroj ima, gde da stanem da ne propadnem
Gde da trchim, gde da bezhim, kuda se do tebe putuje ..."

Igra u krugu...

"Tezhak san, tihi korak,
mrtav mrak, curi oblak,
beskucnik koji trazhi
zbir znakova po prashumi ..."

Koliko puta... protiv sebe

* * *



bonus track:

"I've got no map to find my way
Amongst these clouds of dust
Fear can stop you loving
Love can stop your fear ...
But it's not always that clear..."

Morcheeba - Fear and Love

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